Senior Music Year 11/12


NAME: ______Date Set: Week 1 Term 3 Draft Check: Week 5 Term 3 DUE DATE: Friday Week 7


Many serious musicians and classical music critics would agree that Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5, Movement 1 is one of the finest examples of Instrumental Music ever composed. Simular critics may also suggest that recent music (20th Century- present) does not have nearly the emotional force, intricate sophistication or innovative structure of music of the past.

Your Task-

You must choose 1 or more compositions from the modern era(20th Century –present) that would assist in justifying or repudiating the above statement. You will need to devote some time in your presentation to discussion of Beethoven’s ‘Symphony No. 5’, Movement 1 in order to reach a conclusion.

In responding to this task you should aim to:

  • Demonstrate higher-order thinking skills such as hypothesising, deconstructing, evaluating, synthesising and justifying
  • Support your judgements about the relationships of the musical elements to context, genre and style within the two pieces of repertoire with evidence
  • Communicate these judgments clearly, logically and cohesively to suit the format of presentation.

Presentation of your Analysis:

  • You are to present your research as a written paper.
  • Audio and Visual references (including hard copies of same) should be included to support the judgements made in the analysis.

Assessment Conditions

  • You are to present your research as an extended written paper.
  • Students are asked to communicate their judgements clearly, logically and cohesively.
  • Audio and Visual references (including hard copies of same) should be included to support the judgements made in the analysis.
  • Year 11- 600-800 words Year 12- approximately 800-1200 words

Assessment Criteria

Criteria for Assessment

A / B / C / D / E
The student work has the following characteristics: / The student work has the following characteristics: / The student work has the following characteristics: / The student work has the following characteristics: / The student work has the following characteristics:
  • discerning perception and interpretation of relevant music elements and concepts in repertoire and music sources
  • thorough perception and interpretation of relevant music elements and concepts in repertoire and music sources
  • perception and interpretation of music elements and concepts in repertoire and music sources
  • inconsistent perception and interpretation of music elements and concepts in repertoire and music sources
  • little consideration of music elements or concepts in repertoire and music sources

  • comprehensive and discerning analysis and evaluation of music to determine the relationships between music elements, concepts and stylistic characteristics
  • in-depth and coherent analysis and evaluation of music to determine the relationships between music elements, concepts and stylistic characteristics
  • analysis and evaluation of music to determine the relationships between music elements, concepts and stylistic characteristics
  • simple analysis of music to identify some connections between music elements, concepts or stylistic characteristics
  • statements that may relate to music elements or concepts

  • discerning synthesis of findings, well-supported justification of music viewpoints, and convincing communication of music ideas.
  • effective synthesis of findings, valid justification of music viewpoints, and logical communication of music ideas.
  • synthesis of findings, justification of music viewpoints, and communication of music ideas.
  • statements of findings with simple justification of music viewpoints and presentation of music ideas.
  • statements of opinion related to music ideas.