
19 Mulready House Herrick Street Westminster London England SW1P 4JL

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Honorary Secretary

Raymond Lloyd


First World Conference of Tourism Communications WTO/FITUR Madrid Spain 28-29 January 2004

Business Travel Show London 3-5 February 2004 BIT Tourism Exchange Milan 14-17 February 2004

In past years I have prepared nine research papers for travel fairs, three for the World Travel Market in London, in 1997, 2000 and 2003; three for the British Travel Trade Fair in Birmingham, in 1999, 2000 and 2003; and three for the biennial Germany Travel Fair in London, in 1998, 2000 and 2002. I have also prepared research papers for some 24 European Councils, but this is my first paper for an international tourism trade fair outside Britain. In it I update and expand four challenges for the travel industry.

The first challenge concerns the development, over the past thirty years, that travellers and tourists have become prime targets of terrorists, initially airplane passengers, now tourists. For the past five years I have tried to get international bodies to record annually the names of all civilians murdered or taken hostage in the course of travel and tourism, somewhat as Unesco, Freedom House and Reporters sans Frontieres record the names, countries and media of journalists killed or imprisoned in the course of reporting. Recording would be by annual printed and internet lists, physical memorials, and an effort to obtain compensation, as Libya has done, from the non-terrorist organs in whose name that, for example, Basque, Islamic and other terrorists aim at travellers and tourists. Here I give a list of anniversaries in the next five years which might be used as target dates for creating such memorials, as has been done for the travellers killed in Bologna and Lockerbie.

Year Day & Date Location Country Anniversary

2004 Mon 1 Mar Bwindi Uganda NZ / UK / US 5 Eight Western tourists murdered by Interahamwe rebels

Sun 19 Sep Tenere Niger Libya 15 Terrorist bomb kills 170 passengers on UTA plane in 1989

2005 Thu 23 Jun Canada India 20 Sikh terrorists kill 329 persons on bombed Air-India flight

July-Octob Paris France 10 Islamists kill 8 and injure 200 on Paris metro

Tue 2 Aug Bologna Italy 25 Terrorist murder of 85 civilians at railway station

from 3-yr-old Angela Fresu to 86-yr-old Antonio Montanari

2006 Thu 20 Jul Tarragona Spain 10 35 British & Irish tourists injured by Basque ETA bomb

2007 Tue 18 Sep Cairo Egypt 10 Nine German tourists killed by islamist extremists

Sun 12 Oct Kuta Bali Indonesia 5 Islamist extremists murder 191 tourists and Hindu civilians

Sun 17 Nov Luxor Egypt Japan/Switz/UK 10 58 tourists massacred and women mutilated by six

islamist university students

2008 Sun 21 Dec Lockerbie Libya 20 Terrorists murder 270 persons on Pan Am flight & ground

I have not included the Soviet government's downing of the Korean airliner over Sakhalin in 1983, the 9/11 massacres, suicide bombings in Israel and Iraq, the blowing up of embassies, nor attacks on churches, synagogues and mosques, in which thousands of civilians have been murdered. I am only calling for memorials where terrorists specifically target travellers and tourists, who are often the softest and most readily available of targets. Here I make available my analysis of Democracy, Dictatorship and Anarchy in 192 countries around the world, which may serve as a guide to the safest destinations for travel and tourism (A).

My analysis includes progress in women's advancement: another challenge I have raised is that of making travel and tourism safer and more enjoyable for women and girls throughout the world. To this end I have called for a meeting of women ministers of transport and tourism, some 40 current and 20 recent, as listed here (B). In this connection I am pleased to report that the National Portrait Gallery in London will hold an exhibition on Three Centuries of Women Travellers, from 3 July to 31 October 2004. Above I illustrate the two stamps issued in Britain on 29 April 2003 portraying the aviator Amy Johnson (1903-1941), and the explorer Freya Stark (1893-1993).

A third challenge is that of drawing up a calendar of towns and cities celebrating centenaries, in the expectation of their exchanging experiences and partnerships. To this end I attach a list of 40 such centenaries coming up from 2004 to 2019 (C). And finally, I list each month some 50 major anniversaries of democracy and women's advancement in The Parity Democrat, in the expectation that some of them will lead to visits: issue 86 for February 2004 is attached (D).


A. Parity, Democracy, Dictatorship & Anarchy in the World's 192 Sovereign States in 2003 1 p

B. 60 Women Ministers & Deputy Ministers of Tourism and Transport 1 p

C. Centenaries of 40 Towns & Cities 2004-2019 1 p

D. "The Parity Democrat" ISSN 1367-6946: Vol 8 No 2 for February 2004 6 pp



19 Mulready House Herrick Street Westminster London England SW1P 4JL

Tel & Fax + 44 20 7834 1309 Mobile + 44 7932 79 44 32 Email

Honorary Secretary

Raymond Lloyd

Women Ministers & Deputy Ministers of Transport & Tourism: 57

extract from the writer's "Heads of State & Other Women Leaders throughout the World"

List 72 1179 names 213 (of 254) governments 16 November 2003 @ Raymond Lloyd

A. Current Ministers: 40

Country Woman Minister Office or Portfolio

Bahamas Glenys Hanna-Martin Transport & Aviation

Botswana Pelonomi Venson Conservation, Tourism & Wildlife

Tebeleko Seretse Works & Transport

China: HongKong Sarah Liao Sau-tung Secretary for Environment, Transport & Works

Croatia Pave Zupan Ruskovic Tourism

Eritrea Amna Nur Husayn Tourism

Finland Leena Luhtanen Transport & Communication

French Polynesia Brigitte Vanizette Tourism & Environment

Gabon Ursule Ekie Commerce, Tourism & Industrial Development (MiD)

Paulette Moussavou MISSAMBO Transport & Civil Aviation

Germany Iris Gielcke Transport, Construction & Housing (PtS)

Angelika Mertens Transport, Construction & Housing (PtS)

Grenada Brenda Hood Tourism, Culture, Aviation, Social Security & Women

Guatemala Flora Escobar Gordilla d Ramos Communications, Transport & Public Works

Guinea Sylla Koumba Diakite Tourism, Hotels & Handicrafts

Haiti Martine Deverson Tourism

Jamaica Aloun Assamba Industry & Tourism

Jordan Alia Hattough-Bouran Tourism, Antiquities & Environment

Lesotho Lebohang Ntsinyi Tourism, Culture & Environment

Liechtenstein Rita Kieber-Beck Deputy Head of Govt; Education, Transport, Justice

Mexico Leticia Navarro Tourism

Netherlands Karla Peijs Transport, Public Works & Water Management

Melanie Schultz van Haegen Transport, Public Works & Water Management (StS)

Nigeria Franklin Ogbuewa Culture & Tourism

Norway Torild Skogsholm Transport & Communication

Paraguay Maria Evangelista Troche de G Tourism (StS)

Russia:Daghestan Zumrud Z Suleimanova Tourism & Youth

Serbia Marija Vukosavljevic Transport & Telecommunications

Seychelles Simone Testa de Commarmond Tourism & Transport

Slovenia Emilija Placer Tusar Transport & Communication (StS)

South Africa M Mabudafhasi Environment & Tourism (DpM)

St Vincent & G Girlyn Miguel Social Development, Family & Gender, Ecclesiastical

Swaziland Phetsile Dlamini Tourism, Environment & Communications

Tanzania Zakhia Meghji Natural Resources, Tourism & Environment

Togo Ebina Dorothee Iloudje Tourism, Handicrafts & Leisure

Trinidad & Tob Penelope Beckles Culture & Tourism

Turkey Guldal Aksit Tourism

UK: Bermuda Maurine Webb Tourism & E-Commerce

Venezuela Maria Eugenia Loriente Tourism (DpM)

Euro Commission Loyola de Palacio (Spain) Vice-President; Transport & Energy; Parliament

B. Recent Women Ministers: 17

Belgium Isabelle Durant Deputy PM; Mobility & Transport

C African Rep Nathalie Constance Gounebana Water Resources, Forestry, Environment & Tourism

Chad Akia Abouna Tourism

Ecuador Lourdes Luque Tourism & Environment

Estonia Liina Tonisson Economics; Transport & Communications

Japan Chikage Ogi Land, Infrastructure & Transport

Neths: Aruba Lillian Beke-Martinez Economic Affairs & Tourism

Nigeria Boma Bromillow Jack Culture & Tourism

Kema Chikwe Aviation

St Vincent & G Rene Baptiste Tourism & Culture

Sao Tome & Pr Maria das Neves de Sousa Commerce, Industry & Tourism

Sierra Leone Kadi Sesay Trade & Industry

Swaziland Stella Lukhele Tourism, Environment & Communications

Trinidad & Tob Eudine Job-Davis Culture & Tourism

United Kingdom Sally Keeble Transport, Local Government & Regions: Housing, Planning (UnS)

Scotland Sarah Boyack Transport & Environment

Wales Sue Essex Planning, Environment & Transport


(#) Highest rank of Minister, unless otherwise indicated as Deputy Minister (DpM), Minister Delegate (MiD), Minister of State (MiS); State Secretary (StS), Parliamentary Secretary (PtS), and Under Secretary (UnS).



19 Mulready House Herrick Street Westminster London England SW1P 4JL

Tel & Fax + 44 20 7834 1309 Mobile + 44 7932 79 44 32 Email

Honorary Secretary

Raymond Lloyd


extract from the writer's "2300 Anniversaries of the Democracies 1988-2019"

43 anniversaries first published 1 November 2002 updated 26 January 2004 @ Raymond Lloyd

Year Day & Date Location Democracy Anniversary

2004 Sun 25 Jan Sao Paulo Brazil 450 Foundation by Jesuit priests in 1554

Fri 20 Feb Hobart Tasmania Australia 200 Foundation of European town

Sat 1 May Arnstadt Germany 1300 Foundation

Sat 1 May Wuerzburg Germany 1300 Foundation by missionary Willibrod in 704

Sun 13 Jun Atchison Kansas U S A 150 Foundation by Massachusetts settlers "who hated slavery"

Fri 2 Jul Waverly NY U S A 150 Foundation in 1854

Sat 18 Sep Lawrence Kansas U S A 150 Foundation in 1854

Sun 5 Dec Topeka Kansas U S A 150 Foundation in 1854

Segovia Spain 2150 Settlement first recorded in 146 BC

Schleswig Germany 1200 Founded as Sliesthorp in 804

Gosport Hants England 800 Recognition of town by Bishop of Winchester in 1204

Landshut Bavaria Germany 800 Founded as fortress by Duke Ludwig I of Bavaria

Mystic CT U S A 350 Foundation in 1654

2005 Sat 13 Aug Rome Italy 60 First Boys Town founded in 1945

Manhattan Kansas U S A 150 Foundation

Groton CT U S A 300 Foundation

2006 Dresden Germany 800 Foundation in 1206

Brasilia Brazil 50 New capital begun in 1956

2007 Mon 14 May Jamestown VA US / Britain 400 First permanent British settlement in New World in 1607

Toledo Spain 2200 Toletum recorded first in 193 BC

Bamberg Bavaria Germany 1000 Foundation by Henry II

Liverpool Rngland 800 City charter granted by King John in 1207

Old Lyme CT U S A 150 Foundation in 1857

2008 Wed 27 Feb Prescott AZ U S A 125 Foundation of Arizona's original capital in 1883

Quebec Canada 400 Foundation by Samuel de Champlain in 1608

Charleville-Mez France 400 Foundation by Charles of Gonzaga in 1608

Fez Morocco 1200 Foundation by new Idriss Dynasty in 808

Luebeck Germany 850 Foundation by Henry the Lion in 1158

2009 Pienza Italy 550 Foundation by future Pope Pius II in 1459

Santa Fe NM U S A 400 Founded by Spaniss in 1609

St George Bermuda 400 Discovery in 1609

Tel Aviv Israel 100 Foundation in 1909

2010 Venice Italy 1200 Foundation in 810

2011 Rhodes Greece 2400 Foundation in 409 BCE

2012 Baghdad Iraq 1250 Foundation in 762 by Caliph Mansur of the Abbasids

Santiago de Compa Spain 1200 Foundation in 812

2014 Trinidad Cuba 500 Foundation in 1514

2015 Syracuse Italy 2750 Foundation in 735 BC by Greeks from Corinth

Salzburg Austria 2000 Foundation in 15 AD as Juvavum

2016 Valetta Malta 450 Founded by Knights of Malta in 1566

2017 New Orleans U S A 300 Foundation

2019 Havana Cuba 500 Foundation by Spanish in 1519

Panama Panama 500 Foundation by Pedrarias Davila in 1519


This list was first published in The Parity Democrat of November 2002 in an attempt to draw up

national and international calendars of such anniversaries, and to draw attention to the opportunities

offered for cooperation among celebrating cities.