Matthew-John Day Care Centre

Preschool Newsletter – September 2015

WELCOME BACK to a new school year! We hope everyone had a nice summer break

Matthew John would like to welcome: Juliette, Ryker, Logan, Max, Alexander, Maggie, Hudson, Daniel, Nam, Scarlet, Theo, Nate, Wesley and Eden. And, there will be more to come!


- Please bring in a family photo and a picture of your child for their cubby and our birthday board.

- Please make sure to check the white board (at the entrance of the classroom) DAILY for the day’s events.

- Make sure that you update all your contact information and numbers with Jola at

- Remember to check your child’s bathroom cubby and replenish any diapers and/or wipes, or underwear and extra sets of clothing that your chid may need.

- During drop off AND pick up, make sure to say hello/goodbye to the daycare staff in the room. This is a SAFETY PRECAUTION!

- When dropping off your child, please make sure that they are dry before leaving

us. We want to make sure you’re child isn’t walking around wet and uncomfortable.

- Diapers and pull-ups must have tabs on each side. This helps staff when it comes to changing as children stand up.


Sept 7: Lucy

Sept 11: Logan

Sept. 2: Angela

A Birthday Reminder

For your child's birthday you can bring NUT FREE (labelled) ice cream, popsicles, etc.


Reminder: late fees apply after 6pm.

INFORM us if your child will be absent or is staying at home sick.

CALL us if someone, other than a parent or emergency contact, is picking up your child. Remind them that I.D is required.

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Matthew-John Day Care Centre

Preschool Newsletter – September 2015


-Baby props (including empty formula cans, bottles etc.)

-Empty food cartons


Sept. 7:LABOUR DAY Daycare Closed

Sept 13:Grandparent Day

Sept. 14:Rosh Hashana

Sept 23: First Day of Autumn

Sept. 23:Yom Kippur

THANK YOUto all of our families for their ongoing support. We appreciate everyone’s donation of crafts and toys to help enhance our program.


If you have any extra time, we are looking for volunteers to participate in storytime or music, or just paying us a special centre playtime visit. Please speak to the staff to coordinate your visit.

— Please see the attached calendar for upcoming events —

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Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
6 / 7
Daycare Closed
Lucy’s Birthday / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
Logan’s Birthday / 12
Grandparent’s Day/Rosh Hashana starts / 14 / 15
Rosh Hashana Ends / 16 / 17 / 18 Music with Rob / 19
20 / 21 / 22 / 23
First Day of Autumn/Yom Kippur / 24 / 25 / 26
27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / page 3 of 3