Education, Health and Care Plan for:

Education, Health and Care Plan Version Number / 1
Date agreed
Scheduled Review Date

Relevant Individual Identifier Numbers

NHS Number / UPN Number

In accordance with Part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014, Education (Special Educational Needs) (Assessment and Plan) Clauses 36,37,44 and 45, the following Plan is made on Date by Somerset County Council (“the education authority”) in respect of Name whose particulars are set out below.

Personal Details

First Name / Surname / Preferred Name
Home Language/
other languages spoken / Gender / Date of Birth / Ethnic Origin
Home Address
Do you or your child have a Social Worker? / Yes/No
Name of the Social Worker
Is this child in care to a Local Authority? / Yes/No
Name of the Local Authority
Details of Care

Parent(s) or Carer(s)

Surname / Other Name
Home Address (if different to child/young person)
Relationship to child / Parental Responsibility / Yes/No
Tel No / Mobile No
Do you have a disability that we may need to consider when / Yes/No
communicating with you? If Yes, please specify below:
Surname / Other Name
Home Address (if different to child/young person)
Relationship to child / Parental Responsibility / Yes/No
Tel No / Mobile No
Do you have a disability that we may need to consider when / Yes/No
communicating with you? If Yes, please specify below:


Child/Young Person's Name

SECTION A: The views, interests and aspirations of the child and their parents, or of the young person

This section is all about what is important to the child/young person and what they think is working and what is not working, what needs to change and what they would like the plan to be, as well as what is important for the child/young person; what parent/carer(s) and professionals' views are about interests and priorities.

All About Me

People who play an important part in my life. This could be relatives, brothers, sisters, friends, people at nursery/playgroups/school/college/work orpeople helping with care.

Name / Why are they important to me / Contact Details:
(Address, Tel No, Email Address)

My Views

My family's views about me

Their story so far
What is working well for them
What is not working so well for them
What are your dreams, aspirations and hopes for the child/young person
Is there anything else you would like to say

SECTION B:The child or young person’sidentified strengths and Special Educational Needs

  • Cognition and Learning (Howthey learn, understand, work out things and share problems – for most recent levels see the latest Annual Review)

Summary of strengths:
Summary of special educational needs:
  • Communication and Interaction (How they communicate)

Summary ofstrengths:
Summary of special educational needs:
  • Social, Emotional and Wellbeing (How they feel and get on with others)

Summary ofstrengths:
Summary of special educational needs:
  • Sensory and/or Physical (Their physical development (eg mobility and sensory processing, visual skills etc))

Summary ofstrengths:
Summary of special educational needs:
  • Self-help and independence skills and keeping safe

Summary ofstrengths:
Summary of special educational needs:

SECTION C: Health Needs

The child or young person’s health needs which relate to their Special Educational Needs.

  • Health and Medical

Summary of strengths:
Summary of health needs:

SECTION D: Social Care Needs

The child or young person’s social care and needs which relate to their Special Educational Needs.

  • Family and Community Care

Summary of strengths:
Summary of Social Care needs:

SECTION E: Educational Outcomes

The long and short term outcomes sought for the child or young person.

  • Cognition and Learning

  • Communication and Interaction

  • Social, Emotional and Wellbeing

  • Sensory and/or Physical

Other outcomes

Please list any specific health and care outcomes

SECTION F: Special Educational Provision

Required by the child/young person to support identified outcomes.

Special Educational Provision / Who/When/How Often / Funding Source – Element 1 & 2 and/or 3

SECTION G: Health Provision

Any health provision reasonably required by the learning difficulties or disabilitieswhich result in the child or young person having SEN.

Health Provision / Who/When/
How Often

SECTION H1: Social Care Provision

Any social care provision which must be made for the child or young person under 18 resulting from section 2 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970.

Social Care Provision / Who/When/
How Often

SECTION H2: Social Care Provision

Any social care provision reasonably required by the learning difficulties and disabilities which result in the child or young person having SEN. This will include any adult social care provision being provided to meet a young person’s eligible needs (through a statutory care and support plan) under the Care Act 2014.

Social Care Provision / Who/When/
How Often

Arrangements for Review

How will this plan be reviewed?
  • Close liaison with home is recommended to ensure consistency of approach in order to maximise progress. They also need to be encouraged to engage actively in his/her learning programme and to be involved in setting targets and monitoring progress towards them

  • For a pupil aged under five years, the Education, Health and Care Plan will be reviewed at least annually. The education setting may choose to hold informal review meetings more frequently for example 6 monthly. Over five years, the Education, Health and Care Plan will be reviewed every 12 months

  • The Annual Review will monitor and confirm that their ‘needs’ and ‘long term outcomes’ continue to be relevant and consider in detail the 12 month outcomes, if they have been achieved their continued appropriateness and the relevance of the strategies in place. This review will also agree the outcomes for the coming year and the strategies to achieve these and how they will be provided, by whom and how often and by which agency

  • At transition time the Annual Review will need to reflect carefully on long term outcomes and for the child/young person in their next placement

  • The Annual Review of the Education, Health and Care Plan will be organised by the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO)or equivalent in consultation with the parent(s)/carers and child/young person and appropriate professionals including the Local Authority


The name and type of the school, maintained nursery school, post 16 institution or other institution to be attended by the child young person.

Name of Educational Placement
Type of Placement

SECTION J: Personal Budget

This section provides information on any provision in the Education, Health and Care Plan that is eligible to be provided through a Personal Budget that will be used to secure provision and to meet the outcomes detailed.

Have the family/young person asked for a personal budget? / Yes / No

Personal Budget Allocation

 / Direct Payments
£ / A / B / C / D / E

Key for the above table

A = Direct Payment

B = Organised Agreement

C = Third Party Arrangement

D = Goods or services which are to be secured by direct payment

E = Outcomes supported by direct payments

NB: Changes to health and care elements of the personal budget will not trigger a formal review of the Education, Health and Care Plan unless they are significant and have an impact on special educational needs. These changes will be recorded on the relevant health and/or care support plans.

SECTION K: Advice and Information

The following people have contributed to this assessment and their reports are attached as appendices at the back of this Education, Health and Care Plan

Relevant Reports or Assessments / Name/Author / Date of Report or Assessment
Other relevant information
(eg Club Leader) / Name/Author / Date of Report or Assessment

Signatures, Agreement & Review Dates

On behalf of the Local Authority

Signature: / Date:
A duly authorised officer of the authority
SEN Casework Officer