Exceeds Expectations / 4
Meets Expectations / 3
Meets Most of the Criteria / 2
Project Needs Improvement / 0
Collaboration / All individuals contribute equally to the final product and participate in the performance. Preparation is clearly evident and class time is used wisely. / All individuals contribute to the final product and participate in the performance. The group is sufficiently prepared. Group makes good use of class time. / Individuals may or may not contribute equally to the final product, and all members may or may not participate in the performance. The group is somewhat prepared and may or may not make appropriate use of class time. / Individuals do not contribute equally to the final product or the performance. The group does not seem prepared to present and does not make appropriate use of class time. / Incomplete project or all individuals do not contribute to final product.
Content / Script/skit expertly includes and enhances all of the important action and dialogue in the scene portrayed. / The script/skit includes all of the important action and dialogue in the scene portrayed. / The script/skit includes most of the important action and dialogue from the scene portrayed. / The script/scene is vague. Action may be disjointed or confusing. / Incomplete project or project is not performed.
Elocution/Expression / All individuals speak clearly and distinctly. No words are mispronounced. Voices are heard clearly throughout the room. Actors’ show expression and emotion. Actors’ maintain eye contact with their audience. / All individuals speak clearly and distinctly, but one or two words are mispronounced. Voices are heard clearly throughout the room most of the time. Actors’ show some expression and emotion and make sufficient eye contact with their audience. / Individuals speak clearly most of the time and may mispronounce two or three words. Voices may or may not be heard throughout the room. Actors’ show little expression and emotion and make some eye contact with their audience. / Articulation is unclear and more than five words are mispronounced. Voices are not loud enough to be heard throughout the room. Actors’ are unexpressive and make little eye contact with their audience. / Incomplete project or not all individuals participate in performance.
Visuals / The group makes an exceptional effort to incorporate costumes and/or props that enhance the performance and contribute to the audience’s understanding of the action. / The group makes sufficient effort to incorporate costumes and/or props to enhance the action and performance. / The group makes a minimal effort to incorporate costumes and/or props to enhance the action and performance. / The costumes and/or props are a distraction and create confusion. / The group does not use any costumes or props.
Interpretation/Analysis / Script/skit illustrates considerable originality and inventiveness. The content and ideas are presented in a unique and interesting way. All information presented is accurate. / Script/skit illustrates some originality and inventiveness. The content and ideas are presented in an interesting way. All information presented is accurate. / Script/skit may or may not demonstrate originality and inventiveness but ideas are presented accurately. / Script/skit illustrates minimal originality and inventiveness. The group may have borrowed ideas from others with very little attempt at original thought. / The group does not present its work or the presentation lacks all focus or organization.
Total points for project: 50 (Each domain is worth ten points)