Board of Health



☒Jill Domek-GMC ☒Joe Leal- Medical Officer ☐Jerry Jimison- City of Glendive ☒Stephen Schreibeis- Glendive Schools ☐Dennis Zander- Commissioner ☐vacant licensed establishment

☒Cindy Heidt- Mental Health ☐Justin Cross- licensed establishment

Staff present:

☒Timber Dempewolf ☒Kevin Pena

Guests: Lindsay Sadorf, Janelle Olberding

Agenda item / Discussion / Follow-up
Introduction of guests and new members / New member- Stephen Schreibeis
Guests: Lindsay Sadorf- DCHD Tobacco Prevention Specialist and Janelle Olberding DCHD PHEP coordinator
Review and approval of minutes / Kevin motioned to approve the minutes from 4-10-17, seconded by Cindy
Old Business
Kevin reported he has closed one of the public nuisance cases.
Kevin has a meeting with the County Attorney scheduled 7/11/17 to develop a policy and procedure for condemning buildings.
New Business:
Health Department Report
Tobacco Prevention / ·  Trading Card Kids
o  On hold until this fall. The 2 advisors resigned and they haven’t found a new advisor yet. If they find an advisor, we will do applications and interviews this fall.
·  2017-2018 Montana Tobacco Use Prevention Program (MTUPP) contract has changed to a HUB system. We worked with Sidney to create our work plan and it is being approved by the state this month.
·  Tobacco Coalition Meetings
o  Are changing to quarterly meetings because of HUB contract.
o  Dates for the coming year are September 13, 2017; December 13, 2017; March 14, 2018 and May 8, 2018.
o  All are welcome to attend
·  Had a booth at the Community Health Fair and talked to people of all ages
o  High school Health classes had a bingo contest. Tobacco prevention had 2 questions students had to visit the Tobacco Prevention booth to get answers.
·  Quit Line numbers for Dawson County June 2016-March 2017: 27
·  New signs that include e-cigarettes for businesses to display on their doors
o  Will be taking some to Chamber and to Dawson Co Economic Development
·  Took fliers and info on Quit Line to Medicaid Office
·  Dawson County Health Department Monthly Newsletter
o  If you would like something in the newsletter, please email
·  There have been no CIAA violations this quarter.
o  Sign new Memorandum of Agreement for CIAA because of position changes.
PHEP / Reviewed and signed the Emergency Medical Countermeasure (EMC) Plan, Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) and the checklist for review and approval of communicable disease reporting protocols.
No changes were made to the EMC from last year. The purpose of this document is to describe how resources may be obtained and distributed to treat a large number of individuals within Dawson County. This may include mass vaccination or mass prophylaxis of the population of this jurisdiction. These mass clinics can be conducted with or without Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) assets (SNS should only be used when all other supply chains are exhausted). Should the need arise to obtain pharmaceuticals for the treatment of acute illness, this plan also describes this request and distribution process under the Chempack portion. Other resources, such as medical supplies and equipment, may also be obtained through the processes laid out in this plan. This plan is not a stand-alone plan-it is an annex to the Dawson County Health Department’s All-Hazards Plan Emergency Operations Plan (DCHD EOP).
The EOP was broken down to make it a little more manageable, by removing some of the plans and making them their own annex. The primary focus of this document is to delineate the responsibilities of Dawson County Health Department during a response to disaster situations. Actions outlined in this document aide in the prevention and control of disease in disaster situations in a response effort. Subsequently, this decreases the vulnerability of the citizens of Dawson County through effective planning. Dawson County Health Department is charged with the coordination of public health and medical services during emergency situations to reduce death and injury and to assist in damage assessment and restoration of essential health and medical services within the disaster area.
Communicable Disease / 4th quarter investigations included:
·  3 Animal bites, PEP was recommended for 2 of the victims.
·  1 campylobacter
·  1 chlamydia
·  1 gonorrhea
·  1 elevated lead level
·  3 hepatitis C; 2 chronic cases and 1 acute case
New Grants / DCHD received a grant to develop a Quality Improvement Plan. This will assist the Health Department in being ready to apply for accreditation. A date has not yet been established for the Health Department to apply.
Sanitarian Report
Kevin received a complaint about a tenant who is raising mice. The tenant lives in section 8 housing and his rent is paid for through ACTION. The landlord reports the tenant is behind on his rent and would like to evict the tenant. ACTION is reluctant to take action at this point. Kevin will need to establish cause to be able to inspect the property.
Pigeon update: Brian Cleveland is a trapper who would like to contract to remove the pigeons. He would like to begin trapping at the Jordan and the GTA elevator, however access to the elevator is problematic. Kevin will be meeting with him to work out the details of the project.
Kevin is working with the County Attorney’s office to develop a County dog at large ordinance.
Kevin has inspected pools in Sidney and will be inspecting food establishments in Wibaux soon. Janice Opp is assisting with inspections again this summer. She will be working through July. Kevin has completed the pre-opening inspection for the new Town Pump. There have been a couple of new applications for catering licenses Saffron Catering (Evelyn Ziegler) and Rachel Baily for French pastries. / Kevin will visit with the county attorney about the legalities of inspecting a property, what steps need to be taken and at what point does the BOH get involved.
Timber will follow-up with Clint at ACTION
Health Officer Report
Round Table
1.  Schools- Stephen is orienting himself to his new position.
2.  Mental Health is recruiting for a part-time secretary and part-time therapeutic aide. EMMHC is also recruiting for a therapist. Cindy has been traveling to Baker for the past 6 months.
3.  GMC is recruiting for a psychiatrist and are currently remodeling the behavioral health unit in preparation of its reopening.
a.  A new LCSW has been hired on the clinic side.
b.  They have implemented a career ladder program for CNAs, this has helped to fill open positions.
c.  An OB/GYN and Family Practitioner have been hired; start dates will be September and October.

Next meeting – October 16, 2017 1:15

Notes by: Timber Dempewolf

BOH Chair Signature Date