Radford City Schools

Gifted Services

Lisa Swope, Coordinator

Radford High School

50 Dalton Drive

Radford, Virginia 24141



To the Parents of ______:

_____Your child has been referred to initiate a screening for services provided by the secondary gifted program.

_____Your child has been nominated for an additional area of placement in the secondary gifted program.

Additional comments:______

I need your permission to proceed with the screening/identification process and to administer testing (which may include the OLSAT, KBIT2, or the Stanford Ten). If you would like for me to proceed with this screening, please sign and return the attached permission slip as soon as possible.

After receiving your permission, I will collect additional data from your child’s records and his/her teachers. Within 90 school days, I will present this data to the identification committee, which will determine your child’s placement according to his/her score on the identification scoring rubric (copy enclosed). A minimum score of 11 out of 15 is required for identification. I will notify you of the placement decision, and at that time will send appropriate permission forms for you to sign and return if you would like for your child to receive the services the committee determines are appropriate.

Radford City Schools will attempt to screen every student who is formally referred. No single criterion shall be used in determining students who qualify for, or are denied services to, programs for the gifted. Tests administered during the screening have been evaluated and deemed to be free of cultural or ethnic bias. We recognize that some students (with disabilities documented either in an IEP or a 504) may be twice-exceptional, and these students are screened.

If you have any questions, please call me at 731-3649, ext. 6619, or email me at . I look forward to working with your child.


Lisa L. Swope

Coordinator of Gifted Services

Radford City Schools

Gifted Services

Lisa Swope, Coordinator

Radford High School

50 Dalton Drive

Radford, Virginia 24141


Parental Permission Form (for screening/testing)

Must be returned within ten school days

I give my permission for the Radford City Schools gifted coordinator to screen ______(name of child) who attends______(name of school) for eligibility for gifted services. I also give my permission for the secondary gifted coordinator/elementary guidance counselor to administer testing to my child, which currently includes Stanford Ten online and the KBIT2, and may include the OLSAT. I understand that the coordinator will assemble relevant data to be reviewed by the Identification/Placement Committee. The committee will meet within 90 school days of the coordinator's receipt of this signed permission slip. The coordinator will then inform me of the committee's determination of my child's eligibility for gifted services, and I will be asked to give written permission for my child to receive services. I understand that no single criterion shall be used in determining students who qualify for, or are denied access to, services for the gifted. It is my right to appeal the committee's decision, and I can contact the coordinator for information about the appeals process.


date parent signature

Please return immediately to:

Lisa Swope

Gifted Coordinator

50 Dalton Drive

Radford, VA 24141

731-3649, 6619