Exodus Questions

Exodus 1-40

Key Verse:


God saves and trains Moses ##1

Exodus 1-2

Key Verse: 2:24-25#1


1.Read verses 1-7. How did the sons of Israel (Jacob) come to live in Egypt? How many were there at first? How did the experience of Israel’s descendants in Egypt fulfill God’s promise to Abraham? (Ge 13:16; 15:5,13)

2.Read verses 8-14. Why and how did the new king of Egypt oppress the people of Israel? Why did he fear them? How successful were his efforts to reduce the Israeli population? (12)

3.What plan for birth control did the king order? Was it successful? Why? What showed that faith in Israel was alive? (15-21) What was the king’s next plan for preventing Israel’s population from increasing? (1:22)


4.Read 2:1-3. According to the law (1:22), what should have been done with baby Moses? How did his parents protect him? (Heb 11:23) How did God save Moses? (4-10) How might his own mother have influenced him? How did God use the Egyptian princess? What can we learn about God and his ways of working?

5.What special privileges did Moses have? (cf. Acts 7:20-22) Why was an Egyptian education valuable in preparing Moses for future leadership?

6.Read 2:11-15. What decision did he make when he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew? (Heb 11:24-27) Why did he have to flee for his life? (14) How do you think he felt when his own people rejected him? What kind of training did he need?

7.Read 2:15-22. What happened to Moses in the land of Midian? Who did he marry? What kind of life did he live there? What did he name his son? What do you think were his joys and sorrows? What further training did God give him? (3:1;4:18; 18:)

8.Read 2:23-25 How long was Moses in Midian? What happened in Egypt during that time? What did God remember: Why was his heart moved when he heard Israel’s cry for help?


A Land Flowing with Milk and Honey


Exodus 3:1-4:17

Key Verse: Exodus 3:8a

1.Read 3:1-6. Where was Moses and what was he doing when God called him? Why was he drawn to the burning bush? How did God teach Moses awesome respect for the holy God? How did God first identify himself to Moses? (3:1-6) Why was this necessary? What do we learn here about God?

2.Read verses 7-10. Why was the Lord concerned about the Israelites? What did he know about their condition? What had God promised? (Gen 15:16; 46:3,4) What was God’s declared purpose in coming to Moses? What command did he give Moses? What does this teach us about God’s character?

3.What was Moses’ first response to God’s call?(11) What was God’s response?(12) What sign did God give Moses to prove his Presence? What do you think this sign means?

4.Read verses 13-17. Why did Moses want to know God’s name? What was the name God taught Moses? What else was Moses commanded to tell the people about God? What did God promise? Why did he promise a land flowing with milk and honey?

5.Read verses 18-22. What request did God tell Moses and the Israelite elders to make of Pharaoh? (3:18) Read 19-22. When and why would Pharaoh grant their request? Under what circumstances would Israel finally leave Egypt?

6.Read 4:1-9. When Moses protested that the people would not believe him, what signs did God give Moses to help the people believe that God had appeared to him and was with him?

7.Read 4:10-12. What other problem did Moses have? How did God deal with this problem? How was this Moses different from the Moses who left Egypt 40 years before? (2:14)

8.Why did God become angry with Moses? What compromise did God make with Moses’ weakness? (4:13-17) Why did God tell him to take the staff? (17)


I Am The Lord; I Will Redeem You


Exodus 4:18-6:27

Key Verse: 6:8

1.Read 4:18-26. As Moses took his family and started back to Egypt, what word of prophecy did God give him? What happened at the inn? Why was it important for Moses to circumcise his son? (Ge 17:10)

2.Read 4:27-31.What was the response of the people when Moses and Aaron told them God’s promise and showed them the signs? (4:27-31)

3.When Moses and Aaron made their first request of Pharaoh to let the people go, what was his answer? (5:1-2)

4.When they persisted, what did Pharaoh do? (5:3-14) What did the Israelite foremen say to Pharaoh? What was his response? (15-20)

5.Read 5:19-23. How did this situation make things difficult for Moses? What did he do? (5:19-23)

6.What is the subject of chapter 6:1-8? What does God teach Moses and the Israelites about himself? What has he done? What does he promise to do? What is the basis of his promise? What does it mean to “redeem?” What new revelation had been given to Moses?

7.Read 6:9-12. When Moses taught God’s word to the people, how did they respond? Why is Bible study hard for a people with a slave mentality? Why is it necessary, even though it is hard? (9) How did Moses respond? In what way was he now ready to go?

8.What weakness of Moses is repeated in 6:12 and 30? (Also 4:10-12) What do you learn about Moses from the genealogy? What is the mission God gave Moses? In which verses in this passage (6:10-30) is God’s commission repeated? How did God regard Moses’ excuses?

* What do you learn about God from the way he saved, trained, and called Moses? How is God’s way of dealing with Moses a small pattern of his way of working with the nation?


Let My People Go

Exodus 6:28-10:29#4

Key Verse 7:5; 9:16

"LET MY PEOPLE GO 

1.Read 6:28-7:7 Who were Moses and Aaron and what had God sent them to do? What was Moses’ role and what was Aaron’s? What was the basic message of the Lord to Pharaoh through Aaron and Moses? (7:2)

2.What was God’s game plan? (3-4) How would Pharaoh respond to God’s word? How would God use this to accomplish his purpose? How did Pharaoh respond in to God’s word? [note the references to Pharaoh’s heart being hardened: 7:3,13,22; 8:15,19,31;9:7,12,34,35;10:1,20,27] What was God’s purpose? (7:4,5;Ro9)

3.List the first 9 plagues. (7:20) (8:2-5)(8:16)(8:21-22)(9:2-7)(9:10)(9:22)(10:4-6) (10:21-22) What was God’s word to Pharaoh in each case?

4.Which miracles were imitated by the magicians of Egypt? Which one did they fail to imitate when they tried? Which one was especially hard on the magicians? In which plagues was a distinction made between the Egyptians and the Israelites?

5.What did the Lord want to teach the Egyptians through these great acts of judgment? (cf. 7:4,5,17; 8:10; 9:15-16) Why was this lesson necessary? (5:2)

6.What did the Lord want to teach Israel through these great acts of judgment and deliverance? (6:6,7; 10:1,2) What did God want to teach the whole world? (9:16; 1Sa 4:8-9; Ro 9:17)


The Passover


Exodus 11:1-13:16

Key Verse:12:13

1.What did God tell Moses? (11:1) What was he to tell the people to do?(2-3) What word of God did Moses tell Pharaoh? (4-8) What did he predict that Pharaoh and the Egyptians would do? What would clearly reveal God’s sovereignty and his almighty power? What was Moses’ attitude and his confidence? (8c-10)

2.When and how was this prophecy fulfilled? (12:1,2; 29-30; 31-36) Note the elements repeated in the prediction and its fulfillment.

3.Read 12:1-13. What instructions did the Lord give Moses about preparing the Lord’s Passover? What kind of lamb? What was to be done with it? With the blood? What was God teaching through this about himself?

4.) Why was this feast called the “Lord’s Passover?” Why did the Israelites need to be protected from God’s judgment? (12:12,13) On what condition would God spare the firstborn of Israel? (12:13) [Jn 1:29; Jn 6:53-54;1Cor 5:7b)

5.With what attitude was the Passover lamb to be eaten? How does this teach faith? (11)

6.When Moses gave the people the Lord’s instructions, how did they respond? (12:21-23) (12:24-28)

7.How did Israel despoil Egypt? How was it that they were prepared to do so? How did this fit into God’s education of the Israelites slaves? (11:1-3; 12:33-36; Ge 15:13,14)

8.Read 12:14-20. Why were the cakes baked in the desert made without yeast? (12:39,33,34) Think about the historical roots of this religious ceremony, and the educational purpose and function of keeping the Passover as a festival to the Lord, an everlasting ordinance.

9.Describe the people who made the Exodus from Egypt. How long had they been in Egypt? (12:31-41) Why is the strict keeping of the Passover reiterated?

10.In chapter 13, what are the two ceremonies which the Israelites are instructed to keep? What does the consecration of the firstborn teach? What are the methods of education prescribed here? What can we learn about how to teach and discipline our children? Ourselves?Our sheep?


(God of Grace, God of Glory)


Exodus 13:17-15:21

Key Verse 15:1,2

1. Read 13:17-18. Where were the Israelites when they began their journey out of Egypt? (20). Why didn’t the Lord direct Moses to take the Israelites out of Egypt along the coastal road through Philistia? What road did they take? Why? (3:12)

2. Read 13:19-22. Why did Moses take Joseph’s bones with them?(Ge 50:24-26) How did the Lord indicate his presence and help for his people? What should this have meant for the Israelites?

3. Read 14:1-4. Why did the Lord instruct the Israelites to go back and encamp at Pi Hahiroth? (Where was Pi Hahiroth

4. Read 14:5-9. Why did Pharaoh and his officials change their minds? With what kind of force did they come after Israel? What does this show about them? Where did the Egyptians overtake them?

5. Read 14:10-12. How did the Israelites react when they saw the Egyptians? Why were they so bitter and sarcastic? What does this show about the fruit of living in slavery to sin?

6. Read 14:13-18. How did Moses tell the people to do? What did the Lord tell Moses to do? How would the Lord gain glory through Pharaoh and his army? Why is it so important that God’s people learn obedient faith?

7. Read 14:19-22. How did the Lord protect the Israelites? How did the Lord make a way for them to leave Egypt? What does this show about the Israelites (Heb. 11:29)? About the Lord?

8. Read 14:23-31. What happened when the Egyptians pursued the Israelites into the sea? What did the Israelites come to understand and believe through this event?


Through 3 Deserts


Exodus 15:22-18:27

Key Verse:15:26 “I am the Lord who heals you”

1.How long did the lessons learned crossing the Red Sea last? Why did the people murmur against Moses in the Desert of Shur? What was the basic grace God gave them? What promise did God make? What did he reveal about his character in this promise?

2.When the people got hungry what did they remember? What does this show about their basic way of thinking and living? (16:1-3) Note the absence of praise and thanksgiving in the people. What four times do they murmur and complain. Why is murmuring is a sin?

3.When God gave them bread from heaven, what did he want them to see and what did he want them to know and remember? (cf. Deut. 8:1-8) (16:4-12)

4.What two rules did the Lord make concerning the bread that which he gave them from heaven? (16:4,5) What was the Lord testing?

5.In what ways did the people take these two rules lightly? What does this paragraph show about the people’s need for training? (16:13-30) Why was Moses angry? (20)

6.How did Moses try repeatedly to teach the people a sense of history? (16:31-35; 13:19; 15:14-18; 17:14) Why is it important to remember God’s grace?

7.What two events happened at Rephidim? How did God show his grace and patience and protective care of the people in each event? (Chapter 17)

8.Who was Jethro? Why did he come to meet Moses? How did he encourage Moses’ spirit? How did he help him practically? (Chapter 18) What does his witness and hymn of praise add to this section? Contrast Jethro with the murmuring people.


Preparing for the Covenant With God


Exodus 19:1-25 (20:18-26)

Key Verse 19:5,6

1.Where and when did Israel gather to make a covenant with God? (1-9) What act of God’s grace was the basis of the covenant? What was God’s purpose in saving Israel and making a covenant with her?

2.What was the basic requirement for being God’s own people a kingdom of priests, a holy nation? What do these things teach about God? What was the people’s initial response to the word of God?

3.Why did God descend to the top of the mountain in a dense cloud, and then to speak with Moses in the hearing of the people? (9)

4.How were Moses and the people to prepare for the Lord’s coming down? (10-15) How long did they have to prepare?

5.What were the phenomena which appeared on Mt. Siniai when the Lord descended to the top of the mountain? (16-19)

6.Why did the Lord call Moses to come up the mountain, then immediately send him back down again? (23-24)

7.What was the people’s attitude before God? Why is fear of the Lord a necessary attitude for receiving God’s word? (cf. Pr 9:10)


The Ten Commandments

Exodus 20:1-23:9#9+++

Exodus 20: 20:1-3

1.Memorize the Ten Commandments. Read verses 1-2. By what right does God give the law to Israel? What does this show about the basic relationship between God and his people?

2.In what way does God’s law limit human freedom? Make freedom possible? Which laws deal with man’s relationship to God; which laws with man’s relationship with man? How did Jesus summarize the law? (Mt 22:37-38)

3.Read verses 3-6. With which two commandments do these verses deal? What is forbidden? What is the implied command? How are these two commandments different and how are they similar? What does it mean that God is jealous?

4.Read verses 7 and 8. What does it mean to “misuse” the name of the Lord our God? Why is this a serious matter? What is the next commandment? How and why did God personally establish the Sabbath as a holy day? See Mk 2:27-28. How can we keep the Sabbath holy? What is God’s command for the other 6 days?

5.Read verse 12. Why does God command us to honor our parents? How can we do so? Read verses 13-15. What is forbidden by these commandments? What did Jesus say? (Mt 5) How are they related to the second great commandment to love your neighbor?

6.Which part of the commandments did the Lord reemphasize? (20:21-26) Why was this so important?

7.Peruse chapters 21-23:9. Find some of the people who are disciplined by the law; Protected by the law; What are some of the relationships regulated by law?

8.Find some laws in chapters 21-23 which are based on God’s compassion? Which laws are expressions of his justice? His mercy? Which are designed to keep material things from ruling men?

9.Find some laws which remind men that God must be first; some which provide for keeping a clear relationship with God? Some which would remind Israel of her own former life?

10How did God promise to deal with the enemy nations who occupied Canaan? (23:20-33)

11.What are some things these detailed laws reveal about the life of these people who had just come up out of Egyptian slavery, Why did they need the law to become a holy nation?

The Covenant Sealed in Blood

Exodus 23:20-24:18#10

Key Verse: 24:8

1.How will God send them to conquer the land? Who is this angel? What is God’s plan? Why must they obey their guide? How else will God protect and guide them? Why will he not give them quick, immediate conquest? What other dangers will they face? (23:33)

2.When Moses told the people the Lord’s words and laws, what was their response? (3) In what chapter and verse had they made a similar response in the past? Where else in this chapter is this response repeated? What is the significance of this repetition?

3.How was the covenant between the Lord and his people finalized and sealed? (4-8) What is the significance of the blood? (cf. Ge 9:4; Lev 17:11) (Ro 3:25; Heb 9:22,14;1Pe 1:18-19

4.What does the beautiful scene of the elders of Israel eating and drinking before the Lord suggest about the covenant relationship between God and his people?

5.Why did Moses go up the mountain again, and how long was he there? Who was left in charge of the people?