Pre-AssessmentMeasure 5-EDU310/610—TeachingandAssessingChildrenwithDisabilities
1)“It is hot, people eat ice cream. Therefore, if people eat ice cream it will be hot.” This statement is an example that
a)Correlation implies causality
b)A correlation does not imply causality
c)Causality implies correlation
d)Causality does not imply a correlation
2)In describing a research study (Halperin, et al, 1984), Cantwell and Baker (1991) state that “The study found minimal differences between the two groups in demographic, behavioral, or neuropsychological measures”. It would be appropriate to conclude that
a)The study is likely to have controlled for demographic, behavioral and neuropsychological differences among the group studied
b)The study is unlikely to be representative of all students with these combined variables
c)The study is likely to be relevant to students with combined issues regardless of race/ethnicity, gender, behavior problems and neuropsychological problems
d)The study is a representative sample of students because it controlled demographic, behavioral, and neuropsychological difficulties and as variables.
3)A learning disability is legally defined in the Individuals with Disabilities Act as
a)A disorder in 2 or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, which disorder may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations
b)A disorder in 1 or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, which disorder may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations
c)A Reading Disorder, Mathematics Disorder, Disorder of Written Expression, and Learning Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (NOS)
d)Learning disabilities are not emotional disturbances, intellectual disabilities (formerly termed mental retardation), or sensory impairments. They are not caused by inadequate parenting or lack of educational opportunity.
4)A person with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is defined as
a)Meeting 3 co-occurring criteria in attentional behavior, by a certain age, and over a protracted period of 6 months
b)Having a clearly diagnosed but minimal brain dysfunction
c)Six or more symptoms that have persisted for at least six months to a degree that is inconsistent with developmental level and that negatively impacts directly on social and academic/occupational activities.
d)One of 3 criteria in attentional distractibility, impulsivity, or motor over-activity
5)ADHD is most likely
a)A function Inattention
b)A function of hyper-attentional problems
c)Only true for youth and adults over 12 years of age
d)Common primarily with White and Latino students
6)ADHD among African-American children is
a)69% less likely to be diagnosed
b)The highest proportion of all students with ADHD
c)Is co-occurring with emotional/behavioral disorders
d)69% more likely to be diagnosed
7)“Academic Talk” is an important task for learners
a)Engaged in conversing with others about learning-related materials
b)Conversing about material needs of everyday life
c)Conversing with teachers about getting into line-up for class
d)Engaged in talking about a movie they like during a class
8)Generally speaking, Academic Talk is taught as part of
a)No actual curriculum
b)Language arts classes
c)Other classes, but not in P.E.
d)Only science-related curriculum
9)According to Van Kleeck (2014), Casual and Academic Talk have been found to be
a)causally connected
b)separate “registers” of language use
c)unrelated to each other and should be taught separately
d)features of language not clearly understood
The following 3 questions all relate to Juan, 5th grader:
10)Juan has a lisp. His difficulty is one of
d)Faulty learning
11)Juan’s mother has a lisp. She likely has a difficulty in
d)Faulty learning
12)Juan’s lisp is likely a result of
a)Language impairment
b)Speech impairment
c)Fluency impairment
d)Faulty learning