Haileybury Turnford
11th December 2015
Parents Newsletter

Mill Lane, Cheshunt, Herts, EN8 0JU

01992 308333

A Note from Mr Barrow ….

I have written to all parents notifying them of the improvements we are making for January. You will be receiving the letters through the post as well as by email.

This week’s highlights include the Year 7 & 8 Carol Service at Haileybury and today’s success assembly with year 11. There is much to be proud of within the school.

Please note the change of Inset day from April to January 5th. Students will return to school on Wednesday 6th January 2016.

Parents’ Association

We are looking to establish a Haileybury Turnford Parents’ Association to help run events and raise funds for the school. Please contact Miss Nethercott, if you would be interested in joining.

Thank you

Mr M Barrow

Celebrating our Students Achievements

Marco Catarinicchia has had an offer from Leeds University, Jessica Frith has an interview at Cambridge and Saadia Khan an interview at Oxford. Lucy Willard has had all five offers already!

Joe Meader and Nisha Patel have been offered Work Experience at GSK in the Feb half term! (GSK took one of our students on last year as an apprentice through this scheme)

Harley is travelling to the Czech Republic again this weekend 11/12/13/14 December to take part in the next Mibosport Cup Round. The second round of the Mibosport Cup was on the 26/27/28/29 November at the Hotel-Sport in Hrotovice. The event again attracted a good amount of entries with 229 sign-ups in the six classes of Touring Modified, Touring Stock, Formula, and 1/12th scale, as well as 2WD and 4WD Buggy. 38 drivers attended in the Touring Modified class. The A-main grid Harley Eldridge was the first girl ever in the history of the Mibosport Cup to end up in the Modified class top 10 after the qualifiers.

We are pleased to report that the following students are taking part in this year’s Pantomime at The Spotlight Theatre, Broxbourne.

Jody Brown

Mia Andic

Lois Green

Ella Lane

Dragons’ Apprentice Charity event

On the 11th of December (Friday) starting at 7pm the 6th Form charity fundraising group are offering you the chance to come along and take part in a quiz night here at Haileybury Turnford!

The quiz night will cost each person £3 with small “nibbles” and non-alcoholic drinks available on the night

Teams should consist of between 5-10 players

Tickets will be on sale Friday 4th from the main school reception and then available on the door of the event. Tickets are expected to sell out fast so get in early!

We look forward to seeing you there and helping fundraise for our local charity (more information will be available on the evening about the charity and its many good causes)

Mr B Walsh

Director of 6th Form & Assistant principal


A reminder that at break time the lower years are in the large hall and the upper years in the small hall; but at lunch time all years can use any dining hall as we have food from around the world in the large hall and your classic foods in the small hall. Thank you

Mrs C Rennick

Catering Manager

Uniform Expectations

Thank you for your continued support in helping to raise standards of uniform. As a reminder please can we ask that all students have the full correct uniform?

All students must be wearing their uniform correctly this includes:

No nail varnish, acrylics or gel varnish

One earing in each ear and no other piercings

Black polishable school shoes

Jumpers, blazers and ties for the boys’ must be worn to school

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs M Goodes

Assistant Principal.

Key Stage 4 Reports

On Wednesday 16th December, all students in Key Stage 4 will be bringing home their end of term reports. The reports will show their target grade, current working level and an Engaged Learning Grade (ELG) for each of their subjects. The report will comprise of a series of questions that we ask parents to use to engage their child when discussing their grades. The reports also include an opportunity for your child to reflect upon their performance this half term and set themselves specific targets to achieve by the next data collection before February half-term.

Parent Evening Dates;

Below are the dates for Parents’ Evening; further details of each will be sent out closer to the time of each event.

Year 7

Wednesday 16th March

Year 8

Wednesday 4th May

Year 9

Wednesday 15th June

(Options Evening – Wednesday 13th January)

Year 10

Wednesday 23rd March

Year 11

Wednesday 10th February

Mr N Megaw

Assistant Principal

House System

I have great pleasure in announcing the following students of their successful appointment to the following House Teams:

Shackleton House

Captain – Charlie Hawkes

Vice Captains – Jodie Piper and Harrison Winter

Prefect – Emily Dettmar

Turing House

Captain – Shannon Linwood

Vice Captains – Shannon Brockwell and Austin Sullivan

Bevan House

Joint Captains – Beth Forster and Max Proctor

Senior Prefect – Richard Thai

Junior Prefect – James Smith

Pankhurst House

Joint Captains – Jessica Hall & Lucy Treacher

Vice-Captain - Megan North & Hari Upadhyaya

Prefect – Chyane Stephenson

Winter Sports Day

On Tuesday 15th December, we are planning on holding our first major House competition, a winter sports day. The day will focus on students playing traditional winter school sports; netball and hockey for the girls and football and rugby for the boys. The objective for the day is to involve as many students as possible from each House competing within their year for House points. The students above will be organising the teams and will be visiting forms over the next week to get students signed up for the event. Due to the schedule, students will be able to compete in both of the available sports i.e. girls can play in both netball and hockey teams.

Mr N Magaw

Assistant Principal

Year 7 & 8 Christmas Carol Concert at Haileybury

Everybody enjoyed the Carol Concert at Haileybury on Wednesday especially the mince pies and juice afterwards. Thank you to all involved.

Mrs L Magaw

Assistant Principal


From all Teachers and Staff at Haileybury Turnford

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