IDP 2017 (Intermediate Data Product) Pre-Cruise Metadata form
Return to GDAC, BODC, National Oceanography Centre, University of Southampton Waterfront Campus, European Way, Southampton, SO14 3ZH
E-mail: /
Cruise Name: [any identifier (acronyms)including technical name] / M121, GEOTRACES GA08
Platform Name and type: RV Meteor
[vessel, mooring, satellite, towed vehicle]
[associated project or program name related to funding]
Lead Nation: Germany
Chief scientist (Lead scientist / Principal Investigator) contact details
Name (including title): Prof. Martin Frank / Email: / Phone (including country code): 0049 431 600 2218
Mailing Address: GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Wischhofstraße 1-3, 24148 Kiel, Germany
Co-Chief scientist contact details:
Name (including title): Prof. Eric Achterberg / Email: / Phone (including country code): 0049 431 600 1290
Mailing Address: GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Wischhofstraße 1-3, 24148 Kiel, Germany
Cruise Details
Start Port and Country: Walvis Bay, Namibia / Start date: 21.11.2015
End Port and Country: Walvis Bay, Namibia / End Date: 27.12.2015
Location: [general description of study area; map/ cruise track/ coordinates if possible]
Angola Basin and northernmost Cape Basin:
Cruise Overview: [proposal abstract]
A research cruise with FS Meteor is proposed for winter 2015/2016 in the South Eastern (SE) Atlantic Ocean. The focus is on trace metal biogeochemistry and chemical oceanography but also includes physical and biological oceanographic components. The main goal of the cruise is to determine in detail the distributions of trace elements and their isotopes (TEIs) in the water column of the SE Atlantic in order to constrain TEI supply and removal mechanisms, their biogeochemical cycling, and their interaction with the nitrogen cycle in the study region. The cruise will officially be part of the internationally coordinated program GEOTRACES (cruise GA08). The research will focus on three main areas, which can ideally be combined in the proposed study area with respect to their ship time requirements. The first focus will be the detailed investigation of the distribution of the TEIs, some of which act as limiting micronutrients for primary productivity and diazotrophy. The TEI distribution will be related to the distribution and mixing of the water masses of the Benguela upwelling region and their properties with respect to oxygen levels and exchange with the anoxic shelves. Secondly, the fluxes and supply pathways of TEIs via dust (Namibian Desert), sediments and major rivers, mainly the Congo and Orange Rivers, will be investigated. This will include radiogenic (Nd), radioactive (Ra), and stable isotope systems (Si, Ba) The third focus will be the investigation of the offshore distribution of the TEIs as a function of major ocean circulation and water mass mixing including radiogenic isotopes (Nd, Pb) and radioactive isotopes (231Pa/230Th). This is particularly important because some of these TEIs are applied as paleo water mass tracers but knowledge on their present day distribution is scarce. The relationships between the supply strengths of key TEIs (e.g. Fe, Co, Mn, Mo) that drive ocean productivity, N2 fixation and N-loss processes (anammox and denitrification), will be assessed as water column N:P ratios in the study region show strong deviations from the classical Redfield ratio, with potential consequences for productivity in downstream regions of the Atlantic. This work is of global significance and will provide improved understanding of the role of diverse processes in controlling the chemical environment in which ecosystems operate worldwide.
Intercalibration activities: Please provide details of how each element was calibrated to meet the requirements of the GEOTRACES programme e.g. use of SaFe standards, collaborative sampling
All participating groups analyzing key TEIs have successfully taken part in the GEOTRACES intercalibration efforts. We will have a cross over station with the CoFeMug cruise (led by M. Saito) in order to confirm the compatatibility of our data, in particular concerning the new trace metal clean rosette and winch system of GEOMAR. Reference samples will be exchanged with other intercalibrated groups. There will also be sampling for a new set of SAFe reference samples.
Anticipated list of parameters to be submitted to GDAC: Key parameters listed - please list any other parameters measured and the PI’s contact information. Also include information in regards to the phase i.e. dissolved or particulate and how the samples were collected. i.e.
(dissolved)- stands for CTD –Bottle and (particulate) stands for in situ pumps
Trace elements:
Fe (dissolved)
Al (dissolved)
Zn (dissolved)
Mn (dissolved)
Cd (dissolved)
Cu (dissolved)
REEs (dissolved)
HFSEs and transition metals (dissolved)
Fe (particulate)
Al (particulate) Zn (particulate)
Mn (particulate)
Cd (particulate)
Cu (particulate)
REEs (particulate)
HFSEs and transition metals (particulate)
Other / Contact for each element (PI); [name, organisation and email]
E. Achterberg, GEOMAR,
E. Achterberg, GEOMAR,
E. Achterberg, GEOMAR,
E. Achterberg, GEOMAR,
E. Achterberg, GEOMAR,
E. Achterberg, GEOMAR,
E.Hathorne, GEOMAR,
A. Koschinsky, Jacobs University,
E. Achterberg, GEOMAR,
E. Achterberg, GEOMAR,
E. Achterberg, GEOMAR,
E. Achterberg, GEOMAR,
E. Achterberg, GEOMAR,
E. Achterberg, GEOMAR,
E.Hathorne, GEOMAR,
A. Koschinsky, Jacobs University,
/ Internationally calibrated (Yes or No)
No / Expected date of analysis
End of 2016
End of 2016
End of 2016
End of 2016
End of 2016
End of 2016
End of 2016
End of 2017
End of 2016
End of 2016
End of 2016
End of 2016
End of 2016
End of 2016
End of 2016
End of 2017
Radioactive isotopes:
230Th (dissolved)
231Pa (dissolved)
232Th (dissolved)
Radium isotopes (dissolved)
230Th (particulate)
231Pa (particulate)
232Th (particulate)
/ G. Henderson, Oxford University,
G. Henderson, Oxford University,
G. Henderson, Oxford University,
J. Scholten, CAU Kiel,
G. Henderson, Oxford University,
G. Henderson, Oxford University,
G. Henderson, Oxford University, / Yes
No / Mid 2017
Mid 2017
Mid 2017
Mid 2017
Mid 2017
Mid 2017
Mid 2017
Stable isotopes:
Other / M. Frank, GEOMAR,
S. Galer, MPI Mainz,
M. Frank, GEOMAR, / Yes
No / End of 2017
End of 2017
End of 2017
Radiogenic isotopes:
Nd isotopes (dissolved)
Pb isotopes (dissolved)
/ M. Frank, GEOMAR,
S. Galer, MPI Mainz, / Yes
No / Mid 2017
End of 2017
NON TEI data set (add as required)
N2 fixation
/ G. Lavik, MPI Bremen,
E. Achterberg, GEOMAR, / No
Yes / End of 2017
End of 2017
Other parameters:
List CTD hydrographic parameters [sensors including make/ model/ when last calibrated, salinity, temperature, oxygen, nutrients etc]
Parameter / Sensor / Range / Accuracy / Resolution
Instrument / Type / (typically)
Attached to standard rosette
CTD / SeaBird / SBE-911plus
Temperature / SeaBird / SBE-3 / -5°C à +35°C / 0.001°C / 0.0002°C
Conductivity / SeaBird / SBE-4 / 0-7 S/m
(0-70mmho/cm) / 0.0003 S/m
(0.003mmho/cm) / 0.00004 S/m
(0.0004 mmho/cm)
Pressure / SeaBird / SBE-911plus / up to 10 500m
(15 000psia)*
Oxygen / SeaBird / SBE-43 / 120% of surface
saturation** / 1.5 μM/kg / unknown
pH / SeaBird / SBE-18 / 0-14 pH units / 0,1 pH unit / unknown
Nitrates / Satlantic / MBARI ISUS / up to 2000 mM / ±2 mM / ±0.05 mM
Fluorometer / Seapoint / Chlorophyll-fluorometer / 5-150 mg/l / unknown / unknown
Transmissiometer 1 / Wetlabs / C-Star transmissiometer / 0-30 °C / 0.1% F.S. / unknown
Transmissometer 2 / Wetlabs / C-Star transmissiometer / 0-30 °C / 0.1% F.S. / unknown
Altimeter / Benthos
Trace metal clean rosette CTD, same as above (SBE 9plus with SBE 5T pump)
dual Conductivity sensor: SBE 3
dual Temperature sensor: SBE 4
dual Oxygen sensor: SBE-43
Particles will be collected using Challenger Oceanic in situ pumps by the group of E. Achterberg. In addition, particles will be collected by filtration directly from the GoFlo bottles using 0.45µm membrane filters.
Aerosols will be collected using and High Volume aerosol sampler by the group of E. Achterberg
List Underway data: [Met data, navigation hull mounted sensors including make and model]
Underway CTD data will be collected by the ships own system.
Shipboard ADCP (RDI Ocean Surveyer 38kHz)
Temperature: various sensors, but not very precise
Salinity; SeaBird SBE 21
Surface Meteorological data: (div.)
Is there a national data centre: (name and contact) [If not then GDAC should be used]
All data will have to be submitted to the PANGAEA data centre (AWI Bremerhaven) but data will be sent in parallel directly to GDAC.
Other relevant information: