17th Biennial

FTA State Programs Meeting and

State Public Transit Partnerships Conference:

Rural America on the Move

August 16-18, 2017



Wednesday, August 16, 2017
7:30 am - 5:00 pm / REGISTRATION
8:30 am - 10:00 am / PLENARY SESSION
Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility Update
Learn about CCAM partner’s transportation programs and how coordination is developing at the federal level.
Welcome and Session Moderator: Henrika Buchanan
Confirmed CCAM Speakers: Suma Nair, Health Resources and Services Administration; Paul Perry, Veteran’s Administration; Lori Gerhard, Administration for Community Living. Invited: CMS, Department of Labor
10:00 am - 10:15 am / Break
10:15 am - 11:45 am / PLENARY SESSION
Transportation and Health Care- Implementing Access and Mobility: Hear about coordination implementation at the state and local level.
Moderator: Danielle Nelson, FTA Office of Program Management
Speakers: Vanessa Hansle, Michigan Transportation Connection; Dan ChertockDon Chartock, Washington DOT; Vermont DOT
11:45 am - 1:00 pm / Lunch on your own
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
1:00 pm - 4:45 pm / 1:00 pm - 4:45 pm
State Public Transit Association Leaders Roundtable
The session focuses on a variety of areas of interest to state association leaders, state association executive directors, managers, and others interested in the role of states in support of public transportation. The roundtable topics focus on state association program and management best practices, strategic planning, advocacy and outreach efforts and other topics of interest. The session is open to all conference registrants.
·  Facilitator: Lisa Bacot, Executive Director, Florida Public Transportation Association, Moderator
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm / SESSIONS
National Transit Database (repeated 8:30am Friday): This session will provide the latest updates and improvements to the National Transit Database (NTD) including the 2017 reporting requirements and technical assistance planed for the opening of the report year. Maggie Schilling or John Giorgis, Office of Budget and Policy (TBP)
5010 Circular & the FAST Act (repeated 8:30 am Friday): This session will provide updates on the significant changes regarding the 5010 Circular. Pamela Brown, Office of Program Management (TPM)
FTA Performance Management Framework (repeated 8:30am Friday): This session will provide an overview of the performance-based planning and programming requirements for transit providers, State Departments of Transportation and Metropolitan Planning Organizations. Sherry Riklin, Office of Planning and Environment (TPE)
2:30 pm - 2:45 pm / BREAK
2:45 pm - 4:15 pm /
Civil Rights Panel (repeated 10:15am Thursday): This session will present current highlights across the office’s four program areas: ADA, Title VI, DBE, and EEO. John Day, Richie Nguyen, Anita Heard, Office of Civil Rights (TCR)
Transit Asset Management (repeated 10:15am Thursday): This session will provide the basic requirements of the National TAM System rule (49 CFR 625), implementation status, and technical assistance available through FTA. Mshadoni Smith or John Giorgis, Office of Budget and Policy (TBP)
Automated and On-Demand: A Future Vision of Mobility (repeated 10:15am Friday): This session will discuss FTA’s research efforts to understand the promise and challenges of vehicle automation and the introduction of on-demand mobility option advancements for public transportation providers and the communities they serve. Gwo-Wei Torng, Office of Research, Demonstration and Innovation (TRI)
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
4:15 pm - 4:30 pm / BREAK
During this session, State DOTs will share their transit system success stories and promising practices. Session to be moderated/coordinated by Robin Philips.
Speakers include Danielle Spila, sharing PennDOT’s Capitol Inventory and Planning Tool, developed with Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transit; Qing Lin, Colorado DOT; Buffy Ellis, KFH Group
Thursday, August 17, 2017
7:30 am – 5:00 pm / REGISTRATION
Lisa Bacot, Chair, APTA State Affairs Committee; Executive Director, Florida Public Transportation Association, Tallahassee, FL
Don Chartock, Vice Chair, APTA State Affairs Committee; Grants and Community Partnerships Manager, Washington State DOT Public Transportation Division, Olympia, WA
8:30 am - 10:00 am / PLENARY SESSION
Leadership Panel- Industry Update: Leadership from the Federal Transit Administration, American Public Transit Transportation Association, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, and the Community Transportation Association of America will articulate their vision for the years ahead in public transportation.
Speakers: Matt Welbes, Executive Director, Federal Transit Administration
Scott Bogren, Executive Director, CTAA
Richard A. White, Acting President and CEO, APTA
Bud Wright, Executive Director, AASHTO
10:00 am - 10:15 am / BREAK
Thursday, August 17, 2017
10:15 am - 11:45 am / SESSIONS
Transit Asset Management: This session will provide the basic requirements of the National TAM System rule (49 CFR 625), implementation status, and technical assistance available through FTA. Mshadoni Smith or John Giorgis, Office of Budget and Policy (TBP)
Rural & Targeted Programs (repeated 10:15 am Friday): This session will provide information on the FTA’s 5311, 5310 program along with Technical Assistance programs and an update on small urban systems. Elan Flippin, Kelly Tyler, Carl Ringgold, Marianne Stock, Adam Schildge, Tara Clark, Office of Program Management (TPM)
Civil Rights Panel: This session will present current highlights across the office’s four program areas: ADA, Title VI, DBE, and EEO. John Day, Richie Nguyen, Anita Heard, Office of Civil Rights (TCR)
11:45 am - 1:00 pm / LUNCH ON YOUR OWN
Thursday, August 17, 2017
1:00 PM-4:45 PM
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm / FTA Program Oversight Update (repeated 10:15am Friday): This session will focus on FTA’s State Management Review program, which examines grantee management practices and compliance with program and administrative requirements in accordance with federal transportation law. Scott Giering, Office of Safety and Oversight (TSO
Procurement Update repeated (2:45pm Thursday): This session will focus on the latest modifications to the Best Practices Procurement Manual, upcoming rewrite of FTA Circular Third Party Contracting Guidance 4220.1(G), and status of FAST Act Initiatives. James Harper, Jr., Office of Administration (TAD)
TrAMS Information Sharing (repeated 2:45pm Thursday): This session will share information on the different ways that State DOTs have developed their grant applications in TrAMS and will discuss some of the pros and cons of the different ways that application information is organized. It will also highlight recent and upcoming changes in the system and will emphasize actions you can take to avoid getting an application stuck when completing a pre-award or post-award action. David Schneider, Marci Malaster, Roxanne Ledesma, Office of Program Management (TPM)
Thursday, August 17, 2017
2:30 pm - 2:45 pm / Break
2:45 pm-4:15 pm / SESSIONS
Procurement Update: This session will focus on the latest modifications to the Best Practices Procurement Manual, upcoming rewrite of FTA Circular Third Party Contracting Guidance 4220.1(G), and status of FAST Act Initiatives. James Harper, Jr., Office of Administration (TAD)
FTA Safety Update (repeated 10:15 am Friday): This session will discuss
several ongoing safety initiatives, including State Safety Oversight certification, FTA’s
Drug and Alcohol Program, the recent General Directive regarding stop signal
overruns, and the two-hour accident notification process. Patrick Nemons, Iyon
Rosario, Mike Coplen, Dakisha Spratling, Office of Safety and Oversight (TSO)
TrAMS Information Sharing: This session will share information on the different
ways that State DOTs have developed their grant applications in TrAMS and will
discuss some of the pros and cons of the different ways that application information is
organized. It will also highlight recent and upcoming changes in the system and will
emphasize actions you can take to avoid getting an application stuck when completing
a pre-award or post-award action. David Schneider, Marci Malaster, Roxanne Ledesma,
Office of Program Management (TPM)
4:15 pm - 4:30 pm / BREAK
Thursday, August 17, 2017
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm / Transit Jeopardy
Test your transit and program management trivia knowledge, learn, and have fun!
Friday, August 18, 2017
7:30 am - 11:00 am / REGISTRATION
8:30 am - 10:00 am / SESSIONS
National Transit Database: In this session, you will learn of the latest updates and improvements to the National Transit Database (NTD) including the 2017 reporting requirements and technical assistance planned for the opening of the report year. Maggie Schilling or John Giorgis, office of Budget and Policy (TBP)
5010 Circular & the FAST Act: In this session, you will learn about the
significant changes regarding the 5010 Circular. Pamela Brown, Office of Program Management (TPM)
FTA Performance Management Framework: This session will provide an overview of the performance-based planning and programming requirements for transit providers, State Departments of Transportation and Metropolitan Planning Organizations. Sherry Riklin, Office of Planning and Environment (TPE)
10:00 am - 10:15 am / BREAK
Friday, August 18, 2017
10:15 am - 11:45 am / SESSIONS
Rural & Targeted Programs: This session will provide information on the FTA’s 5311, 5310 program along with Technical Assistance programs and an update on small urban systems. Elan Flippin, Kelly Tyler, Carl Ringgold, Marianne Stock, Adam Schildge, Tara Clark, Office of Program Management (TPM)
FTA Program Oversight Update: This session will focus on FTA’s State Management Review program, which examines grantee management practices and compliance with program and administrative requirements in accordance with federal transportation law. Scott Giering, Office of Safety and Oversight (TSO)
FTA Safety Update: This session will discuss several ongoing safety initiatives, including State Safety Oversight certification, FTA’s Drug and Alcohol Program, the recent General Directive regarding stop signal overruns, and the two-hour accident notification process. Patrick Nemons, Iyon Rosario, Mike Coplen, Dakisha Spratling, Office of Safety and Oversight (TSO)
Automated and On-Demand: A Future Vision of Mobility: This session will discuss FTA’s research efforts to understand the promise and challenges of vehicle automation and the introduction of on-demand mobility options advancements for public transportation providers and the communities they serve. Gwo-Wei Torng, Office of Research, Demonstration and Innovation (TRI)
11:50 am - 12:30 pm / PLENARY SESSION
Wrap Up: Closing Remarks- Henrika Buchanan