Title: Use Times New Roman 12 point bold. Only capitalise first letter of first word. Maximum two lines. No full stop at the end of title)
Author(s):Affiliation of the author(s) shall appear beneath the line of author names and in Time New Roman 12 point plain. Please include the address(es) and e-mail(s) of the author(s). Underline the author who will present the paper.
Summary: Your summary text must use Times New Roman 10 point font and MUSTNOT be longer than 400 words

Key words:No more than 5 phrases are suggested for the list ofkey words


Title: Use Times New Roman 12 point bold. Only capitalise first letter of first word. Maximum two lines. No full stop at the end of title)
Screening of Ophiostoma Species for Removal of Hardwood Extractives
Author(s):Affiliation of the author(s) shall appear beneath the line of author names and in Time New Roman 12 point plain. Please include the address(es) and e-mail(s) of the author(s). Underline the author who will present the paper.
Yu-chang Sua, Chen-lung Hob, Kuang-ping Hsub, Hou-min Changc, Roberta Farrelld and Eugene I-chen Wangb*
aDepartment of Forestry, National Chung Hsing University
bDepartment of Wood Cellulose, Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
cDepartment of Wood & Paper Science, North Carolina State University
dDepartment of Biological Sciences, The University of Waikato
*Corresponding Author, Eugene I-chen Wang, 53 Nanhei Road, Taipei, Taiwan 100, Telephone: 886-2-23039978, Fax: 886-2-23037832, Email:
Summary: Your summary text must use Times New Roman 10 point font and MUSTNOT be longer than 400 words
Ophiostoma species have been demonstrated to metabolise wood extractives and be useful to the pulp and paper industry. In order to have new isolates for the Asian market, Eucalyptus camaldulensis logs were harvested from forest sites in central Taiwan and 28 strains of the Ophiostoma genus were isolated from them. These strains were subsequently inoculated onto Eucalyptus wood chips to evaluate their effects on weight losses of wood and the amounts of acetone extractives degraded. At the same time, Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy(GC-MS) analysis was conducted and by using internal standards and a database of GC-MS mass spectra, changes in lipophilic compounds were analyzed. Fatty acids, hydrocarbons, sterol compounds, sterol esters and triglycerides were significantly reduced after two weeks inoculation by the fungal strains. The results show that 6 of the strains were capable of reducing the lipophilic fractions by more than 60% in a 2-weeks treatment. DNA of the most effective strains were analyzed and found to be a variant of Ophiostoma querci.

Key words:No more than 5 phrases are suggested for the list ofkey words

Eucalyptus camadulensis, Ophiostoma, lipophilic, pitch.