August14, 2017 - August 18, 2017


Tuesday, August 15th – TCE Spirit Night at Yofrodipity from 3:00 – 9:00pm

Friday, August 18th – Summer Reading Log due.

Wear your Spirit wear t-shirt

Save the date: August 31st 4th Grade Curriculum Chat: 5:30 – 6:15pm.


Reading/Writing / Math / Science/Social Studies / Lunch & Resource
Novel: The 7 Wonders of Sassafras Springs.
Skills: - Visualization, Making connections to the text, and Syllabication
Read to Self –Students are working on building their stamina!
Read 4 or More: Students should read EVERY SINGLE night. Remember to cheer your child on to log their minutes read (in the planner) for weekly checks.
Being a Writer – Week 1 – Building a Writing Community
Grammar – Skills: complete sentences / Unit 1:
MAFS.4.OA.2.4 – Factors, multiples, prime and composite.
MAFS.4.OA.3.5 – patterns with shapes and numbers.
Summative Assessment will be given on Thursday, August 24th
Students: Make sure you have your multiplication facts mastered! Fourth grade math will be much easier if your times tables have been conquered! Keep practicing. / Science
Big Idea 5- Earth, Space & Time
Textbook (TB) pgs. 170-195
Summative Assessment - TBD
Social Studies
Unit 1 – Florida’s Land and Early People
Lesson 1 – Using Maps
Summative Assessment - TBD / Lunch Time:
12:30 – 1:00
Resource Times:
M, T, TH & F Resource Time: 9:30 – 10:05
Wed Resource Time: 9:20-10:20
No day
Comp Lab
Wednesday: Extended Art
Friday: P.E.

Updates in the classroom:

Our first couple of days have been a success and we have had a great time getting to know each other. This will be our weekly communication to make sure everyone is on the same page.

Tuesday Folder Paperwork and ThiesTimes:

Every Tuesday, your child's work will come home in the Tuesday Folder. After reviewing the assignments, please sign the signature sheet and return the work in the folder. There are labels on the folder pockets indicating the paperwork that needs to be returned, and the paperwork that should stay at home. If you do not return your school paperwork with the Tuesday Folder, please do so as soon as possible. I know it's a lot of paperwork in the beginning, but I thank you for your help in getting all of the initial paperwork completed in a timely fashion!

Every Tuesday, I'll send out an update email. This email will have the subject line "Thies Times” and contains all of the class news and upcoming events.


Homework will be given almost every night, except Friday, and should not take longer than 40 minutes to complete. The purpose of homework is to instill good study habits from a young age. Some nights, homework will be to practice a skill we’ve been learning in class, while other nights will be previewing content for an upcoming lesson. Either way homework is very important to complete, to show responsibility, and good effort. Homework should be completed by the student with minimal assistance. *If homework is taking more than 40 minutes a night, let’s talk!


Your child's planner will be coming home every night. It will have the week's homework, plus upcoming tests and events. After reviewing your child's homework and making sure it matches the planner, please sign nightly.

If your child is absent, please send in a note when he/she returns to school. Also, a separate note or email must be written if your child will go home a different way than usual. Notification of absences and change of transportation is a requirement of the administration.

Teacher Conferences:

If you would like to set up a conference before Interims come out in September, then please e-mail me so we can set up a time that would work best for both of us. Thank you

Water and Snack:

I encourage students to bring a water bottle to keep near their desks throughout the day. We have a water fountain right outside in our commons area for refills. The students are also allowed to bring in a healthy, mess-free snack every day. Please be mindful of our peanut allergies in the class. Please don't send colored liquids or anything that may stain the carpet. Thanks! Lunch is at 12:30am – 1:00pmso we'll have snack around 10:00am

Class Volunteers:

Thank you for the volunteers that offered to help. I LOVE our volunteers! Here is what I have so far... There is still plenty of room for some helpers, so feel free to e-mail me. See below.

Home Room Parent: Emily Weber

Author’s Tea (End of Year Party) Parent:

Cooking Parent:

Tuesday Parent: Misty Mustelier

Yearbook Parent: Monika Colichio

Thanks for reading the updates this week. If you ever have questions about ANYTHING, please don't hesitate to ask. I truly believe the teacher-parent partnership is a crucial part of a school year, and I know this year is going to be great!

PTO: Please remember to join PTO this year. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
