Policy on Volunteer Expense Reimbursement
Purpose: USTA SC volunteers who are required to travel or conduct business on behalf of the Association may incur reimbursable expenses. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that such expenditures are appropriate, that adequate cost control measures are in place, and that reimbursement for authorized expenses is made in a timely manner.
Policy: Volunteers will not be paid salary or compensated in any way for services rendered, except as noted in Paragraph 15 below. USTA SC will reimburse reasonable and necessary expenses incurred by volunteers in accordance with the following guidelines.
1. General. When incurring expenses, USTA SC expects volunteers to:
a. Exercise discretion and good judgment with respect to these authorized and reimbursable expenses.
b. Be cost conscious and spend money carefully and judiciously.
c. Seek prior approval from the Executive Director for expense items other than travel to and from meetings of USTA SC or any of its committees. For committee members or volunteers working under the auspices of a committee, approval authority may be delegated to the appropriate staff liaison. Failure to obtain prior approval may result in the denial of reimbursement.
d. Report expenses accurately and in a timely manner by completing and submitting an Expense Reimbursement Statement. When possible, this report should be submitted within ten days of the completion of a meeting or event, first to the staff member in the appropriate department (typically the Department Head) for endorsement, then by this staff member to the USTA SC bookkeeper. Original receipts or legible copies must be attached to and submitted with the Expense Reimbursement Statement. Exceptions to these requirements for a receipt can be made for purchases of twenty-five dollars or less at the discretion of the Executive Director or the President.
2. Travel Expenses. Only reasonable and approved expenditures for transportation, hotels, phone calls, meals, etc. are reimbursable. For out-of state trips, volunteers should consult in advance with the Executive Director if uncertain that expenses will be reimbursed. In determining the reasonableness and necessity of travel expenses, the Executive Director will weigh the benefits of the travel to USTA SC against the anticipated expenses. In some cases, less expensive alternatives, such as participation by telephone, video conferencing, or meeting at a closer locality should be considered.
3. Airfare. Volunteers should plan their travel well in advance to take advantage of reduced airfares and make a conscientious effort to obtain the lowest possible fares. Reimbursement will be made based on original receipts stating the airfare amount. Airfare shall be limited to coach class. If airport parking is required, long term parking should normally be used for travel exceeding 24 hours.
4. Luggage. If there is any cost for checking bags, USTA SC will reimburse for the first bag only for meetings or events up to five nights and will reimburse for two bags for meetings or events six nights or longer. USTA SC will not reimburse for overweight luggage charges.
5. Automobile Travel Expenses. If transportation is by private automobile, reimbursement for mileage will be made at the current IRS mileage rate plus necessary parking charges and tolls.
a. When the meeting or event is out of state and there is a convenient choice between traveling by car or by plane (based on plane schedules and proximity of airports), USTA SC will pay the lesser of airfare or mileage reimbursement.
b. Attendees at USTA SC trainings and other events, other than meetings, will not be reimbursed unless notified in advance. Mileage expenses will not be reimbursed for the USTA SC Annual Meeting or for trips shorter than twenty-five miles one way (fifty miles round trip).
6. Local Transportation. Bus, cab, rail, shuttle and courtesy car costs for transportation to and from an airport will be reimbursed. Effort should be made to use the most inexpensive mode of transportation that is suitable under the circumstances.
7. Meals. The reasonable cost of meals consumed during approved travel will be reimbursed at pre-determined rates based on current average prices in the area being visited. These rates may be adjusted periodically as average prices rise and fall, but current rates will be published and readily available from the USTA SC Office. Expenses for meals during travel to and from USTA SC events will normally be reimbursed. However, this does not apply to the USTA SC Annual Meeting. No one will be reimbursed for any meal when USTA SC or the host organization provides that same meal during any function.
8. Lodging. Reimbursement will be made for reasonable out-of-pocket costs, but in no case will reimbursement exceed the amount of any pre-arranged rate for lodging obtained by USTA SC. When possible, volunteers should make use of corporate and discount hotel rates obtained by USTA SC or any other host organization. If a volunteer lives within a 25-mile radius of a meeting venue, approval of overnight hotel accommodations must be obtained in advance from the President of USTA SC.
9. Ground Transportation and Automobile Rental. Reimbursement will be made for reasonable and necessary bus or cab fare. Rental automobiles may be obtained only with prior approval from the President or Executive Director of USTA SC. Volunteers are expected to use the most economical ground transportation appropriate under the circumstances.
10. Internet Fees. Hotel internet fees will be reimbursed only when personal computers are required for ancillary business meetings to be held during events as time permits or when they are needed to continue time-sensitive projects, and only with the prior approval of the President or the Executive Director.
11. Telephone Calls Required for USTA SC Business. Business calls will be reimbursable. However, they should be made only when absolutely necessary and kept as short as possible. Enough information should be provided on the Expense Reimbursement Statement to explain why a call was necessary.
12. Non-Reimbursable Expenses. Expenses which could be perceived as lavish or excessive will not be reimbursed, as such expenses are inappropriate for reimbursement by a non-profit organization. Non-reimbursable expenses include, but are not limited to:
· Travel insurance
· First Class or Business Class airfare
· Limousine travel if alternative cheaper transportation is available
· Movies
· Fees at any health, athletic or similar recreational club or organization
· Spa charges
· Clothing purchases
· Car washes
· Valet Service
· Personal telephone calls
· Travel expenses for spouses, friends, relatives or guests
· Parking tickets or fines
13. Entertainment Expenses. Reasonable expenses incurred during business meetings and events for entertainment will be reimbursed only if the expenditures are approved by the President or Executive Director. The President or his or her designee may expend reasonable funds for special events and on special occasions. The Executive Director will maintain a record of such expenditures, including a full description of the items or services purchased and detailed receipts. Reimbursement levels for volunteers participating in USTA and USTA Southern events will be addressed in separate documents.
14. Operating Expenses Not Related to Travel. Volunteers who expect to incur exceptional expenses for postage, printing, copying, or other administrative activities on behalf of USTA SC must obtain prior approval for the expenditures from the Executive Director or the appropriate staff liaison. To claim reimbursement, they must then submit a formal reimbursement request with written receipts.
15. Volunteers Utilized in Compensated Positions. Under certain circumstances, USTA SC may elect to compensate individuals for certain projects, events or services, such as refereeing state league championships or conducting training events for junior players. When this occurs, the individual will be treated as a contract laborer, not as a volunteer. However, when such an individual also serves in a separate volunteer capacity in conjunction with the same event, he or she may request reimbursement for expenses incurred while acting in the volunteer capacity.
16. Volunteers at USTA SC Events. USTA SC policies established to address reimbursement of volunteers at specific USTA SC events will take precedence over this policy.
Original Board Approval Date: September 30, 2009; Revised December 12, 2009; March 28, 2010 and March 20, 2011
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