Applicant surname: ………………..……….First name(s)…………………………..Title……

Affiliated institution: …………………..………………………….………………………………..


………………………………………………………. Telephone No .……………………………..

FAX. …………………………..E-mail……………………………………………………………….


Site code(s) for material involved (expand if necessary)……………………………



Access required (please highlight)……entire site/specific contexts/data archive

Proposed dates for access: From…………….to…………Renewable?(YES/NO)

Brief description of research proposal………………………………………………………………








(i)Is the intention to remove items for specialist analysis off-site? (YES/NO)

(ii)Will destructive sampling be involved? (YES/NO) – if yes, please complete the relevant form

I have read and agree to the CONDITIONS and REGULATIONS overleaf


*Applicants wishing also to access curated material by the Museum of London must complete the relevant forms and obtain permissions from the LAARC (London Archaeological Archive Research Centre . For some assemblages it may be necessary to obtain permissions from both the LAARC and MOLA.

Conditions of research on the collections

Conditions regarding the use of archaeological material and/or datafor academic study and research. Bench or staff fees may be chargeable – please consult the Head of the relevant section for details

Applicants must give at least two weeks notice of the proposed date for access and must not make arrangements to visit until they have confirmation of the success of their application

  1. MOLA may refuse to approve any work likely to damage the remains
  2. The applicant will furnish an account of the aims of the research
  3. Precise identification of the archaeological sites and contexts required must be notified before work commences
  4. Destructive sampling and the removal of parts of the collections to other research locations are possible only at the discretion of, and with written permission from, the relevant Head of section
  5. Unused samples must be returned following the completion of the study
  6. A provisional timetable must be provided. Please have alternative dates in mind as the facilities may have been booked by another student. For long-term research, likely to require return visits, please circle ‘YES’ at the ‘Renewable?’ prompt
  7. The appropriate permission forms must be completed prior to any work being undertaken.
  8. All material must be logged out of the store and returned to the correct shelf location by the researcher at the end of use. If this is not completed correctly it will jeopardise the future use of the collections by other researchers
  9. The collections must be treated with respect
  10. Collections are available for study 9.30 to 17.00 Monday-Friday inclusive. At the present time there are no provisions for working outside these hours or at weekends
  11. Photographs and sketches taken are for research purposes only and must not be used for commercial reproduction
  12. Selective photocopying of material is permitted subject to agreement by MOLA and will be charged at 10p per A4 page
  13. All researchers and/or their institutions must agree to acknowledge Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) in all written work/presentations using the data collected
  14. A copy of any and all publications produced using MOLA data must be sent to the relevant MOLA department
  15. If a publication is produced where the primary dataset has been recovered by MOLA, then an appropriate member of MOLA staff should be invited to be a secondary author
  16. Researchers are expected to provide a written account of their results, as soon as possible, for deposition with MOLA. This can take the form of a completed thesis
  17. All researchers must agree to adhere to these conditions and sign the Application Form to this effect

Collections and their supporting documentary archives may be fragile. Please take care and do nothing that might damage them. All accidental damage must be reported immediately

  • Ensure a note is made of all contexts and their shelf location to be removed from the store. All material is to be logged in and out
  • Use a pencil wherever possible
  • Use a piece of paper to mark your place. Do not fold pages
  • Avoid over-packing boxes or stacking them on the shelves in any way which may result in damage to the collections or injury to users
  • Do not write on or mark any item
  • Do not lean on records or objects or place them over the edge of the desk
  • Do not fold a drawing or other record unless it is already folded
  • Do not make notes on paper resting on records or objects
  • Do not eat or drink in the research areas
  • Do not use mobile telephones without permission in the research areas
  • Do not use items which could cause damage; this includes correction fluid, scissors, knives, crayons, and adhesive tape or highlighter pens

When handling and retrieving material:

  • Make sure you return material to the container and shelf location in which you found them. THIS IS ESSENTIAL TO ENSURE THE MATERIAL CAN BE FOUND BY FUTURE RESEARCHERS AND STAFF
  • Make sure the materials are packed exactly as found (or as advised) with all the labels on one side of the bag and the bone(s) clearly visible on the other. Please ask for assistance if any material is difficult to handle or advice on packing is needed.

When handling supporting documents:

Please do not:

  • Use your own camera, scanner or other copying machine without permission.

MOLA reserves the right to terminate a visit or refuse future access to yourself and other individuals from your institution if theses regulations are contravened