It Takes Timel
Many students discover that more study time is required to be successful in college coursework than was required for success in high schoolcoursework. In college less tine
is spent in the classroom and materialis covered at a faster pace.Professors expect cdege students to assume more responsibility for their learning. As a generalrule students shOJid
allow two to three hours of study time for every hOur they spend in the dassroom.If this additional time is spent reviewing and revising notes,reading assigned materialin the textbook, completing homework assignmentslprojects and studying for tests, a student should be on the way to a91dernic success and earning a college degree.
Work through the following questions to determine whether your schedule allows enou time for you to do the necessary study and dass preparation or if adjustments to your schedule are needed.
You have a total of 168 hours per week. How should the hours be scheduled?
• 1) In-class hrs. (per wk.} +study hrs. (2-3 for each classroom hr. per wk.)
---= minimum hrs for coursework.
2) An average night's sleep is hrs. x 7 nights = hrs.
3) Are you employed? _Yes _No
If yes, how many hrs.per wk. do you work? hrs.
4) How much time do you spend in your vehide traveling each day (to school, work.
errands, finding a parking space etc.)? x 5 days= hrs.;
time spent traveling on the weekend (to work. church, leisure activities) hrs.
Estimate the following activities:
5) Exercising or relaxing? x 7 days = hrs. per wk.
6) Involvement in campus activities organizations? hrs.per wk.
7} Spending time with family? · friends? ·significant other? Total hrs. = ___
8) Watching TV and/or movies? hrs.per wk.
9) Playing video/computer games? hrs. per wk.
10) Ustening to music? hrs.per wk.
11) Surfing on the internet? hrs.per wk.
12) Now allow 2-3 hours per day for eating7 showering,dressing, daily hygiene
h . rwk. · ·
Total your hours making sure you convert any minutes to hours. h.per wk.
Subtract your total from 168.
Time left------Hours over 168------
If your hours are over 168, you need to work out a more realistic schedule.Studying for a 13
credit hour load·is the equivalent of a full-time job!