/Annual AOC subs are now due - membership lapses if unpaid by 31 March
If joining the club after beginning of August, half fees are payable
If joining in Nov/Dec full fees are payable but membership runs to end of following year
Membership type Amount Paid
Juniors (< 21 years for the year to Dec 31 ) & full-time students / $20 /
Seniors / $60
Family (up to 2 seniors + any juniors at the same address) / $90
Associate (available to those that are a full member of another NZ Orienteering Club) / $10
Payment methods (please circle method)
banking / Westpac 03-0195-0641747-000
Please enter surname & membership type
(egBloggs - Senior membership) as
statement particulars
Then writesame detailsand date banked here ==> / statement particulars date banked
Electronic version of membership form is available at
Please emailcompleted forms to:
cheque / Please make cheques out to: Auckland Orienteering Cluband send with completed membership form to:
AOC membership, 50 Dornwell Rd, Three Kings, Auckland 1041 (enquiries to Karen Woods ph625 9771)
first name last name m/f email address year of birth
postal addresshome phone number
Strictly for the information of other Auckland orienteers, the Auckland orienteering newsletter editor
publishesannually the contact details of club members who consent to this. Do you give your consent?
Yes / No
Orienteers often encounter potential hazards - pits, fences, low branches, slippery logs, roads etc.Terrain features are marked on maps and attention may be drawn to particular hazards at an event.
By participating, you acknowledge such hazards as a normal part of orienteering and agree to exercise due care.
Orienteering events are labour intensive and depend on people assisting in a range of tasks. To spread the load, club members attending AOC-organised events are asked to make themselves available for a duty.
Signature: / Date:
For first time members of Auckland Orienteering Club:
Are you a newcomer to orienteering? /
Yes / No
If you are new to Auckland Orienteering Club but not new to orienteering...
How many years previous involvement have you had? / Please circle areas of previous experience: / course setting / event organising / club committee workevent controlling / other (please specify):
If youare new to orienteering...
Would you find it helpful to be able to contact an AOC club member for information about orienteering?Yes / No – not needed