Saturday, May 16, 2009
Osage Beach, Mo
Voting members:
Helen Sandkuhl (President)
Tony Mitchell (President-elect)
Joan Eberhardt (Past-president)
Gordon Rogers (Secretary)
Jo Ann Coogan (Treasurer)
Donna Pond (Central delegate)
Chris Hoag-Apel (Crescent delegate)
Sharon Trumbly (Crescent alternate delegate)
Teresa Coyne (Kansas City delegate)
Lori Davis (Kansas City delegate)
Cheryl Phillips (Kansas Cityalternate delegate)
Jim Gillam (Ozark delegate)
Pat Clutter (Ozark delegate)
Larry Faulkner (Ozark delegate)
Ginny Myerscough (St. Louis delegate)
Carol Pettit (St. Louis delegate)
Dianne Epple (St. Louis delegate)
Trevor Fisher (SEMO President-Elect)
Gail Carroll (member, Ozark)
Jeanne Fogarty (member, St. Louis)
Judy Marlow (member, St. Louis)
Lori Ricke (member, Kansas City)
Call to order and Introductions:
Helen Sandkuhl, president, called the meeting to order. It was determined that a quorum of 17 voting members was present. Attendees introduced themselves to all present.
Treasurer’s Report: (see attached report also)
Jo Ann reported that the bank CD owned by the MO ENA has “disappeared”, meaning she has no access to it or to information about it despite Gail’s having transferred access to her name when she became treasurer. Jo Ann announced that all chapter bank statements need to be sent to her. There was discussion about possible use of funds above immediate operating needs such as the CD. Ideas presented included promoting education, promoting attendance at the State Leaders’ Orientation and the Leadership Conference. Jo Ann suggested keeping $10,000 as an emergency fund and reducing the budgets of committee which consistently under-spend their budgeted resources. It was suggested that if chapters don’t communicate with the state council (including giving reports to the state council Communications Committee), then money should not be disbursed to them for special projects such as membership drives, etc. No motion was made on this suggestion pending better definition of what reporting needs to be done and what deadlines for reporting should be established. There was discussion about the need for all chapters to not only purchase but to set up Quick Books for their treasuries. A motion was made by Ginny and seconded by Joan to accept the Treasurer’s report. The motion passed.
Approval of Minutes:
The November 2008 minutes were approved with a correction to the announcement of the Kansas City Chapter SANE nurse awards.
Nominations for 2010:
Helen proposed that 2010 nominations should be submitted to the Membership Committee for review prior to any election, meaning that no nominations would be accepted from the floor on the day of the election. The Membership Committee would review whether persons nominated are current dues-paying members, determine whether they have attended 50% of state and chapter meetings, and whether they have served as a state council delegate within the past two years as required by our bylaws. Ginny Myerscough nominated Helen Sandkuhl for 2010 president, with Donna Pond seconding the nomination. Chris Hoag-Apel nominated Jo Ann Coogan for Treasurer, with Teresa Coyne seconding. Joan Eberhardt was nominated for Secretary by Carol Pettit but declined the nomination. Teresa Coyne nominated Lori Davis for Secretary and Cheryl Phillips seconded the nomination. Helen named July 10 as the deadline for submitting further nominations to the Membership Chair.
Chapter Reports:
SEMO:Trevor Fisher reported for the SEMO chapter that they discussed chapter building strategies at their April 13 meeting. They have provided a CEN scholarship in the past and this was one option discussed. Currently their TNCC instructors have been from outside their region and they established a goal of getting local instructors. They would like to include the whole SEMO region in their chapter’s activities and are aiming for a blitz of activities and education providing CNE credits during Emergency Nurses Week.
Central:Donna Pond and Gordon Rogers reported that the Central Chapter hadtheir two day CEN review course taught by Pat Clutter on April 25 & 26. The program was a success and received rave reviews by the attendees. This also served as a membership recruitment event because members were given a discount deep enough to almost pay for their membership. At least two new members and probably more were acquired because of this. The chapter broke approximately even financially with the event, which was its goal.
Ozark:Pat Clutter reported that the chapter spent $1200 on the “One For The Road” event (out of a total of $6,000 spent by all the sponsoring organizations) and that they got quite a few people home safely as a result. They are doing ATV safety education and were active in participating in a water safety day (especially Angeline Hein) in which life jackets were given out. Their CEN review class was canceled but they had their CRFN review class. Their Nurse Awards Banquet was this week – Cortni Stratton was selected as Nurse of the Year and Ashley Van Horn was named the Rising Star. Gail Carroll is coordinating sponsors for their meetings. They had their Bowl-a-Rama and a Decisions in Trauma class held by Cox.
Crescent:Chris Hoag-Apel reported that they met on April 20 and have had TNCC and ENPC courses. St. John’sHospital in Joplin is dropping ENPC as a required course but is keeping TNCC and CATN. They had a lecture on burns by a burn doctor from St. John’sHospital in Springfield. They have planned an event in which they will do seat belt checks, handing out Dum Dums or Smart Pops to car occupants as indicated. They worked on writing a letter about the proposed helmet law repeal and the primary seat belt law.
Kansas City: Teresa Coyne reported that their chapter’s purchase of Quick Books was approved. They had 30 nurses attend the Spring Training, and one joined ENA there to obtain the discount they were offering. They CEN Review will be in September, and they offered a drawing at the Spring Training for free registrations to that. They have submitted an ENA Scholarship form to the MO ENA website for posting there. They attended a seat belt rally in Jefferson City for the primary seat belt law. They reported that Battle of the Belt seems to be dying out in their area. It was mentions that Save MO Lives will have a $40,000 grant available for injury prevention in May 2010. They are involved with the Kansas City Transportation Safety Blueprint. Mike Curry, their chapter’s president-elect and delegate to the state council, has left ENA and is working for Cerner. They will soon determine his replacement for those offices. Also, Annette Behney has completed her APN and will no longer be a state council delegate.
St. Louis: Carol Pettit reported that they have had two new nurses attending chapter meetings. They helped sponsor a dinner at which they expected 100 to attend and had 150 attend to raise money to send a health team to Africa. They have also been helping Ronald McDonald Houses. They are planning a breakfast (which was previously scheduled and had to be postponed due to the H1N1 virus scare). They made $1500 from ENPC and $500 from ENPC instructor courses.
Committee Reports:
Course Operations(see attached report also):
Chris Hoag-Apel reported that the committee met this morning and that state faculty are working on guidelines, rules, and Quality Assurance for course operations. Maureen Howard suggested using grant money to monitor Instructor Candidates. No determination has been made about how many grants would be needed or how much they would need to be for. Helen pointed out that we as a state have at least seven instructor candidates who can’t get monitored and offered that it would cost about $3,500 roughly to get them monitored. She said it was understood by people who had requested the Instructor course that subsequent monitoring would be included in their initial instructor course costs. The course director, Jim Gillam, said that no prepayment or advance payment for any monitoring had been made. Gail Carroll said she had offered to help with monitoring but had not heard back about it. Cheryl Phillips moved to table any discussion about grants for monitoring until more information could be obtained and reported back to the state council or executive committee and course operations committee. Pat seconded the motion and it passed.
Government Affairs:
Carol Pettit reported that the motorcycle helmet law repeal was now on the Governor’s desk, and the primary seat belt law had stalled. Title VIII in Washington bears watching – it supports funding for Nursing Education. Health Care reform is moving rapidly. Mary Wakefield, a nurse from North Dakota, was made head of Health Resources and Services within the Health and Human Services Department. Carol also reported ENA has joined with other pediatric groups in an effort called “Speak Now For Kids” to help with co-pays and health care accessibility. Joan Eberhardt said this project is something that individuals may support rather than just organizations.
Gail Carroll handed out copies of both old and new SOPs, along with copies of a model financial records policy, political intervention policy and investment policy. Gordon Rogers moved, with Joan Eberhardt seconding, that the SOPs should contain a section stating that changes to the SOPs can be proposed by the compliance committee or by a vote of the state council and may be approved by the state council, becoming effective immediately upon approval. This motion passed. There was discussion of the phrase “delegates [to the General Assembly] are expected to attend the National Board of Directors meeting.” It was the sense of the state council that “expected” is not the same as “required.” Lori Davis moved, with Joan Eberhardt seconding, that we accept the SOPs as presented. The motion passed.
Combined Clinical Conference:
Joan Eberhardt reported that all speakers for the conference are confirmed, and every ENA speaker is an ENA member. Cindy Lefton will give the Keynote presentation (“Yes We Do”) and one concurrent session (“Critical Collaboration”). Norma Heuer will present on OB and also on blast injuries. Col. White will give one concurrent session and the closing session, speaking on hemorrhagic shock and blood substitutes. There will be presentations on the history of emergency care and the Amish school shootings. Some new aspects of the conference will be that exhibits will be only through Wednesday afternoon (opening on Tuesday night). Registration will be in the Exhibit Hall. The brochure will have a new look. Joan asked the state council to consider whether we should adopt a MO ENA flag, which could be placed along with flags from the other sponsoring organizations. She also asked that we consider making “MO ENA” an official term to describe the Missouri State Council of ENA. Pat Clutter moved, with Teresa Coyne seconding, that we create a flag, with Dianne Epple in charge of doing so, with such flag to be available in August for the Combined Clinical Conference. The motion passed. Joan also announced that the RFPs for a new conference site have gone out, with sites to be considered in Kansas City, St. Louis, Branson, Lodge of the Four Seasons, and including TanTarA also. Results are expected to be announced at the end of the Combined Clinical Conference.
Communication(see attached report also):
Lori Davis reported that the last newsletter, which was 12 pages long,cost $1185.00. Items for the next newsletter are due by July 1. Gordon Rogers reported that the web page was up to date again after going through several weeks of not being updated due to computer issues. Helen opened discussion on whether it was a good idea to post draft versions of our minutes online prior to their being officially approved. Concern was expressed that people could mistake them for official minutes. Arguments in favor of such posting were that it would enable state council attendees to read the minutes prior to the subsequent meeting and to be prepared to offer corrections and to vote on their approval, and that concerns about mistaking their status could be addressed by clearly marking them as not approved yet. No formal motion was made on this question. Teresa Coyne moved, with Lori Davis seconding, that all chapter and committee reports be emailed to both the newsletter and web co-chairs by one month prior to state council meetings. This motion passed.
Injury Prevention:
Tony Mitchell’s report began by discussion of the STOP Injuries effort and by making information available on obtaining their DVD. He discussed SBIRT, stating that several groups are working together to unify screening efforts, and that this effort is still ongoing and is a work in progress. He emphasized that there is good evidence that this type of screening not only works but that it does not create a significantly longer length of stay in the Emergency Department.
Dianne Epple reported that she thinks bags with the MO ENA logo might be good promotional items. Examples of such bags (without the logos) were displayed and there was a positive response to this idea. She said that such bags would likely not be available in time for the Combined Clinical Conference, but should be available by Emergency Nurses Week in October. Giveaways at the Combined Clinical Conference will be coordinated with the Combined Clinical Conference committee.
Nursing Practice/Advanced Practice:
No report
New business and Announcements:
HelenSandkuhl announced that she would reserve the Membership committee report until the end since there was a lot to present. She announced that SEMO wanted to suggest alternative meeting locations for future state council meetings. Trevor Fisher, speaking for SEMO, said that it took them 3-4 hours to come to LakeRegionalHospital for the meetings, but that upon realizing that everyone traveled extensive distances, he could not really think of a better alternative. There was discussion about attempts in the past to accommodate the various chapters by using rotating location sites which did not result in any increased attendance by delegates and members from those chapters. There was also discussion about teleconferencing the meetings, and it was decided to research this. No further action was suggested or taken at this time.
Interpretive guidelines for patient privacy were distributed (see attached) and discussed, especially with regard to possible conflicts between the goals of privacy vs. safety, especially in regard to patient identification. This will be discussed further at the August meeting.
Helen announced a proposed No Diversion Policy for the East Central region which includes St. Louis. She noted that many cities and some states (notably Massachusetts) have a comprehensive No Diversion policy and that there are advantages to such policies.
Joan Eberhardt discussed Missouri’s Time Critical Diagnosis work, focusing on STEMI, CVA and Trauma. The state group has divided up into working groups to refine proposed regulations. She announced that Missouri leads the nation in working on this issue.
Helen announced that the National Board of Directors elections are now open to members and that we can vote online at ENA’s website.
There was discussion about the possibility of getting a larger boat for the August Awards Dinner cruise.
Ginny Myerscough reported that our membership total is 692, meaning that we lack only 8 members to get one more delegate to the National General Assembly in Baltimore. She encouraged the membership to recruit more before the deadline in June. She also encouraged members to vote in the national board of directors election. She announced she had obtained a non-profit postal permit for the membership committee.
She announced a plan to distribute $250 to each chapter for membership enhancement. Chapters would be able to use up to $50 per new member from this amount to subsidize their membership. They would also be able to recruit more new members by subsidizing each of them a lesser amount, and she encouraged chapters to kick in from their own treasury to make the cost of joining even less for first-time members. Her stipulation was that the money must be spent within six months or it would be returned to the state committee.
She also discussed manager outreach, citing the Kansas City Manager’s SIG as a good example of what can be done. Joan Eberhardt brought up the possibility of re-introducing the “Getting To Know Us” luncheons. Ginny discussed proposed point system revisions and said that they would be finalized at a June 13 meeting of the Membership committee. Points for 2009 are due by July 15.
A motion to adjourn was made by Gail Carroll and seconded by Chris Hoag-Apel, and after an affirming voice vote the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Gordon Rogers, Secretary