Marketing Assets Worksheet
Use this worksheet to assess marketing assets relevant to a specific buyer persona. Complete a separate worksheet for each buyer persona that you want to influence. If you are using this worksheet in the context of a go-to-market plan, identify the primary goal you want to achieve with this persona.
Based on your persona research, evaluate each asset and assign it a value that reflects its potential to impact your goals and messaging strategy for the persona in the first column. In the second column, assign a number that represents your current investment in that asset. To identify the gap, subtract the value in the "current investment" column from the number in the "potential for impact" column.
Add other assets that have a high potential for impact on this persona and assets where you are currently investing resources. You want to compare all resource investments against each other and evaluate their potential to impact the target persona.
To improve your return on marketing assets, assign additional resources to assets that have positive gaps and reduce resources on assets that have negative gaps.
Buyer Persona: /Product :
/Select only one
/ q Grow awareness / q Influence purchase decision /q Retain customer
/ Potential for Impact / Current Investment / Gap /Messaging
Product positioning
Primary message
Partner positioning
Key message
Sales Channel Readiness
(evaluate for each direct and indirect channel)
Sales process aligned to buying process
Sales tools
Technical briefs
Evaluation version of product
ROI or TCO calculators
Buyer persona messaging strategy
Marketing Programs
Internal thought leadership activities
Conference presentations
White papers (internal or third party)
Topical or persona-based website
Corporate blogs
External thought leadership activities
Analyst reports
Media/press coverage
Association publications, conferences
Partner website and other marketing
Other blogs and newsletters
Online direct response marketing
Search engine marketing: organic
Search engine placement: paid
Opt-in email marketing
Landing page content and offer
Other online product marketing
User communities
Off-line direct response marketing
Print mail
Outbound telemarketing
Trade show participation
Booth space
Speaking opportunities
Other offline events
Print advertising
Direct response
Brand awareness
other Assets
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