Gunnison City Council Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, October 5, 2011- 7:10 p.m.

Gunnison City Hall-38 West Center

Gunnison, UT 84634

Present: Mayor Lori Nay, Recorder Janell Braithwaite, City Council Members: Steven Buchanan, Larry Jensen, Jeremy Pickett and Trevor Powell, Police Chief Trent Halliday, Pool Manager Robert Sorensen, Mark Henline with the Gunnison Gazette, Eric Probasco with the Sanpete Messenger and Citizens Randy Tangreen and MaRanda Arellano

Presiding: Mayor Lori Nay

Prayer: Council Member Trevor Powell

Excused: Council Member Brian Jensen

Proposed Approval of Resolution 2011-8, Recertification of the Gunnison City Justice Court

Recorder Braithwaite reviewed the Justice Court recertification process with the Mayor and Council. She stated every 4 years the Administrative Office of the Courts required the municipal justice courts be recertified. In order to be recertified, a municipality must submit a resolution adopted by the municipal legislative body that requests recertification and agrees to continue to comply with the operational standards for the term of recertification, an opinion letter from the city attorney, and a completed and signed affidavit submitted by the municipal justice court judge.

Council Member Pickett made the motion to approve Resolution 2011-8, Recertification of the Gunnison City Justice Court. Council Member Powell seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote. Those voting aye were Council Members Buchanan, L. Jensen, Pickett and Powell.

Review Bids and Proposed Approval of Network Management Contract for Gunnison City

Mayor Nay noted this would need to be reviewed in closed session.

Discuss and Possible Approval of Contribution to Panoramaland RC&D

Mayor Nay and the Council would like to know what the benefits are of donating to the Panoramaland RC&D and what they have to offer Gunnison City. Mayor Nay will look into this and would like to table the donation request at this time until further notice.

Discuss Use Fees for the School use of the Pool and other Pool Issues

Mayor Nay explained her understanding of what has occurred between the high school students using the pool and the use of the gyms for Jr. Jazz and other junior athletic programs. She felt it was a misunderstanding the school did not pay the $200.00 last year for use of the pool, and stated it was her understanding the School Board had approved the usage of the gyms, and was not really a trade off as there are students from all of the surrounding communities that participate in the junior programs. Council Member Powell responded saying he had spoken with Supt. Hill and Principal Larsen who stated that their understanding of the agreement was a trade off for usage of the pool and usage of the gym, but they were willing to work together and make it be fair and pay the $200.00/year for the high school to use the pool. Pool Manager Sorensen stated the classes would be using the pool twice a week for 5 weeks. He noted he had been giving the students about 30 minutes of instruction each time they came in then giving them about 10 minutes to play. The teachers at the school were pleased with the set up and would like to have a spring and fall session each year. Mayor Nay and the Council agreed they thought it was fair for the school to pay the $200.00 for usage of the pool of approximately 20 uses throughout the year. Council Member Powell will get with Principal Larsen regarding this payment.



Discussion ensued regarding increasing the rate for non-citizens from those towns/cities that do not donate to the pool fund. Manager Sorensen will get more information and Recorder Braithwaite will have the Pool Committee get together to discuss this matter and bring it back to the Council. Mayor Nay commented on the capital improvements budget that had been allowed and what was being done. The painting, dressing room countertops, patio doors and carpeting were reviewed. Mayor Nay also remarked she had spoken with Rocky Mountain Power at the ULCT conference, and they would love to come and do an audit of the pool to see what they could do to help lower the cost of heating and power.

7:30 p.m. Robert Sorensen left

Proposed Approval City Council Meeting Minutes for Wednesday, September 7, 2011, Open Session and Wednesday, September 21, 2011 Open and Closed Sessions

Council Member Powell made the motion to approve the minutes for City Council Meeting on Wednesday, September 7, 2011 Open Session. Council Member Buchanan seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote. Those voting aye were Council Members Buchanan, L. Jensen, Pickett and Powell.

City Council Meeting minutes for Wednesday, September 21, 2011, Open and Closed will be tabled until the next meeting as there was not a quorum in attendance tonight that attended that specific meeting.

Future Items to be Listed on Agenda

Spook Alley: Council Member L. Jensen described the Spook Alley the Gunnison Businessmen’s Association would be hosting. This will take place on Monday nights from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. and Friday and Saturday nights from 7 p.m. to midnight and will be at the Riverwalk by the Dragon through the month of October. Mayor Nay informed the Council she had volunteered them to help with this on Saturday, October 29th for those who could help.

7:35 p.m. Mark Henline left

The Halloween carnival at the elementary school will be held Friday, October 28, 2011. Any ideas or props anyone has to bring would also be helpful.

City Hall: Council Member L. Jensen addressed the water in the basement issue. Mayor Nay explained the architect, Kevin Madson, and Conrad Miller, the plumber who has done work on the basement previously, had spoken yesterday and determined it was the dry wells in the parking lots. It was determined the dry wells would have to be done away with. Discussion ensued regarding the solutions to this problem. Recorder Braithwaite reported Scott from Yamas had been down and worked on the air system in the Library as it continually blows hot air in the north end of the library. He felt he had solved the problem and taken care of it. Mayor Nay then referred to the Questar bill which had gone to $1,100.00 last month, and would like some answers as to why this is running so high in the summer months.

Park: Mayor Nay invited Council Member Pickett to attend a meeting Wednesday October 12, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. at the City Hall regarding the Veterans Memorial at the Gunnison City Park.

Façade Initiative: Council Member Pickett reported the façade initiative was going very well on Main Street, and had received a lot of positive feedback from the citizens. Mayor Nay stated there were 19 businesses signed so far with 2 more on hold.

Business Association: Mayor Nay announced the Business Association would be meeting the 1st Wednesday of each month and volunteered the City to e-mail reminders to each business the day before. She noted Jeremy Vincent would get the information to Recorder Braithwaite. Discussion ensued regarding social media along with its advantages.


Streets: Council Member Buchanan commented he was waiting for asphalt and hoped the weather would hold out. He stated the water project was going well. It had gone slower for Madsen’s than they had planned on, but they would now be starting the laterals before they turn and go north. He hoped to get the asphalt next week to get Center Street put back together.

Fall Clean-up: Council Member Powell reminded the Council the dumpsters would be placed in Gunnison from Friday, October 7 to Monday October 17, 2011 to assist those citizens needing to do a fall clean-up. One would be place on 200 E. Center with the other dumpster being on 200 West 50 North.

Youth City Council: Council Member Powell mentioned he only had one applicant to date for Youth City Council and would continue working to get more involved.

Council Member Powell introduced Randy Tangreen to the Mayor and other Council Members. Randy had submitted his application for the Network Management Contract position that is currently open, and reviewed his qualifications with those in attendance. Mayor Nay thanked him for his application.

Governor: Mayor Nay announced Governor Herbert would be stopping in Gunnison City Thursday, October 13, 2011. He would be stopping at the ACT business at 2:00 p.m. on his tour of rural businesses in Utah. Mayor Nay summarized what rural businesses can do for small towns and what Roland Christensen has done for our small area.

8:00 p.m. MaRanda Arellano left

Utah Community Forrest: Mayor Nay explained this is our Tree City, USA, connection, and they had given the City $4,800.00 to do our partnership part of the Rocky Mountain Power easement they are giving the City on their property. She reported the Rocky Mountain Power officials would be in Gunnison tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. to look at the property and solidify the project. The Officials were also planning to begin demolishing the old Rocky Mountain Power building in February, removing the old fence and installing a new fence. This would allow the City time to get the trees planted in the time frame allowed to continue with the Tree City eligibility. Mayor Nay noted there would be grass and trees planted along with a sidewalk in this area which would include an educational point. The City is currently in the process of inventorying the trees in the City, categorizing them, etc. Mayor Nay stated the City would like 20 feet of area, but would take 15 feet. She reported the City just received $2,000.00 from Rocky Mountain Power to go towards the Legacy Wall along with $2,000.00 from Utah Arts and Education. She then explained the Legacy Wall, the history it would depict of Gunnison and the design.

8:15 p.m. Council Member Powell made the motion to move out of Open Session into Closed Session pursuant to the Provisions of Section 52-4-5(1)(a) of the Open Meeting Law for the purpose of (i) discussion of the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual; and (c) strategy sessions to discuss pending or reasonable imminent litigation. Council Member Pickett seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote. Those voting aye were Council Members Buchanan, B. Jensen, L. Jensen, Pickett and Powell.

8:15 p.m. Closed Session, Eric Probasco and Randy Tangreen left

8:17 p.m. Council Member Brian Jensen arrived

8:22 p.m. Council Member Powell made the motion to move out of Closed Session into Open Session. Council Member Buchanan seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 5-0 vote. Those voting aye were Council Members Buchanan, B. Jensen, L. Jensen, Pickett and Powell.

Discussion ensued regarding the water in the City Hall basement and the dry wells.


Review Bids and Proposed Approval of Network Management Contract for Gunnison City

Council Member Buchanan made the motion to approve Cobble Creek Productions as the Network Management Contractor (IT Contract) for Gunnison City, Option B of the monthly rate. Council Member Pickett seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote. Those voting aye were Council Members Buchanan, L. Jensen, Pickett and Powell. Council Member B. Jensen abstained from the vote.

Mayor Nay reminded the Council of the Work Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, October 12, 2011 at noon at City Hall.

Proposed Approval Bills and Adjustment

The bills and adjustments were approved and signed by the Pro-Tem Mayor and Council Members

8:32 p.m. Adjourn


Janell Braithwaite, City Recorder


Lori Nay, Mayor


Approval Date