Chabot CollegeFall 2001
Removed Fall 2006
Course Outline for Computer Science 31
Course Description:
31 - Java Servlets 2 units
Introduction to basic Java Servlet capabilities as an alternative to Common Gateway Interface (CGI) to create interactive web pages including secure access to the web site, database interactivity, generate dynamic web pages and maintain client session data (i.e. cookies). Prerequisite: Computer Science 19 and 91 (completed with a grade of C or higher). 2 hours lecture, 1 hour laboratory.
Prerequisite Skills:
Upon entry to the class the student should be able to:
- create and execute elementary “stand alone” applications and applets using the Java compiler and editor;
- recognize and understand the standard Java classes and their available methods;
- manipulate and convert Java’s string input to other data types;
- create various objects (e.g. labels, buttons, text areas, checkboxes, scroll bars) on an applet;
- create an applet interface to a sequential data file;
- embed mouse controls and manipulate background graphics and text in an applet;
- manipulate and access URLs from applets, including reading an image map;
- coordinate an applet with other basic HTML tag capabilities on a web page;
- define classes and create instances of these classes in programs;
- describe inheritance as it relates to Java core classes;
- subclass existing classes;
- convert a Java application to an applet;
- demonstrate an understanding of security issues under Java.
Expected Outcomes for Students:
Upon completion of the course the student should be able to:
- explain and apply the fundamental concepts of Java Servlets vs. Common Gateway Interface (CGI);
- present the elements and features of the Java Servlet environment (security, data I/O);
- explain and use the design process for a servlet;
- define and use decision and repetition structures in a servlet;
- define and use functions, recursion and storage classes in Java;
- use operators and functions of Java within a servlet;
- define and use dynamic Java data structures;
- define and explain trends in Java programming standards;
- write, compile, test and debug servlet programs;
- present the characteristics of object-oriented programming under Servlets;
- define and use Java data types and variables;
- define and use arrays within servlets;
- define and use user HTML interfaces;
- define and use file I/O under Java Servlets;
- develop and use event-driven Servlet programs;
- install and basically maintain the latest version of Sun Java Servlet Developer’s Kit (JSDK).
Chabot College Page 2
Course Outline for Computer Science 31
Fall 2001
Course Content:
- Review of Java grammar and syntax
- Review of static HTML tags and web pages
- Introduction to networking basic concepts
- Overview of the Java Servlet Developer Kit (JSDK) and API
- Comparison of Servlets and Common Gateway Interface
- HTTP Get and Post Requests
- Session tracking with HTTP Sessions
- Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
- Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) overview
- Form Processing
- Cookies concepts and maintaining client data
- Basic setting up and administering Servlets on a server
Methods of Presentation:
1. Lecture
2. Demonstrations using computers on overhead projectors
Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:
- Typical Assignments:
- Elementary servlet echoing your name and some pertinent user entered facts to the user via a Java generated html web page
- Storing user information on a Microsoft Access data base
- Creating a site “guest” book via Java Servlets
- Creating cookies on the user’s hard drive and returning different Java generated pages in response to that cookie
- Methods of Evaluating Student Progress
a. Written quizzes
- Designated assignments
- Comprehensive written final; a final variation could be a comprehensive “capstone” project.
Textbook(s) (Typical):
Java How to Program, 3rd Edition, Deitel and Deitel, Prentice Hall, 1999
Thinking n Java, Bruce Eckel,Prentice Hall, 2000
Java 2 and Javascript for C and C++ Programmers, Michael Daconta, Al Saganich and Eric Monk,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1999
Special Student Materials:
Des Chun
Sept. 2000
effective Fall 2001