July 19, 2001

7:30 P.M.

Stewartsville, NJ

The Township Committee of the Township of Greenwich held a regular meeting on the above date, with the following members present: Mayor Robert Zelley, Deputy Mayor Joseph Gurneak, Committeeman Guy Fleming, Committeeman Dominick Esposito, Committeewoman Deborah Pasquarelli. Also in attendance were Township Attorney Ronald Peles, Township Engineer Michael Finelli, and Township Clerk Kimberly Viscomi.

The Flag Salute was repeated.

The SUNSHINE LAW was read as follows: “Adequate notice of this meeting was given in accordance to the Open Public Meetings Act by: 1. Mailing a schedule of this meeting of the Township Committee to the Express-Times and Newark Star Ledger newspapers, 2. Posting a copy thereof on the Township bulletin board, and 3. Filing a copy thereof with the Township Clerk.”


All matters listed below under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Township Committee and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will not be discussion on these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.

1. Approval of: Township Minutes for April 19, 2001, May 8, 2001

2. Receive and File Monthly Reports:

Treasurer Tax Collector

Planning Board Municipal Court

Police Report Building Department Report

3. Receive, Charge to Various Accounts, and Pay Monthly Bills

Committeeman Esposito made a motion to approve the above listed Consent Agenda, seconded by Committeewoman Pasquarelli.

Voting in favor: Esposito, Fleming, Pasquarelli, Zelley

Opposed: None

Abstain: Gurneak


Mayor Zelley stated to the public that the past couple of months have taken a lot of energy out of a lot of people in town, and we have to get back to business and we have a lot of very important projects that our before all five members of the Committee, plus the various boards and he stated that he will be sitting in this seat for the next six months as Mayor and he will be working very hard to use his talents and technical background and his influence along with the rest of the Committee to do things for the Township. He stated he is not going to allow our Township to be muddled in a blood bath. Tonight we are going to be getting work done and the public comment period will be held, but if you are here to take one of these five people here and personally attack them I am not going to let that happen. There are other avenues to take, all five members have telephone numbers you can call them. He stated that there is a lot of important business to take care of, it is a growing community with a lot of opportunities and he wants to take the next six months to get a lot of good things done. He stated that both himself and Committeeman Esposito are putting their differences aside and working on projects like the Weigh Station, Old School and many other projects and it would be a shame if these and other projects did not get our full attention and focus. Committeeman Esposito stated that he has spoken with Mayor Zelley and have worked their differences out and they are working very hard to calm the tensions down in town and he respects what the Mayor and Committee are trying to do.


Second Reading



Committeewoman Pasquarelli made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Esposito to open the meeting to the public regarding Ordinance 2001-05

Voting in favor: Gurneak, Esposito, Fleming, Pasquarelli, Zelley

Opposed: None



Ann Stone of 532 North Main Street - Asked the Township Engineer Mike Finelli to update her regarding this piece of property. Mr. Finelli stated that the property if Block 16, Lot 4 owned by the estate of Elizabeth Rinehart. It is approximately 7 acres. His office conducted a feasibility study and they researched the existing flood plain records, wetland records and produced a number of concept plans showing the potential construction of a municipal building and firehouse. We also conducted soil tests on the property to confirm that a septic system could be designed and constructed to facilitate the two buildings. The tests were conducted on May 24th, on May 31st he wrote the Committee a letter summarizing the results of the study and indicating in his opinion the project was feasible to construct the facilities at least at the sizes that he was provided with on that property there were no constraints. Ms. Stone stated that she is concerned regarding how low the property sits down and she questioned as to how much soil would be needed to bring the property to grade. Mr. Finelli stated that there is no reason to bring the entire piece of property level with the road, the only area that would have to be brought level with the road would be the driveway area. Ms. Stone asked the Committee why did they consider this piece of property for municipal building instead of using the Old School. Mayor Zelley stated that the primary reason for the purchase of this land is to build a firehouse, he stated that the renovation of the Old School would cost approximately 2 million dollars. He stated that previously the Committee submitted an application for the Small Cities Grant, which was denied. Presently Committeeman Esposito has contacted a firm regarding the possibility of hiring them to write the grant application for the Township. He stated that the maximum amount of money that could be received from the grant would be $400,000. We could also be considered in the bonus program if the township would put up money say $500,000 additional. He stated that he additionally has spoken with representatives from the Historic Preservation about possibly getting a grant through them. Ms. Stone talked with the Committee regarding forming a committee to work with Dominic on obtaining grants for the renovation of the old school. She also requested again to be placed on this Committee. Mayor Zelley stated that she would be placed on the Committee at the next months meeting.

As there were no further questions regarding Ordinance 2001-05, Committeewoman Pasquarelli made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Fleming to close the public comment period regarding Ordinance 2001-05.

Voting in favor: Gurneak, Esposito, Fleming, Pasquarelli, Zelley

Opposed: None


Attorney Peles stated that there was a letter send by William E. O’Dowd and he stated that this letter should be entered into the record under public comment.

Committeewoman Pasquarelli asked about the financing of this purchase. Attorney Peles stated that the money should be taken out of capital for the purchase. Mayor Zelley stated for the record that $60,000 will be taken out of capital for the purchase of this land.

Mayor Zelley made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Gurneak to adopt Ordinance 2001-05

Voting in favor: Gurneak, Esposito, Fleming, Pasquarelli, Zelley

Opposed: None


Second Reading



Committeeman Fleming made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Esposito to open the meeting to the public regarding Ordinance 2001-06

Voting in favor: Gurneak, Esposito, Fleming, Pasquarelli, Zelley

Opposed: None


Greg Kolich of 208 Curtis Court asked the Committee how long would this mechanism be in place. Mayor Zelley stated that until the Township takes over dedication of a development.

As there was no further questions, Mayor Zelley made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Esposito to close the public comment period regarding Ordinance


Voting in favor: Gurneak, Esposito, Fleming, Pasquarelli, Zelley

Opposed: None


Committeeman Fleming made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Esposito to adopt Ordinance 2001-06

Voting in favor: Gurneak, Esposito, Fleming, Pasquarelli, Zelley

Opposed: None


Greenwich Center, Phase I, Developer’s Agreement - Attorney Peles stated that he has reviewed the developer’s agreement and this will be forwarded to the Mayor for signature. Also, the developer’s agreement for Phase II has been submitted for review.

Stryker’s Road Realignment – Executive Session Discussion

Municipal Conservation Corridor Project / Appraisals – Attorney Peles informed the Committee that copies of the appraisal quotes have been submitted to the Committee to review and select. He stated that RJP has submitted a quote at a price of $6,500. Mayor Zelley stated that he is presently talking with the landowners on this project and discussing with them whether or not they would be willing to sign the contracts. He stated to table this discussion until the next meeting.


Stryker’s Road - Executive Session Discussion

Beatty’s Road Recreational Fields – Engineer Finelli informed that the backstops and fences have been repaired and he has inspected them to his satisfaction. He informed that he has not heard back from the County regarding the No Parking designation along Church Road.

County Route 639, Warren Glen-Bloomsbury Road – Engineer Finelli informed the Committee that he has received a response back from the County Engineer’s Office informing that they have installed another sign at the other end of Rt. 639, so the trucks traveling Route 519 South would know if they were making a left on Rt. 639 that there is a weight restriction on Route 173. He also informed that the Weight Limit request has been declined with the State NJDOT.

Future Dedications

Greenwich Chase, Phases II, V, and VI

Pump Station / Force Main

Engineer Finelli informed the Committee that these dedications are on hold, possible action could be taken at the next meeting.

Bourbon Street Liquors

Cash Bond Release – Resolution 2001-34

Committeeman Fleming made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Esposito to approve Resolution 2001-34

Voting in favor: Gurneak, Esposito, Fleming, Pasquarelli, Zelley

Opposed: None


2002 NJDOT Municipal Aid Grant Program – Engineer Finelli informed the Committee that the applications were due the end of June. Two applications were submitted, the one applications requested the balance of the money $168,000 to finish the Stryker’s Road Project and the second application was for the bikeway and sidewalk project on Greenwich Street to Greenwich Chase for $165,000.

C.O.Bond Releases

Greenwich Chase – Resolution 2001-35

Committeewoman Pasquarelli made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Fleming to approve Resolution 2001-35.

Voting in favor: Gurneak, Esposito, Fleming, Pasquarelli, Zelley

Opposed: None


Greenwich Hills – Resolution 2001-36

Committeewoman Pasquarelli made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Fleming to approve Resolution 2001-36.

Voting in favor: Gurneak, Esposito, Fleming, Pasquarelli, Zelley

Opposed: None


NJDOT Route 22/519 Improvements – Engineer Finelli informed that he attended a meeting in mid-May along with representatives from the County, and Pohatcong Township. They have comprised a joint letter which they sent to the State DOT with suggestions and comments regarding this project. He stated that his office has also submitted a letter to the State DOT which is more Greenwich specific comments.

Building Department Trailer – Engineer Finelli stated that this is for the new trailer which will house the Building Department and to be located in the parking lot at the Old School. At the scheduled bid opening for June 12th there was two bids received with the low bid from Nadler Offices Inc. in the amount of $24,900. He has reviewed the bid packages and spoke with the CFO and Township Attorney regarding the bid bond and they are satisfactory. He recommended that the Committee award the contract to Nadler Office Inc. in the amount of $24,900 for the trailer.

Committeeman Fleming made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Gurneak to award the bid to Nadler Offices Inc in the amount of $24,900 for the building department trailer.

Voting in favor: Gurneak, Esposito, Fleming, Pasquarelli, Zelley

Opposed: None


Greenwich Hills, Phase I – Engineer Finelli informed that this is a follow up from last meeting. He stated that the Committee authorized him to inspect property prior to the maintenance bond expiring. He informed that he found some deficiencies and contact the developer. The developer came back, and to his credit replaces 6-8 trees, replaces some inlets, did some grading all to his satisfaction.

Township DPW Truck – Engineer Finelli informed that the bid will be out to bid next week. He stated that we could schedule a special meeting before the August meeting to award the truck or wait until the August meeting. Committeeman Fleming directed that this can be addressed at the August meeting.

NJ Tree Planting Grant - Engineer Finelli informed that the close out information for the grant has been submitted and we should be receiving $2,700 from this grant. He stated that next year if the Township would want to apply for the grant there would be funding available. Committeewoman Pasquarelli stated that she would like to put this on the agenda for 2002 for possible funding for planting improvements along Wyndham Farm Open Space land