Present: : Liz Ellis, Pam Webb, Sheila Smith, Pat Ager, Carol Mclellan, John Venning, Jenny Cottee, Judy Cullen, Tina Allen, Lesley West, Ray Clayton, Lynda Chater, Roger Sym

Martijn Gilbert ,Reading Buses gave a presentation about how things are going for Reading Buses- he reported another award-best bus operator UK (top industry prize- first time awarded to Reading Buses – recent award ceremony. The adjudication was initially paper-based; final was determined by ‘mystery shoppers testing every aspect of the service-reading buses were clear winners. Vindicated the focus on customer. other awards include women in transport
Martijn gave an impressive presentation on ensuring Reading Buses doesn’t rest on laurels but looks to the future- new buses coming after trials considering many options including central doors to speed up exits, reviewing fuels, maintain colour branded services, looking for attractions- e.g. wifi, usb charging facilities university bus route, concentration on greening the whole company not just air quality issues. School buses (silver stars). Rise in use of smart cards- now 29%
Key emphasis on all staff, training, development. Bus drivers recruited from many customer focused backgrounds- people who like people.
Before asking for questions Liz commented that we had could rest easy-Reading Buses in safe hands after Martijn’ predecessor, James Freeman had left to work for Bristol Buses many had been worried- but now reassured.
Questions covered Bus stops- , timetables, suspension, no change policy
New Year Letter is in hand- we plan to get it to the delivery volunteers before Christmas so that they can deliver during the holiday break
3 Blundells Copse-Hedge at Calder close – The hedge is already looking much better thanks too the work of CROW and the clearance by the community payback team on clearance. The wood looks good from the alleyway. Crow members will be finishing off their bit and the pay-back team will be planting the hedge of mixed wild-life friendly species and adding the leaf mulch .The payback team will maintain the saplings and keeping weeds from smothering the young plants during 2016. / Many thanks to all for concerted efforts
4Christmas Lights are looking good at the Triangle – put up on Sun 29 Nov- will come down on about Sun 3 Jan The batteries will be replaced half way through the illumination period. Thanks Carol for organizing purchase to keep up with the growth of the tree and getting them up etc.
5 T.G. Face Book page – members congratulated Lynda on our super interesting and fun facebook page well done –we think it will help inform a good range of people about what we do , future events etc and help us keep our contact list growing-the bigger it is the more we can achieve. / Like it , pass on to friends and family
6.Planning issues : Dec 24 closing date for comments on West Berks sites for houses-e.g. Clements Mead field and Stonehams farm (wed 20 Jan Globe meeting about RBC next phase consultation)
7. Two more consultations
(a) RBC has launched a consultation on proposals to allow cycling in Broad Street - closing date 31st December 2015.
(b) RBC have launched a consultation on Air Quality - closing date 11th January –
and update- RBC decided not to do kerbside food waste collections
8 Outstanding items- RBC comments needed: bike stands at Lloyds bank? , Planters at School rd, Litter team contact point when items such as lots of garden waste found
9 Research needed: ‘ Fields in Trust’, ‘Living streets’

We finished the meeting with a get-together and festive eats


Present: : Liz Ellis, Cllr Ricky Duveen, Carol Mclellan, John Venning, Jenny Cottee, Ray Clayton, Debrah Chatal, Philip Webb, Lynda Chater

Apols:, Roger Sym

1.  Why RBC refused planning permission for 3 houses on Chapel Hill Allotments site (application no 151610) We looked at the refusal letter which gave 6 reasons, only one of which could be answered by changing the application. The reasons were based on planning rules. The RBC Local Plan (see rbc website) contains these rules (some are based on national rules). An important one was core strategy policy 28 ( CS28) which says people can only build on open space (publicly or privately owned) in exceptional circumstances, and then they must provide replacement land . Other reasons were about loss of the allotment ( valuable community resource) ,preserving the character of the area, and visual effect of the proposal.
The letter illustrated the importance of the Local Plan and how it determines the shape of the area. / Also see items 4 below about consultation to update/revise the Local Plan starts in January.
Speaker at Globe meeting 20 Jan
2.  Future forTilehurstLibraryand rest of Library service. Petitions had been handed in, but personal responses needed. The closing date for the first stage of the consultation is Monday 23 Nov- paper copies and on line comments needed. The questionnaire is about how you use library services, and ideas about the future- how to make the savings. The library is important for Tilehurst Globe and other groups as well as for individuals. Many leaflets about local facilities events etc are displayed here. People see them and collect them. There is no alternative location. The events- coffee mornings, childrens story times and singing as well as book borrowing .. We considered the practicalities of volunteers helping-difficulties of having recommitting to specific times. / Respond asap
3 Finance –plans for next year(starting 1 april 2016) and the rest of this year( inc bulb planting and newsletter)
Carol had prepared a paper on cash flow, anticipated income/expenditure for 2016/17 and the remainder of the current f/y, and discussed with Liz and Jenny. Currently our income is about £1100 pa of which a bit more than 50% is from RBC. We have no evidence that we will receive any more RBC grants , and anticipate if we undertake the rest of our planned activities ( eg bulb planting) we will start the new fe on 1 April 2016 with £700 in the bank. We discussed fund raising ideas- focusing on regular income sources. Ideas include seeking more business sponsors and asking individuals ( members or members of the public) for small monthly contributions by standing orders More discussions, and thinking needed then decisions and action in jan
We decided (i) to maintain the current programme so bulb planting, newsletter etc proceed and we anticipate £700 balance 1 April., (ii) to publish planned activities in our new year letter according to a similar pattern and (iii) to tackle income sources vigorously early in the new year. / . Agenda January meeting
investigate all sources of income.
Consider implications carefully
4.ReadingHousing Conference17.11.15 Jenny reported the annual conference had been about the local housiing crisis-fed by local prosperity, housing situation very serious. Govt. has removed many powers from councils and housing associations which makes the situation worse. Reading Council is particularly concerned about B&B –very expensive, unsatisfactory for any length of time. Exceptionally high prices mean that even with reductions renting and buying are out of reach of people on average incomes. Severe knock on effects on recruitment e.g.. teachers. RBC co-operate with other Berkshire councils regarding commissioning a consultant to estimate total housing need to 2036 and then negotiate and agree allocations that each council must include in their local plan.
Reading Council say they are thinking ‘outside the box’ for new solutions eg releasing some temporary housing in Dee Park. Schemes to make renting better for tenants and landlords,
The conference working groups considered different aspects , seek ideas from all. Housing supply group contained developers, housing assn reps , members of public. Emphasis on joint problem –solving.
The local plan needs updating to reflect housing issues and changes- will cover 2016-2036. Updating process will be faster than writing the original. Revised housing figures require building 699 new homes per year for the 20 years to 2036 in Reading , an increase of 22% on the current plans requirement for 635 per year. / Revision of Local Plan first stage of consultation jan-mid feb –have your say about housing and other policies like open space.
RBC Planning Officer Kiaran Roughan will speak at Globe meeting 20 Jan explain the process and how to have your say.
5.  NAG meeting17.11.15 – ( statutory group for liaison between local police and neighbourhood groups) Liz had attended and reported what had happened. She had learnt of staff shortage- hoping to recruit- only 2 officers in west area . The meeting largely reported and talked about speeding and asking for volunteers to monitor roads using the equipment purchased. Liz put forward the idea of having more 30mph signs to put on bins s since you thought the trial was a success.
Now RBC have only 1 dog warden
Liz had reported problems for pedestrians at the Norcot lights/school rd up to Gratwicke rd area. Improperly parked cars , poor visibility issues leading to dangers and fear of accidents/near misses etc / Follow up with photo ,
6.Blundells copse(i), Calder Close hedge laying done by CROW had been very successful
(ii) plans for imminent Community payback scheme to help improve the hedge at top- aiming for saplings of Spindle, Wayfarer, Guelder Rose, Buckthorn and or Hazel / Donations of saplings/ young trees welcome phone if you can help 9425169
7.DecemberGlobe Meeting (9.12.15)speaker: CEO Reading Buseswith presentation – projector and screen sorted… we discussed some questions we hope will be covered (. We decided to have some xmas eats after the presentation – small amounts of contributions welcome / Bring a small ( one or two person size) contribution to the eats
9 Outstanding items- RBC comments needed : bike stands at Lloyds bank? , Planters at Scool rd, Litter team contact point when items such as lots of garden waste found
10 Research needed.: ‘ Fields in Trust’, ‘Living streets’ / .
LATE NEWS: West Berkshire Planning Housing: Meeting at Cornell Centre Clements Mead Friday 27 Nov 7.30pm called by KPG ( (Keep Tilehurst Green) about trying to prevent houses being built on Stonehams Farm and Clements Mead Fields


Present: : Liz Ellis, Cllr Ricky Duveen, Carol Mclellan, John Venning, Judith Cullen, Pam Webb, Pat Ager, Sheila Smith, Ann Hunter, Lynda Chater, Tina Allen, Lesley West

Apols: Jenny Cottee, Roger Sym

1. Blundells Copse: Some hedging plants donated for a project in Blundells. Glen in charge the planting sessions.
2. Bulb Planting : This year Parkers Estate agents in the Triangle gave us permission to plant daffodils and crocii in the grass verge outside the Tilehurst office in the Triangle. The guides came and were very keen and helpful, as usual, so a big thanks to them and to everyone else who came and helped. We also planted out bulbs under the hedge. So this should make a good show in the spring. Thanks to Jenny for organizing the event.
As a matter of curiosity we had noticed a large white van had parked on the green verge outside Lloyds Bank. Liz had asked the driver why he had parked there. He said that there was nowhere else to park since all the car parks prevented lorries and van from parking. Liz asked at the meeting if there was a reasonable place for larger vehicles to park in the area and it seems that there isn’t which isn’t a very satisfactory state of affairs. / Is parking for larger vehicles a problem in central Tilehurst?
3. Cattle Trough : Pat organized replanting of the Park Lane trough with Campanula and miniature daffodils.
David Moore, of RBC, who gave us permission to do the planting said "What a fantastic job Tilehurst Globe do helping make Tilehurst such a nice place. Thank you"
Pat reported that the alley opposite was littered with dog business. We understand that from Monday 26th there will be 1 dog warden for the whole of Reading.
Cllr Ricky Duveen to find out council contact names for us. / Cllr Ricky Duveen offered to find out council contact names for us.
4. Litter Teams : We are really pleased to have the new volunteers working to clear litter. Liz explained that previously as well as kitting out the volunteers with pickers and high vis vests we have advised the street care team in the council of these volunteers so that they have a contact to help with clearing difficult items etc. The contacts that we used to have now do not seem to be there and we would like to know where to get continued support. / Cllr Ricky Duveen offered to investigate.
5. Budget Cuts : The RBC Consultation now over, the budget to be halved by 2017. Document on website and 1 copy in library. The council is looking for suggestions about what to do now and how to make cuts?
6. Consultation into Reading Libraries : Cllr Ricky Duveen told us that the petition urging support for our local library had received over 900 signatures and had been presented to the council. The meeting thanked him for taking on the task but we also thought it important to encourage people to send in their views (using the forms available in the library) as part of the ongoing consultation. We should be aware that the consultation is in two parts: the current one ends on 23rd November and in the new year there will be a follow up. The consultation is all about making spending cuts to libraries in Reading.
Other suggestions made at the meeting were: homework club, coffee shop, renting out meeting rooms. It was also suggested we should try Face book Tilehurst Gossip Girls, and the website Streetlife. Also to try a Tilehurst Library magazine swap / All to be alert to the dates of the consultation into library services. To continue to fill in and post the library services form available from the library.
7. Chapel Hill Allotments : We had a broad discussion about the application to build houses on the Chapel Hill Allotments site. Cllr Ricky Duveen explained that he was on the planning committee and it was thought that council would approve the application; he said that he thought that the council did not view the land as open space and therefore was not protected by CS28, and that the Tilehurst Poors Land Trust would make better use of their resources by selling the land for development and using the money to provide for the needy rather than maintain the land as allotments. There was a general discussion about CS28, the core strategy document and what the implications for development might be. / We need to be more informed of the importance of Core Strategy policies so that we know how we are affected.
8. Kew gardens seeds : Judy reported back that the seeds were given to two teachers at Raniquet school (infants). She was unable to find out where the seeds had been planted because both the teachers concerned had left to teach in other schools.
9. Donation: Thank you to Robert Thompson for his cash donation which group have suggested to be used for bulbs in Corwen Rd or Christmas lights.


Present: : Jenny Cottee (notes) , Carol Mclellan, John Venning, Judith Cullen, Pam Webb , Cllr Meri O’Connell,. Ray Clayton, Pat Ager, Rachel Chilton, Natalie Ganpatsingh.