Request for a Course to Fulfill the
Arts Perspective
Note regarding General Education Requirements
In order to have a course designated to fulfill one or more General Education requirement, instructors must submit a syllabus (or full course description) along with a Request Form for each requirement, indicating how the course addresses the guidelines passed by the faculty. No course may satisfy more than two General Education requirements. Perspective course instructors are encouraged to incorporate Convocations and other experiences when these are pertinent to the subject of study.
Arts Perspective Description
The Arts Perspective is intended to help studentsdevelop an understanding and appreciation of artistic form and creation through the study and/or practice of the visual arts, creative writing, literature, music, dance, and/or theatre.
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of any course that meets the Arts Perspective, a successful student will:
- understand a creative process as a structured experience with identifiable criteria, and develop a general ability for critical analysis through an engagement with one or more of the arts;
- understand connections between ideas, processes, and outcomes, and understand relationships between creative thinking and the related craft of the art form;
- understand functions, meanings and processes of artistic form;
- develop understanding of the relationship between art and its societal and historical contexts.
Request for a Course to Fulfill the
Arts Perspective
Instructor: ______
Instructor Phone: ______
Course Title: ______
Course Rubric and Number: ______
Term and Year Course will initially be taught: ______
Please respond to the seven guidelines listed below:
Guidelines for Approving Courses for the Arts Perspective
Arts Perspective courses should address the student learning outcomes listed above and must:
- prepare students to engage an art form on its own terms;
- examine one or more of the arts from the viewpoint of the artist, the medium, the culture and society that produced it;
- introduce the role of ideas (including intent and content), the nature of function and the potential for meaning as an outcome of a particular art form;
- provide instruction for critical analysis as well as opportunity to critically analyze form, intent and practice;
- take advantage of the resources available at Berea College, including but not limited to departmental and program performances and events, electronic and printed materials and the Convocation program;
- whenever possible, provide the opportunity for students to engage in the practice of the art form, thus affording them an opportunity for the personal exploration of creative thinking and problem-solving and making art accessible in an individual and meaningful way;
- clearly address skills and habits of mind listed in the Aims for General Education.
(Please return this completed form to your Department Chair and ask them to send it via email to Sam Cole [)