Pendle Core StrategyPublication Report
Further copies of this form can be downloaded from the Council’s website at
Alternatively you can photocopy this form as many times as necessary.
* Where relevant / Your details / Your agent’s details(if applicable)
Job title*
Telephone number
Email address
Preferred contact: / Letter / Email / Letter / Email
Data Protection Act 1998
The personal information you provide as part of a representation will only be used by Pendle Council for the purpose of preparing local plan documents and will NOT appear online. It cannot, however, be treated as confidential, as the Council is obliged to make all representations available for public inspection.
Please return this form to:
Pendle Borough Council
Planning & Building Control
Town Hall
Market Street
NelsonBB9 7LG
Fax:01282 661720 /
  • For each question, please tick only ONE of the available options.
  • Please complete a separate sheet for EACH of your comments.
  • Please refer to the accompanying guidance notes for an explanation of the terms used.

1 / Do you consider the Core Strategy to be legally compliant?
2 / Do you consider the Core Strategy to be sound?
  • If you have answered YES to both Questions 1 and 2, please go to Question 6.
  • If you have answered NO to either Question 1 or 2, please go to Question 3.

3 / Why do you believe the Core Strategy isNOT legally compliant, or sound?
A / It is not … positively prepared / IMPORTANT NOTE:
  • Tick only one option.
  • A separate sheet should be completed if you wish to raise more than one concern.

B / It is not … justified
C / It is not … effective
D / It is not … consistent with national policy
4 / What is your particular concern?
A / Which part of the Core Strategy are you commenting on?
Page / Paragraph / Table / Figure
Policy / Other
  • There will not normally be another opportunity to make further representations.
  • Following this consultation, further submissions will only be invited by the Inspector, based on the matters and issues he/she identifies for examination.
  • Your answers to 4B and 4C (below) should, therefore, describe ALL the information, evidence and supporting documentation you are relying on to justify your representation and any suggested change(s).

B / Why do you feel that this part of the Core Strategy is not legally compliant, or sound?
Continue on a separate sheet, or expand this box, as necessary.
C / What changes do you consider necessary, in order to make the Core Strategy
legally compliant, or sound?
  • It would be helpful if you could suggest revised wording for any policy or text.
  • Please be as precise as possible.

Continue on a separate sheet, or expand this box, as necessary.
5 / Have you raised the matter you refer to in Question 4at an earlier stage in the consultation process for the Core Strategy?
If NO, briefly explain why you did not do so.
Continue on a separate sheet, or expand this box, as necessary.
6 / Please provide any additional comments in support of your representation.
Continue on a separate sheet, or expand this box, as necessary.
  • ALL representations on matters of soundness will be considered by the Inspector.
  • You can requestto appear at a public hearing to clarify your comments. However, it is the Inspector who will determine the most appropriate procedure to adopt to hear those who have indicated that they wish to participate at the oral part of the examination.

7 / Do you wish to participate at the hearing sessions?
If YES, please outline why you consider this to be necessary.
Continue on a separate sheet, or expand this box, as necessary.
If NO, your representation will be considered by the Inspector by way of written representations.
8 / How did you find out about this consultation?
Letter / Email / Advert / Poster / Article in Local Press / Feature on Local Radio
Other Please state:
9 / And finally …
Signature: / Date:
Thank you for your representation
John Halton
Principal Planning Officer (Policy)
Further Information
Pendle Borough Council • Planning & Building Control • Town Hall • Market Street • Nelson • BB9 7LG
Telephone: 01282 661330 Email: Website: