Refereed Publications

1.  Granville V., Rasson J.P. A strange recursive relation. Journal of Number Theory 30 (1988) 238-241.

2.  Granville V., Engelen M. Un modele de prevision des debits pour la Semois. La Tribune de l’Eau 42 (1989), 41-48.

3.  Granville V., Rasson J.P. A new type of random permutation generator to simulate random images. Computational Statistics Quarterly 6 (1990), 55-64.

4.  Granville V., Krivanek M., Rasson J.P. Remarks on computational complexity of hyper-volume classification method. Computational Statistics Quarterly 6 (1991), 315-319.

5.  Granville V. An introduction to random number theory. Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society, Series A, 43 (1991), 431-440.

6.  Granville V. Rainbow, a software for raster image processing. Computational Statistics 7 (1992), software section, 209-212.

7.  Granville V., Rasson J.P. Density estimation on a finite regular lattice. Computational Statistics 7 (1992), 129-136.

8.  Granville V., Rasson J.P. A new modeling of noise in image remote sensing. Statistics and Probability Letters 14 (1992), 61-65.

9.  Granville V., Krivanek M., Rasson J.P. Clustering, classification and image segmentation on the grid. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 15 (1993), 199-209.

10.  Granville V., Rasson J.P. A Bayesian filter for a mixture model of noise in image remote sensing. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 15 (1993), 297-308.

11.  Granville V., Rasson J.P. Markov random field models in image remote sensing. In: Computer Intensive Methods in Statistics. Hardle W. and Simar L. Ed., Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1993, 98-112.

12.  Granville V., Schifflers E. Efficient algorithms for exact inference in 2 x 2 contingency tables. Statistics and Computing 3 (1993), 83-87.

13.  Granville V. Rasson J.P., Orban-Ferauge F. Un modele Bayesien de segmentation d’images. In: Teledetection appliquee a la cartographie thematique et topographique. Presses de l’Universite du Quebec, Sainte-Foy (Canada), 1993, 305-310.

14.  Granville V., Krivanek M., Rasson J.P. Simulated annealing: a proof of convergence. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 16 (1994), 652-656.

15.  Granville V., Rasson J.P. Bayesian filtering and supervised classification in image remote sensing. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 20 (1995), 203-225.

16.  Granville V., Rasson J.P. Multivariate discriminate analysis and maximum penalized likelihood density estimation. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 57 (1995), 501-517.

17.  Granville V. Discriminate analysis and density estimation on the finite d-dimensional grid. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 22 (1996), 27-51.

18.  Rasson J.P., Granville V. Geometrical tools in classification. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 23 (1996), 105-123.

19.  Granville V. Estimation of the intensity of a Poisson point process by means of nearest neighbor distances. Statistica Neerlandica 52 (1998) 112-124. Also available as Tech. Rep. 96-15, Statistical Laboratory, University of Cambridge.

Other Selected Publications

1.  Granville V., Smith R.L. Clustering and Neyman-Scott process parameter simulation via Gibbs sampling. Tech. Rep. 95-19, Statistical Laboratory, University of Cambridge (1995, 20 pages).

2.  Granville V. Sampling from a bivariate distribution with known marginals. Tech. Rep. 47, National Institute of Statistical Science, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina (1996).

3.  Granville V., Smith R.L. Disaggregation of rainfall time series via Gibbs sampling. Preprint, Statistics Department, University of North Carolina at Chapell Hill (1996, 20 pages).

4.  Granville V., Rasson J.P., Orban-Ferauge F. From a natural to a behavioral classification rule. In: Earth observation, Belgian Scientific Space Research (Ed.), 1994, pp. 127-145.

5.  Granville V. Bayesian filtering and supervised classification in image remote sensing. Ph.D. Thesis, 1993.

6.  Granville V. K-processus et application au debruitage d’images. Master Thesis, 1988.

Conferences and Seminars

1.  COMPSTAT 90, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 1990. Communication: A new modeling of noise in image remote sensing. Funded by the Communaute Francaise de Belgique and FNRS.

2.  3rd Journees Scientifiques du Reseau de Teledetection de l’UREF, Toulouse, France, 1990. Poster: Une approche non gaussienne du bruit en traitement d’images. Funded.

3.  4th Journees Scientifiques du Reseau de Teledetection de l’UREF, Montreal, Canada, 1991. Poster: Un modele Bayesien de segmentation d’images. Funded by AUPELF-UREF.

4.  12th Franco-Belgian Meeting of Statisticians, Louvain, Belgium, 1991. Invited communication: Markov random field models in image remote sensing.

5.  24th Journees de Statistiques, Bruxelles, Belgium, 1992. Software presentation: Rainbow, un logiciel graphique dedicace.

6.  8th International Workshop on Statistical Modeling, Leuven, Belgium, 1993. Poster: Discriminate analysis and density estimation on the finite d-dimensional grid.

7.  14th Franco-Belgian Meeting of Statisticians, Namur, Belgium, 1993. Invited communication: Mesures d’intensite et outils geometriques en analyse discriminante.

8.  Center for Wiskunde en Informatica, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1993 (one week stay). Invited seminar: Bayesian filtering and supervised classification in image remote sensing. Invited by Professor Adrian Baddeley and funded by CWI.

9.  Annual Meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society, Spa, Belgium, 1994. Invited communication: Maximum penalized likelihood density estimation.

10.  Statistical Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1994. Invited seminar: Discriminate analysis and filtering: applications in satellite imagery. Invited by Professor R.L. Smith. Funded by the University of Cambridge.

11.  Invited seminars on Clustering, Bayesian statistics, spatial processes and MCMC simulation:

a.  Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland (BioSS), Aberdeen, 1995. Invited by Rob Kempton and funded by BioSS.

b.  Department of Mathematics, Imperial College, London, 1995. Invited by Professor A. Walden.

c.  Statistical Laboratory, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, 1996. Invited by Professor Noel Cressie and funded by Iowa Ste University.

d.  Department of Statistics and Actuarial Sciences, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, 1996. Invited by Professor Dale Zimmerman.

e.  National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS), Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, 1996. Invited by Professor J. Sacks and Professor A.F. Karr. Funded by NISS.

12.  Scientific Meeting FNRS, Brussels, 1995. Invited communication: Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods in clustering. Funded.

13.  3rd European Seminar of Statistics, Toulouse, France, 1996. Invited. Funded by the EC.

14.  1st European Conference on Highly Structured Stochastic Systems, Rebild, Denmark, 1996. Contributed paper: Clustering and Neyman-Scott process parameter estimation via Gibbs sampling. Funded by the EC.

15.  National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS), Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, 1996. Seminar: Statistical analysis of chemical deposits at the Hanford site.

16.  Institute of Statistics and Decision Sciences, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, 1997. Invited seminar: Stochastic models for hourly rainfall time series: fitting and statistical analysis based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods. Invited by Professor Mike West.

17.  Southern California Edison, Los Angeles, 2003. Seminar: Efficient risk management for hedge fund managers. Invited and funded.

18.  InfoSpace, Seattle, 2004. Seminar: Click validation, click fraud detection and click scoring for pay-per-click search engines. Invited and Funded.

19.  AdTech, San Francisco, 2006. Click fraud panel.

20.  AMSTAT JSM, Seattle, 2006. Talk: How to address click fraud in Pay-per-Click programs.

21.  Predictive Analytics World, San Francisco, 2008. Talk: Predictive keyword scores to optimize PPC campaigns. Invited and Funded.

22.  M2009 – SAS Data Mining Conference, Las Vegas, 2009. Talk: Hidden decision trees to design predictive scores – application to fraud detection. Invited and Funded.