Unit 8 /


Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed

1Riscrivi le frasi correttamente.

The film wasn’t very frightened, but it was funny.

The film wasn’t very frightening, but it was funny.

1My parents were quite worrying when we returned late.

2A lot of science-fiction books are bored.

3The end of the film was really surprised.

4In the 1960s, people were shocking by the film Psycho.

5Heidi is interesting in science documentaries.

6This rain is so depressed!

7The football match was really excited.

so, such

2Scegli l’alternativa corretta.

Those footballers train so/such hard.

1X-Factor is so/such a popular programme.

2This programme is so/such boring.

3That jacket is so/such cool.

4This book has got so/such a good plot.

5This is so/such a nice photo of you.

Past simple, be born

3Abbina la prima parte di ogni frase (1–5) alla sua conclusione (a–f).

My parents d


2It was

3Sandra Bullock and George Clooney

4My brother was

5Emma Watson

asuch a brilliant film.

bwere late for school yesterday.

cborn at home.

dwere born in London.

ewere in Gravity.

fwas born in 1990.

4Riscrivi le frasi alla forma negativa.

Shelly was interested in the documentary.

Shelly wasn’t interested in the documentary.

1Charlie Chaplin was an American actor.

2The shops were boring.

3Nichole Kidman was born in England.

4Some of the films at the festival were interesting.

5Jennifer Lawrence was born in 1960.

6The special effects were very realistic.

5Osserva le parole sottolineate. Scrivi le domande per queste risposte.

Where was Kristen Stewart born?

Kristen Stewart was born in California.

1 ?

There were threeLord of the Rings films.

2 ?

Anne Hathaway’s first film was The Other Side of Heaven.

3 ?

There were only nine actors in Alien.

4 ?

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were in Londonyesterday.

5 ?

Superman was the idea of Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster.

6 ?

The first Pirates of the Caribbean film was in 2003.

Past time expressions

6Osserva la tabella e scrivi frasi su dove erano le persone ieri. Includi un’espressione di tempo.

at home / in town / at the swimming pool / at Joe’s Café
Jude / yes – evening / no / no / yes – after school
Zara / yes – evening / yes – morning / no / no
Louis / yes – morning / no / yes – afternoon / yes – lunch time

Louis/in town

Louis wasn’t in town yesterday.

1Jude/at home

2Zara/in town

3Louis/at the swimming pool

4Zara/at the swimming pool

5Louis/at Joe’s Café

6Jude/at Joe’s Café

7Zara/at home

8Jude/in town

7Completa le espressioni di tempo nelle frasi con le parole del riquadro.

last before ago at
on from for yesterday

We were in London two days ago.

1Spiderman3 was on TV week.

2Rose and Julia were on holiday Monday to Sunday.

3They were at home 8 o’clock on Saturday.

4Jennifer Anniston was in Friends ten years.

5We weren’t at home evening.

6Tobey Maguire wasn’t rich he was an actor.

7I watch Scrubs Wednesdays.

8Scegli l’alternativa corretta: a, b o c.

Sam and Bill were at Fredde’s partyuntilmidnight.

alastb untilc on

1The band was on two hours.

aforb fromc before

2We were in Spain two weeks .

alastb beforec ago

3Brett wasn’t at school week.

aforb afterc last

4We were tired a long day.

aafterb forc on

5The weather was terrible breakfast.

aforb beforec on


Adjectives of opinion (2)

9Completa le frasi con le parole del riquadro.

gripping confusing depressed bored amazing shocked exciting frightening

I love rock climbing. It’s really exciting.

1This map is really . Where are we?

2John’s . He isn’t doing well at school.

3There’s nothing to do. I’m so !

4This book is really good. The story is .

5Lydia told me her terrible news. I was really .

6The Woman in Black is a really film. I can’t watch it.

7The film Gravity is . It’s so realistic.

Film and TV (1)

10Completa le definizioni con le parole del riquadro.

thriller soap cartoon sports
talent news costume quiz

People sing, dance or play an instrument in a talentshow.

1You can learn about important events in the world a few times a day on the .

2A is a long-running story about the everyday life of characters.

3The plot of a is often about the police finding a murderer.

4A drama is a story set in the past.

5You can see football matches, athletics and tennis on programmes.

6People answer lots of questions on a show.

7The characters in a are drawings.

Film and TV (2)

11Completa le parole relative a film e TV in queste frasi.

The plotis the events in a film or book.

1A _ i _ _ct _ _ gives instructions to actors.

2A c _ _ _ a _ _ er is a person in a book or film.

3A v _ _ _ ain is the bad person in a film or book.

4The _ _ _ t is all the actors in a film.

5A r _ _ _ _ w is a critic’s opinion of a film or book.

6A _ _ _ nd _ _ a_ _ is the music for a film.

7The s _ _ _ ci _ _ e _ _ _ cts make imaginary events seem real.