/ Form 1:
Proposal for New Program/Major, Minor,
Cognate or Concentration
Select Action: / New Program/Major / New Stand-Alone Minor / New Cognate / New Concentration
Title of New Program/Major, Minor, Cognate or Concentration:
College/School/Center or Department Initiating Change:
Originator of this Proposal:
Delivery Format: / Resident Online Both / Proposed Start Date:
Change: / Yes No / Refer to policy at:


1.Brief description of the proposed program/major, minor, cognate or concentration; include historical background of development.

2.Show the projected number of students.

Projected Enrollment
Delivery Format / Fall 20__ / Fall 20__ / Fall 20_
Distance Education (Online)

3.Describe primary target audience. Who will be attracted to this program?

4.If a newprogram/major, describe in full the instructional delivery methods to be used.

B.Background Information

1.Explain the nature and purpose of new program or major in the context of institutional mission and purpose, especially Christian worldview.

2.Identify and explain how the proposed new program supports, as appropriate, the eight statements in the University Statement of Mission and Purpose? Be specific.

3.List certificate/degree programs offered at Liberty, which are similar/related to the proposed program(s).

4.Graduate Programs: If the proposed program is similar/related to a program offered at the undergraduate level for master’s programs, or master’s level for doctoral programs, explain how the program is progressively more advanced in academic content.

C.Assessment of Need/Program Planning/Approval (Include Minutes)

1.Discuss rationale for change, including an assessment of need (show data from documented feasibility study: e.g., need, market, job market, survey of student interest data). Provide data and research as an Appendix.

2.Is the proposed program an outcome of the program review process? Yes No

3.How does the proposed program support the strategic goals identified in the 2014-2017University Strategic Plan? (Provide as Appendix)


4. Does the proposed program require any additional administrative, academic, or student support services that Liberty does not already offer? Yes No

  1. If yes, please describe the services needed.

b.Would this/these services be applicable to resident, distance, or both student populations?

5.Listdepartment and college/school faculty meetings documenting review and approval of the new program (provide minutes as an Appendix withpertinent section recording approvalhighlighted).

Meeting date(s) / Meeting Name/Location

D.Program Policiesand Degree Requirements (Graduate programs: includeMatrices Endorsement)

1.Describe any differences in admission, prerequisites, or graduation requirements from other programs, in catalog format.

  1. Is this a cohort program? Yes No
  2. If the proposed new program/cognate/concentration is at the Graduate/Doctoral level, secure the Matrices Endorsement fromthe Associate Registrar for Graduate Studies and provide as appendix.

2.List degree requirements to include practicum, internship, residency requirements, or other experiences as part of the program.

3.Describe any special arrangements for grading, transcripts, or transfer policies.

E.Curriculum Proposal(Include Institutional Effectiveness Curriculum Proposal Endorsement Form,Draft DCP, Syllabi[1], CGS and/or CASAS Endorsement, Office of State Approvals Endorsement)

1.Provide the name of the Program Director as well as the Purpose Statement for the new program, as appropriate.

2.If program, concentration, or cognate will be offered in the online format, secure an endorsement from the Office of State Approvals ().

3.List the Career Opportunities available to students who choose this program/major. Is there anything additional a student would need to do to pursue any of these opportunities?

4.List the program learning outcomes and provide (as Appendix)approved Institutional Effectiveness Curriculum Proposal Endorsement Form(CPEF) for proposed new program/major or concentration, cognate, or stand-alone minor.

5.Using the table format below, list the course numbers and titles of all courses in proposed program/major/minor/cognate/concentration; indicate which are new courses, elective courses, or existing courses. Include a catalog description foreach new course withhours, and prerequisites.

New Course? / Elective Course? / Existing Course?
Course Title / Hours
Catalog Description:

6.If changing existing course numbers, contact the Registrar’s Office/DCP Audit ()for a list of available course numbers.

7.If changing an existing course prefix to a new prefix, complete the following steps:

  1. List degree programs/DCPs affected by the change(s).
  2. Provide documentation that other department(s)/disciplines currently using course(s) to be changed have been notified; provide a course substitution option, if appropriate.
  3. Inform department(s) that a revised DCP for program(s) or CCP (for certificates) affected by the eliminated or changed course(s) must be submitted, as appropriate.

8.If eliminating existing course(s), list course(s) below and identify programs and certificates that currently use the course(s) as a requirement(follow steps 7.a, b, c above).

Course(s) to be Eliminated / Affected Programs/Certificates
Please Note: It is imperative that each department with a program affected by the change in the status of a course or courses, or change to course prefix(es), number(s), or title(s), also submit the proper form to report the change; changes must be recorded on the DCP/CCP using the DCP Tracking Tool. It is the responsibility of the department making the change to ensure that this occurs. When possible, DCP/CCP changes for other programs affected by this proposal should be submitted with the proposal that triggers the change, or submitted as an FIO during the same academic term.

9.General Education or Integrative Course Approval: If requesting that a course be considered for approval as a general education or integrative course, list the course below and include an endorsement from the Dean of the College of General Studies (CGS) and the Dean of the Center for Academic Support and Advising Services (CASAS).

Course Prefix, Number & Title
Hours / General Education Course? / Integrative Course?
Catalog Description:
Endorsed by the Dean, College of General Studies / Date
Endorsed by the Dean, Center for Academic Support & Advising Services / Date
Approved by the General Education Committee / Date

10.If utilizing courses controlled by another discipline/department for a cognate or concentration, check course prerequisites and provide minutes from the other department indicating approval.

11.Show the complete curriculum of the proposed programin Degree Completion Plan (DCP) format.DCPs must be prepared using the DCP Tracking Tool (

12.Provide schedule of course offerings for the first year. Include copy of the course syllabi1 for each new course. (If syllabi are not available due to pending approval of new faculty hires to support the new program, include waiver of this requirement by the Vice Provost.)

13.For new programs/majors, provide a comparison study of curricula from benchmark institutions, as well as any other information substantiating this selection of curriculum.

  1. Show how Liberty’s biblical/Christian worldview is integrated into the major/program.
  2. Show how the new program/ major compares with benchmark institutions’ course sequencing.Note: These benchmarks should be used for the review of this program during the program review cycle. (Provide as Appendix)

Name of Institution
(5 Virginia/10 Regional /National) / Location
/URL / Residential (R) Online (O)
Both (B) / Program Requirements
Courses / Pre-requisites / Graduation Hours / Graduation Requirements

14.Program Length: Provide rationale if new program/major exceeds 60 hours at the associate level or 120 hours at the baccalaureate level. Graduate programs must be at least 30 hours.

15.If new program/major, provide a detailed curriculum development plan. What will faculty need to do to prepare to teach the courses involved?

16.If online program, has the LUO Course Development Proposal been submitted to the CCD? Yes No

17.If proposed new program/major, describe administrative oversight to ensure quality of the new program.

F.Faculty Needs (IncludeFaculty Roster)

1.Provide complete roster (see attached Faculty Roster form) of faculty employed to teach in the new program/major. Please note that faculty must have the required teaching credentials for course assignments. If a faculty does not have the teaching credential, justify the course assignment using alternate qualifications. (Provide Roster as Appendix)

2.Show faculty course load in the new program/major as well as current course assignments.

3.Provide evidence that adequate, qualified faculty members are assigned to support the program/major.

4.Describe impact of the new initiative on faculty workload.

5.New faculty needed prior to beginning, first year, second year, third year.

6.For graduate programs, document the scholarship and research capability of faculty.

7.For doctoral programs, document faculty experience in directing student research.

8.Will Graduate Assistants be used in the new program/major? Explain.

G.Library and Learning Resources (Include Library Endorsement)

1.Submit the following information to the Dean of the Jerry Falwell Library () and copy Mr. Rusty Tryon ():

  1. Course titles and descriptions
  2. Program learning outcomes approved by Institutional Effectiveness (CPEF form), and
  3. Syllabi1 (course titles, descriptions, learning outcomes, course assignments information only)
  1. To allow sufficient time for the library to complete an appropriate analysis, requests should be submitted to the libraryat least three (3) weeksprior to submission of the proposal to the Curriculum Committee.

3.The library will analyze available library resources and prepare the Library Endorsement with appropriate recommendations signed by the Dean of the Jerry Falwell Library.

H.Physical Resources: Classroom Space, Materials, Equipment Needs (Include Registrar’s Endorsementonly when special facilities or technology are required.Note: This does not apply to online courses or programs.)

1.Regular classrooms needed, projected through first three years.

2.Labs needed, projected through first three years.

3.Teaching materials, visual aid, software, equipment, etc. projected through first three years.

4.Assess impact of proposed change on existing programs and services.

I.Financial Support Budget Summary (New Program/Major Only) (Include Initial Budgetary Forecast Form)

1.Project for the first three years the financial commitment required by the University to implement the program in each of the areas shown on the “Projected Statement of Activities for (Name of Program) Proposal” form provided and endorsed by the Financial Planning and Budgeting Department.

2.Indicate any income sources beyond regular department funds, such as grants, endowments, etc.

3.Amount of resources needed for contractual or support services.

4.Describe operational, management, and physical resources available for the change.

Approval to Submit Proposal:
Associate Dean, Department Chair,or Director / Date
Dean of School/College / Date


Revised 6/05/2014

Faculty Roster Form

Qualifications of Full-Time and Part-Time Faculty

Name of PrimaryDepartment, Academic Program, or Discipline:

Date Form Completed:

1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Course Number & Title, Credit Hours
Indicate for each course: D=Developmental; UN=Undergraduate Nontransferable; UT=Undergraduate Transferable; G=Graduate / ACADEMIC DEGREES& COURSEWORK
Relevant to Courses Taught: Include Institution, Major/Discipline
List specific graduate coursework, if needed to justify assignment / OTHER QUALIFICATIONS
Related to Courses Taught
Courses Assigned in Proposed Program:
Current Course Assignments:
Courses Assigned in Proposed Program:
Current Course Assignments:
Courses Assigned in Proposed Program:
Current Course Assignments:
Courses Assigned in Proposed Program:
Current Course Assignments:
Courses Assigned in Proposed Program:
Current Course Assignments:
Courses Assigned in Proposed Program:
Current Course Assignments:
Courses Assigned in Proposed Program:
Current Course Assignments:
Courses Assigned in Proposed Program:
Current Course Assignments:
Courses Assigned in Proposed Program:
Current Course Assignments:
Courses Assigned in Proposed Program:
Current Course Assignments:

[1]Syllabi are required for Library Endorsement. Provide Program Learning Outcomes, Course Name and Description, Course Learning Outcomes, and Course Assignments; bibliographies are not necessary.