plates 22-28


Directions. USING COMPLETE SENTENCES, answer the following questions on another sheet of paper. Be excellent.


  1. Sponges belong to what Phylum?(1)
  2. How does a filter feeder operate? (1)
  3. Use the words “ostia” and osculum in a sentence that describes the general flow of water through a sponge. (1)
  4. List four vital functions for the sponge that rely on water flow. (2)
  5. What is the function of the flagella of the collar cells? (1)
  6. What is the function of the spicules? (1)
  7. Draw a 10cm3 sponge on your answer sheet. How much water could this animal filter in a day? (3)
  8. Describe the mutually beneficial relationship between the pectensponge and scallops. (2)
  9. Is the relationship between the boringsponge and the abalone mutually beneficial? Explain. (2)
  10. Choose three different famous people and describe which sponge reminds you most of them and why. Be forewarned that if you compare me to a boring sponge, I will flagellate you around the osculum, spiculate your collar cells, severely restrict your water flow, and send you to the filter chamber for excretion from the colony. (2)
  11. List ONE thing on this plate that reminds you of Spongebob Squarepants. (1)
  12. Compose a single sentence (your own words) that seems to sum up the general structure and function of sponges. (1)
  13. Draw Waldo being expelled from an osculum of the encrusting sponge.


  1. Write the word “Cnidarian” (pronounced “nid-air-ee-an”) in bubble letters at the top of this coloring plate. (1)
  2. What are the two basic body plans of Cnidarians? Give an example of each. (2)
  3. What are nematocysts? What’s their function? (2)
  4. Imagine you are a Cnidarian. (Take your pick of species.) Write a short paragraph of your experience obtaining, digesting, and excreting a meal. (3)
  5. Compare and contrast the sea anemone and the coral polyp. (2)
  6. One of the Cnidarians on this plate demonstrates both polyp and medusa forms. Which one? (1)
  7. The creature listed in question 6 is described as undergoing asexual reproduction. What does that mean? (1)
  8. The term Cnidarian describes a very interesting group of organisms. Now that you have read this entire plate, write 9 sentences, each starting with one letter of the word Cnidarian, that describe characteristics or individuals of this diverse group. (4)
  9. Draw Waldo imitating a sessile Cnidarian on this plate. Label his mouth and tentacles, and give him a “thought bubble” narrating what he’s thinking.


  1. What is the main difference between cnidarian medusae and polyps from the previous plate?(1)
  2. Choose one of the cnidarians on this plate and describe the function of each of the following: umbrella, tentacle, mouth, manubrium, stomach, gonads (6)
  3. List a notable fact about each of the Cnidarians listed on this plate: Polyorchis, Pelagia, Aurelia, and Haliclystus. (4)
  4. Draw Waldo amongst the tentacles and oral arms of Pelagia.


  1. The flatworm has a pharynx. You have a pharynx. What is the general function of the pharynx? Contrast the location of your pharynx with that of the flatworm. (2)
  2. What is the name of the flatworm drawn here? Write it above the picture of the worm in brown pencil. (2)
  3. Compare and contrast the flatworms method of eating with your own. Underline the word extrudedin your description. (3)
  4. Describe the habitat of most species of flatworms. (2)
  5. Describe where / when / what / and how this flatworm feeds. (4)
  6. Check out the cross section of the flatworm. Where does it expel its wastes? (1)
  7. Describe three design features of each of the following: Ribbon worms, peanut worms, nematodes. (6)
  8. All the worms on this plate are predators except one. Draw Waldo inside the gut of the one parasitic worm. Why is this ironic? (1)


  1. Describe the habitat and location of the Inkeeper worm. (2)
  2. Describe how the innkeeper worm digs its burrow. (2)
  3. How does the innkeeper worm feed? (2)
  4. Write three words in block letters that summarize your impression of the innkeeperworm. (2)
  5. Draw Waldo in the mucous net of the worm in its mud flat habitat. Then write a description from Waldo’s perspective detailing the ordeal of passing through the worm’s burrow. (3)


  1. What is an annelid? List3 different kinds, at least one of which is terrestrial. (2)
  2. Describe three different Nereis senses and the organ(s) that they use for each. (3)
  3. Describe the different feeding mechanisms and habits of the each of the marine worms shown on this plate. (6)
  4. If you had to choose between one of these two polychaetes transformed for a week, which of these would you choose to be and why? Give three reasons. (2)
  5. Draw Waldo in the Glycera gallery hanging onto the posterior end of the worm.


  1. Contrast the substrates that Amphitrite and Fan Worms inhabit. (2)
  2. Contrast the feeding methods of Amphitrite and Fan Worms. (3)
  3. Compare and contrast the worms on this plate with those on plate 27. Provide a minimum of 3 points of comparisons and 3 points of contrast. (4)
  4. You have viewed three consecutive plates dealing with diverse marine worms. In order to express your thoughts about these creatures, you may choose from one of the following tasks. Make you’re creation contains at least six substantial “vocab” terms from these three plates. Underline the terms. (6)
  5. Write a poem.
  6. Illustrate a cartoon with some dialogue.
  7. Compose lyrics to accompany a tune of your choice.
  8. Draw Waldo standing on the mouth of Amphitrite.