Pat Farrell
Department of Geography, Urban, Environment and Sustainability Studies
University of Minnesota Duluth, 324 Cina Hall, 1123 University Drive
Ph.D. Geography, 1997 University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio; Dissertation: The Garden City Hypothesis in the Maya Lowlands.
M.A. Geography, 1992, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio; Thesis: A Study of Mt. Airy Forest as a Sink for Lead and Copper Particulates.
Professional Experience
Associate Professor, University of Minnesota Duluth, Department of Geography (2003 – Present)
Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota Duluth, Department of Geography (1997 – 2003)
Research Fellow, Oak Ridge Institute of Science and Education, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio (1996-1997)
Faculty, University of CincinnatiClermontCollege, Batavia, Ohio (1991-1996)
Adjunct Faculty, University of Cincinnati, Department of Geography (1994-1995)
Co-Director, Project S.L.I.M.E. (Science Learning in Middle School Environments) (1993-1994)
Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Cincinnati (1988-1992)
Regulatory Analyst and Geographer, Dames and Moore Environmental Engineering Firm (1989-1991)
Timothy Beach, Sheryl Luzzadder-Beach, Ryan V. Sweetwood, Patrice Farrell, Daniel Mazeau, and Richard E. Terry. “Soils and Agricultural Carrying Capacity” Chapter 9 in: Scott Hutson (Editor), Ancient Maya Commerce: Multidisciplinary Research at Chunchucmil, pp.245-276. University Press of Colorado. February 2017.
Deborah M. Pearsall, John G. Jones, Nicholas P. Dunning, Peter E. Siegel, Pat Farrell, Jason H. Curtis, and Neil A. Duncan. Chapter 4 : Methods for Addressing Landscape History.In: Island Historical Ecology: Socionatural Landscapes of the Eastern and Southern Caribbean. (In Press) Berghahn Books, New York/Oxford.
Pat Farrell, Neil A. Duncan, John G. Jones, Nicholas P. Dunning, Deborah M. Pearsall, and Peter E. Siegel. Chapter 5 :Trinidad. In : Island Historical Ecology: Socionatural Landscapes of the Eastern and Southern Caribbean. (In Press) Berghahn Books, New York/Oxford.
John G. Jones, Deborah M. Pearsall, Pat Farrell, Nicholas P. Dunning, Jason H. Curtis, Neil A. Duncan, and Peter E. Siegel. Chapter 6 : Grenada.In : Island Historical Ecology: Socionatural Landscapes of the Eastern and Southern Caribbean. (In Press) Berghahn Books, New York/Oxford.
Peter E. Siegel, Deborah M. Pearsall, Nicholas P. Dunning, John G. Jones, Pat Farrell, Neil A. Duncan, and Jason H. Curtis. Chapter 14 :Assessing Colonization, Landscape Learning, and Socionatural Change in the West Indies. In : Island Historical Ecology: Socionatural Landscapes of the Eastern and Southern Caribbean. (In Press) Berghahn Books, New York/Oxford.
Peter E. Siegel, John G. Jones, Deborah M. Pearsall, Nicholas P. Dunning, Pat Farrell, Neil Duncan, Jason H. Curtis, and Sushant K. Singh. Humanizing the Landscapes of the Lesser Antilles during the Archaic Age. 2016. Chapter 2 In: The Archaeology of Caribbean and Circum-Caribbean Farmers (6000 BC – AD 1500), Basil A. Reid (editor). Under Review, Routledge Press.
Peter E. Siegel, John G. Jones, Deborah M. Pearsall, Nicholas P. Dunning, Pat Farrell, Neil A. Duncan, Jason H. Curtis, Sushant K. Singh. 2015. Paleoenvironmental evidence for first human colonization of the eastern Caribbean. Quaternary Science Reviews 129 (2015) 275-295.
Pedersen, Paula, Pat Farrell, and Eric McPhee. Paper versus Pixel: Effectiveness of Paper versus Electronic Maps To Teach Map Reading Skills in an Introductory Physical Geography Course. 2005. Journal of Geography104(5): 209 – 216.
Farrell, Pat. Soils and Ancient Settlement in the Sibun River Valley, Belize: a Thumbnail Sketch of Environmental Variability in the Maya Lowlands. 2003. Caribbean Geography 13(1): 52-68.
Robinson, Eugenia, Pat M. Farrell, Kitty Emery, Geoffrey Baswell, and Dorothy Freidel. Preclassic Settlements and Geomorphology in the Highlands of Guatemala: Excavations at Urias, Valley of Antigua. December 2002, pp. 251-276. In: Incidents of Archaeology in Central America and Yucatan: Essays in Honor of Edwin M. Shook. Edited by Michael Love, Marion Popenoe de Hatch, and Hector Escobedo. University of America Press: Lanham, Maryland.
Farrell, Pat and Heather Adkins. Evaluating Soil Potential in the Middle and Lower reaches of the XibunRiverValley. December 2000, pp. 11-34. In:Sacred Landscape and Settlement in the Sibun River Valle,yXARP (1999) Archaeological Survey and Excavation, (ed) Patricia McAnany.Occasional Publication #8, Institute for Mesoamerican Studies, State University of New York, Albany.
N.P. Dunning, T. Beach, Pat Farrell, S. Luzzader-Beach Prehispanic Agrosystems and Adaptive Regions in the Maya Lowlands. 1998.Culture and Agriculture 20(4): 87-101.
Smyth, Michael, José Ligorred Perramon, David Ortegón Zapata, and Pat Farrell. An Early ClassicCenter in the Puuc Region: New Data from Chac II, Yucatan, Mexico. 1998. Ancient Mesoamerica 9(2): 233-257.
Dahlin, B., A. Andrews, T.Beach, C. Benzanilla, Patrice Farrell, S. Luzzadder-Beach, V. McCormick).Punta Canbalám in Context: A Peripatetic Coastal Site in Northwest Campeche, Mexico. 1998. Ancient Mesoamerica 9(1):1-15.
Farrell, Pat, Timothy Beach and Bruce Dahlin. Beneath the Roots of the Chukum Tree, A Preliminary Soil Analysis of the Chunchucmil Region. 1996. In: Conference of Latin
Americanist Geographers Yearbook. D. Robinson and S. Driever (eds).
Tong, Susanna and Pat Farrell. The concentration profile of heavy metals in an urban forest. 1991. Environmental Technology 12: 79-85.
Research Reports and Field Reports
Susan Mulholland and Pat Farrell, Principle Investigators, October 2010. Phase I Archaeological and Geomorphic Investigations for Bridge 9100 replacement or Rehabilitation on T.H. 1, Marshall County, MN and Bridge 54-3, T.H. 54, Walsh County, North Dakota. Published by Duluth Archaeology Center, for MN Department of Transportation.
S. Mulholland, M. Patrice Farrell and S. Mulholland. January 2009. Phase I Archaeological and Geomorphic Deep Site Testing Investigations at Bridge 5557 on T.H. 11, Lake of the Woods County, Minnesota. (report submitted to MnDOT)
Stark, S.L., Farrell, P., Mulholland, S. , February 2008. Final Report, Methodology to Incorporate Historic Surface Hydrology Layer in Mn/Model, Using Existing Geographic Information System Data, with Stacey Stark and Sue Mulholland.
“Soils of the Sibun Valley: Modeling Ancient Landscapes”.In: Between the Gorge and the Estuary. Archaeological Investigations of the 2001 Season of the Xibun Archaeological Research Project.Ed. Patricia McAnany and Ben Thomas. 2003.Boston: Boston University Department of Archaeology and International Programs.
Phase I Archaeological and Geomorphic Investigations at Bridge 7135 (S.P. 14-622-06), ClayCounty, Minnesota, and Cass County, North Dakota. February 2003. DuluthArchaeologyCenter Report No. 03-03. (Co-authors: Susan Mulholland, Stephen Mulholland, and Robert Donahue).
“Results of Soil Laboratory Analysis from K’axob 1998 Field Season”. Report submitted to Patricia McAnany, Boston University Department of Archaeology and International Programs. January 2002. Duluth, Minnesota.
“Evaluating Soil Potential in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the XibunRiverValley”, (co-author, Heather Adkins) In: Sacred Landscape and Settlement in the SibunRiverValley. January 2001. Ed. Patricia McAnany .
Archaeological and Geomorphic Survey of Bridge No. 9798, (S.P. 7903-41), T.H. 60, Dumfries, Wabasha County, Minnesota”. University of MinnesotaDuluth Archaeometry Laboratory Report. Report submitted to Minnesota Department of Transportation. May 2001. Duluth, Minnesota. (Co-authors, Susan Mulholland, Steve Mulholland,Robert Donahue, and George Rapp)
“Phase II Archaeological and Geomorphic Investigations on Three Sites (21FL91, 21FL97, 21FL98), Fillmore County, Minnesota”. University of MinnesotaDuluth Archaeometry Laboratory Report. Final Report, submitted to Minnesota Department of Transportation. May 2001. Duluth, Minnesota. (Co-authors, Susan Mulholland, Steve Mulholland,Robert Donahue and George Rapp).
“Phase I Archaeological and Geomorphological Survey of Bridges399 and 461, Highway 60, Wabasha County, Minnesota. Archaeometry Laboratory Report”. Report submitted to Minnesota Department of Transportation. October 2000. Duluth, Minnesota. (Co-authors, Susan Mulholland, Steve Mulholland,Robert Donahue).
“Phase I Survey: Trunk Highway 268 on Bridges 6406 and 6407, Pipestone County, Minnesota, Archaeometry Laboratory Report 9932." Report submitted to Minnesota Department of Transportation. December 1999. Duluth, Minnesota. (Co-authors, Susan Mulholland, Steve Mulholland, James K. Huber).
“Field Report of the Geomorphic Investigations for Bridge Replacements, Bridge 5896, Fillmore County, MN (S.P. 2308-03) and Bridge 6842, Rice County, MN (S.P. 6612-84)”. Report submitted to Minnesota Department of Transportation. October 1999 Duluth, Minnesota. (Co-author, James K. Huber).
“Field Report of the Geomorphic Investigations on Bridges 6406 and 6407 (S.P. 5907-11 & 12), Highway 268, Pipestone County, Minnesota”. Report submitted to Minnesota Department of Transportation. September 1999. Duluth, Minnesota. (Co-author, James K. Huber).
“Field Report on Soils Investigation, Chac II, Yucatan, Mexico”. Report submitted to archaeologist Michael Smyth. June 1999. Duluth, Minnesota. (Co-author: David Woodward).
“K’axob Preliminary Soils Report”. In:Where the Water Meets the Land: 1998 Excavations in Wetland Fields and along Transects at K’axob, Belize. Ed. Patricia McAnany and Kimberly Berry. Report submitted to the Department of Archaeology, Belmopan, Belize. January 1999. BostonUniversity, Boston.
“Environmental Portion of Preliminary Report- Urias Archaeological Investigation”. Report submitted to the Institute of Anthropology and History of Guatemala. August 1997. Antigua, Guatemala. (Co-author: Dorothy Freidel).
“Preclassic Settlements of the Highlands of Guatemala: An Archaeological and Geomorphological Investigation”. Final Report submitted to the National Geographic Society. 1997.Washington, D.C. (Co-author: Eugenia Robinson).
“Asentatmientos Preclasico en las Tierras Altas de Guatemala: una Investigacion Geomorphologica y Arqueologica. Informe Preliminar”. Report submitted to the Institute of Anthropology and History of Guatemala.1996. Washington, D.C. (Co-author: Eugenia Robinson).
Professional Presentations (National /International)
Session organizer for Post-War Geographies of Sri Lanka sessions, American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, San Francisco, March 2016.
Sibling Soil. Presentation at Dimensions of Political Ecology Conference, University of Kentucky, Lexington , Kentucky, February 2016.
Cultural Diversity in the United States. Presentation at Sociology Colloquium, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, February 2015.
Island Historical Ecology: Socionatural Landscapes across the Caribbean Sea (co-author of paper presented by Peter Siegel) at the Society of American Archaeologists Annual Meeting, Austin Texas, Spring 2014.
“ Gamai Pansalai Wewai Degebai”- Traditional Sustainable Development Model, Sri Lanka”(co-author of paper presented by Nishan Sakalasooriya) at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida, Spring 2014.
The Effect of a Global Economy on Global Soils. Presentation at theSecond International Conference on Social Sciences at the University of Kelaniya, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Fall 2013.
Soil, art and science…an unlikely trio?Presentationat the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, New York, February 2012.
Soils of the Sibun River Valley, Belize: Implications for Maya Settlement Patterns. Poster presented at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 2009.
Geography of Minnesota. Lecture presented at Dean’s Lecture Series, University of Kelaniya, Colombo, Sri Lanka, March 2007.
Soilscapes" and Settlement in the Sibun River Valley, Belize. Paper presented at thecAssociation of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado.
April 2005.
Soil Landscapes of the SibunRiverValley. Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, April 2004.
Using Soil Landscape Models to Situate Ancient Settlement. Illustrated Paper presented at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 2003.
Digging for Clues: Ancient Settlement and Soils in the SibunRiverValley, Belize. Paper presented at the“Belize and the Wider Caribbean, a combined conference constituting the Fourth International Belize Conference and the Fourth British Caribbean Geography Seminar”,
The San Ignacio Hotel, San Ignacio, Cayo District, Belize, July 7-10, 2002.
Revisiting Ancient Maya Wetland Utilization: Investigations at K’axob, Northern Belize. Illustrated Paper presented at Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, 2002.
The Issue of Scale in Geoarchaeological Soil Analysis. (Paper presented by co-author). Society of American Archaeology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 2001 . (Co-author, David Woodward).
Karst, Cacao, and Conservation: Soil Catenas of the Sibun River Valley, Belize. Illustrated Paper presented at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 2000.
The Archaeology, Environment and Volcanism of the Preclassic Period in the AntiguaValley, Guatemalan Highlands. 1999. Paper presented by co-author). Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. (Co -authors, Eugenia Robinson, Dorothy Freidel, Kitty Emery, Marilyn Beaudry and David Lentz).
The Issue of Scale in Geomorphological Soil Analysis. 1999. Poster presentation at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii. (Co-presenter, David Woodward).
Environmental Reconstruction of Urias, a Preclassic Maya Site in Highland Guatemala. 1998. Paper presented at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. (Co-author, Dorothy Freidel).
Preclassic Settlements and Geomorphology in the Highlands of Guatemala: Excavations of the Site Urias, Valley of Antigua. 1997. (Paper presented by co-author) at the Society of American Archaeology Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee . (Co-author, Eugenia Robinson).
Pedo-Archaeological Evidence for Ancient Gardening in the Puuc Region of the YucatanPeninsula. 1997. Paper presented at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting , Fort Worth, Texas.
Under the Roots of the Chukum Tree. 1995. Paper presented at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
Science Laboratories in Middle School Environments. 1994. Poster Presentation at the American Association of Higher Education Annual Meeting, WashingtonD.C. (Co-presenter, Clifford Larrabee).
The Concentration Profile of Heavy Metals in an Urban Forest. 1991. Paper presented at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Miami, Florida.
Retention of Copper and Lead Particulates in Plant Foliage and Forest Soil. 1990. Paper presented at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario.
Professional Presentations (Regional and Local)
Martha B. Alworth International Brown Bag Lecture, UMD, April 2016.
It’s Alive!Lecture for Women’s Environmental Institute Organic Farm School, Minneapolis, Summer 2014.
It’s Alive! Soil ecology talk for Duluth Public Library’s Seed Library Lecture series, Spring 2014.
Rattle Your Dags and other Terms of Endearment I Learned in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Presentation for Alworth International Brown Bag, University of Minnesota, Duluth. April 2012.
The Geography in National Geographic, Duluth Art Institute for “In Focus: National Geography’s Greatest Portraits” exhibit. Summer 2010.
It All Comes Down to Humus! Lecture for Women’s Environmental Institute Organic Farm School, Minneapolis, Summer 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015.
Composting. Workshop, Women’s Environmental Institute, Amador Hill Farm, North Branch, MN, July 2009, July 2010.
Soil. Informal Presentation to North Shore Locavores Group, Duluth Township Town Hall, April 26, 2009
Soilscapes” and Ancient Maya Settlement in the Sibun River Valley, Belize. UMD Geological Sciences Seminar, April 14, 2005.
Revealing Secrets of the Ancient Maya Culture.Paper presented at the Sharing the Future in Science and Math program to encourage girls in science and math, BemidjiStateUniversity, January 2004.
Soil and Settlement in the Sibun River Valley, Belize. Paper presented at Northern Lakes Archaeological Society, Superior, Wisconsin, May 2003.
An Interdisciplinary Research Project on Ancient Maya Occupation along the Sibun River, Belize. Presentation for Geography Awareness Week, UMD, November 2002.
Seeing the Ancient Maya from the Ground Up.April 2002. Alworth Institute International Brown Bag Series, UMD.
Paricutin, an Infant Volcano in Central Mexico. 2000. Alworth Institute International Brown Bag Series, UMD.(co-presenter, Tomas Weidmer-Ocampo).
Dirt and Dead People: Soils and Maya Archaeology. 1999. Paper presented at the Maya Society of Minnesota meeting, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Soil and Maya Archaeology, Presentation to Geography Department, GustavusAdolphusCollege,1999.
Maya Archaeology. 1999. Northern Lakes Archaeological Society, Duluth-Superior Archaeology Week, Superior, Wisconsin Public Library.
Dirt and Dead People: Soils and Maya Archaeology. 1999. UMD Geology Department Seminar.
Soils Geography. UMD Womens History Month Brown Bag Lecture. 1998.
Agricultural Adaptive Regions in the Prehispanic Maya Lowlands. 1998. University of Minnesota Department of Geography Coffee Hour Lecture Series, Minneapolis.
Honors and Grants
UMD College of Liberal Arts Outstanding Faculty Adviser Award, 2017.
UMD Sabbaticals, 2006-2007, 2014-2015.
UMD Commission on Women Grant to bring Sandra Steingraber to UMD as guest speakerfor Womens History Month. 2012
National Council on Geographic Education Award for best content article of 2006 in the Journal of Geography for article entitled, Paper versus Pixel: Effectiveness of Paper versus Electronic Maps To Teach Map Reading Skills in an Introductory Physical Geography Course. (Co-recipients Paula Pedersen and Eric McPhee)
University of Minnesota - Center for Transportation Studies (CTS) Grant, Methodology to Incorporate Historic/Prehistoric Surface Hydrology layer inMn/Model Using Existing GIS Data, Spring 2006 (Co-PI Stacey Stark)
UMD Chancellors Small Grants, CLA Teaching Awards, CLA Research Awards(1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2012, 2014)
UMD Commission on Women Grant and UMD OEO Office Grant to host visiting scholar, Kath Browne (Co-recipient Larry Knopp), 2005
UMD Commission on Women Grant to host Sara Elwood for Geography Awareness Week, (Co-recipient Larry Knopp), Fall 2004.
Diversity Grant to host David Dodman, Faculty in Residence Program, Spring 2003
Single Semester Leave, University of MinnesotaDuluth (Spring 2001)
Grant-in-Aid of Research, University of Minnesota, Pedoarchaeological Investigations in the Maya Lowlands of Mexico and Highlands of Guatemala (1998)
University Research Council Summer Research Fellowship, University of Cincinnati, 1993.
Cincinnatus Association Award in Urban Geography, 1987.
Professional Associations
Women’s Environmental Institute, Faculty
Duluth Community Garden Program, (past Secretary and Board Member)
Association of American Geographers
Association of Women Soil Scientists (past Chair)