Draft SCOE Transportation Policy


Because use of vehicles is a large liability exposure for the Shasta County Office of Education, this policy is being created to form a cohesive process and set of rules to determine driver eligibility and conduct for the varying types of drivers and vehicles within the organization. This policy will also designate the hierarchy of people who will determine individual eligibility for driving privileges and maintain records.

The county has a strong interest in monitoring staff driver motor vehicle records to offset the potential of drivers being a higher than normal risk. If records or circumstances reflect a higher risk, the Superintendent or his designee will recommend suspension or revocation of driving privileges to drive district or rental vehicles under the SCOE contract for district business.

EPN Program

This program is a free service available to the county and is administered by the Department of Motor Vehicles. The program provides automatic Motor Vehicle Reports reflecting a three year driving record history for enrolled employees and will alert the county if there has been any new activity on the employee’s driving record such as a violation, accident, license suspension, etc. The EPN is mandated for bus, 15-passenger van, and hazardous material drivers, but it can and will be used for Shasta County Office of Education drivers providing they are employees and are frequent drivers. The employee is required to sign a DMV Form INF1101 Authorization for Release of Driver Record Information and he or she will be enrolled in the EPN Program. These records must be maintained by Human Resource Services.

Categories of Drivers at SCOE

Bus Drivers

Maintenance and Custodian Drivers

IT Drivers

Food Services Drivers

Special Education Drivers (for example itinerant, etc.)

Project Share Drivers

WES Drivers

Other: ECS Principals, Instructional Services Drivers, Superintendent Office Drivers, Human Resource Services Drivers, etc.

Types of Driving

Daily: As a reason the job exists

Daily: As part of their ongoing job duties (job description)

Occasionally: When needed as part of their job duties

Volunteer: As needed for field trips and program needs

Types of Vehicles Used

SCOE owned and insured vehicles

Rental: SCOE insured and contracted rental car insurance

Private: With the owner as primary insured

Transportation Program Drivers

Shasta County Office of Education Bus and 15-passenger Van drivers are held to much higher standards than all other SCOE drivers. They are regulated by the California Highway Patrol. Transportation Administrators consult with a staff person at the CHP who is designated a school bus officer. When a new bus driver is hired, he or she must obtain an H6 Motor Vehicle Report acquired within the 30 days previous to beginning to drive. This report covers 10 years of driving history and is used by the Transportation Administrative staff to determine eligibility of the newly hired bus or van driver. Once the driver begins driving, supervisory employees enroll the driver in the EPN program and immediately request an Employee Pull Notice.

All driving records are confidentially maintained in the Transportation Office. Eligibility of all Bus and 15-passenger Van drivers is determined by Transportation Supervisory Employees as designees of the Superintendent of Schools.

All Other Program Drivers

Shasta County Office of Education wishes to ensure that employees who drive vehicles in the course of program business do so responsibly and act in accordance with the following established procedures. The Superintendent or his designee has the responsibility to monitor, evaluate and put into place the procedures designed to manage risk associated with this policy. For this purpose, Human Resource Services administrative staff has been determined to be the Shasta County Superintendent of Schools designees.

Any person using a SCOE vehicle, or renting a car for SCOE business on a frequent or occasional basis as part of their job duties must fulfill the following obligations upon employment:

1.  SCOE Employees are required to complete an Employee Driver Application.

2.  Employees must provide an H6 Motor Vehicle Report acquired within the 30 days previous to beginning to drive

3.  Employees must provide a current copy of a valid California Drivers’ License. All drivers must have been continuously licensed during the last 3 years.

4.  SCOE employees are required to complete the Authorization for Release of Driver Record Information (DMV Form INF1101). He or she will then be registered in the DMV EPN program.

5.  Those employees who transport students must schedule training with the Transportation Operations Manager. No one should attempt to utilize the wheelchair lifts or tie down mechanisms without this training.

6.  Drivers using his or her own private vehicle must also provide the following proof of minimum insurance requirements:

a.  Bodily Injury - $100,000 each person, $300,000 each occurrence

b.  Property Damage - $50,000 each occurrence, Or

c.  Combined Single Limit - $300,000 each occurrence

The documentation shall then be submitted to Human Resource Services and will be maintained along with any other licensing, credentialing, or employment required certifications needed to perform in the position.

The Human Resource Services Director or his/her designee will notify the program administrator as soon as the staff person has been cleared to drive. No employee who drives as part of their job duties will be authorized without obtaining this clearance first.

Volunteer Drivers

Program needs may require that students are transported by private automobile for approved field trips and activities. These Volunteer drivers who are authorized by the Superintendent or designee shall be an adult, age 25 or older. The volunteer must be notified that his or her personal auto policy is primary over any insurance coverage that Shasta County Office of Education may carry. Volunteer Drivers must fulfill the following requirements:

1.  Volunteer drivers using a private vehicle are required to complete the Private Driver Application.

2.  Volunteers allowed to drive County owned vehicles are required complete the Employee Driver Application.

3.  Volunteers must provide a valid California driver’s license. The Volunteer must have been licensed continuously for the last 3 years.

4.  Volunteers driving a private vehicle must provide a current H6 Motor Vehicle Report to determine eligibility.

5.  Volunteer Drivers using his or her own private vehicle must also provide the following proof of minimum insurance requirements:

a.  Bodily Injury - $100,000 each person, $300,000 each occurrence

b.  Property Damage - $50,000 each occurrence, Or

c.  Combined Single Limit - $300,000 each occurrence

6.  Volunteers/Parents who are only transporting his or her own students do not have to fulfill any of the forgoing requirements. However, if the Shasta County Office of Education is providing transportation to students and the Parent of any student wishes to transport his or her own student, that parent must fill out a Transportation Exemption Form.

7.  In the case where Shasta County Office of Education IS providing transportation and a student who is licensed does NOT wish to take advantage of this transportation, the student must fill out a Student Voluntary Excursion and Transportation Agreement. This agreement holds harmless the Shasta County Office of Education in the event of injury or loss resulting from this transportation. In addition it also states that if the driver transports another person the driver is not acting as an agent of the Shasta County Office of Education.

In addition, if the Shasta County Office of Education is NOT providing any transportation and the parent does NOT wish to transport his or her student, but wishes to allow the student to either transport himself or another person, a Non-Sponsored Transportation Notice must be signed by the student attendee’s parent or guardian. This notice also holds harmless the Shasta County Office of Education in the event of injury or loss resulting from this non-SCOE sponsored transportation. In addition it also states that if the driver transports another person the driver is not acting as an agent of the Shasta County Office of Education.

General Operating Rules for all Employee and Volunteer Drivers

1.  All traffic laws must be obeyed.

2.  Driver must be free of any medical condition that may affect his or her ability to operate a vehicle.

3.  No alcohol or drugs will be consumed prior to, or while operating the vehicle.

4.  The number of passengers shall NOT exceed the capacity for which the vehicle was designed.

5.  Transportation is limited to Shasta County Office of Education Program employees, students, chaperones, and clients.

a.  Employees should NOT transport their own family members in SCOE vehicles.

6.  SCOE vehicles should not be used for running personal errands.

7.  SCOE vehicles should not be taken home except for extraordinary purposes and it must be authorized by the employee’s supervisor.

8.  SCOE vehicles need to be housed overnight at a SCOE location.

9.  Employees or volunteers driving a vehicle rented by the County are permitted to drive this vehicle for business purposes only. Comprehensive/collision insurance offered by the rental agency must be purchased at the time of rental.

10.  All occupants must wear seat belts.

11.  All students who are less than 6 years of age, or weigh less than 60 pounds must be properly secured in a rear seat child passenger restraint system.

12.  The use of cell phones or any other electrical devices while driving is prohibited.

13.  No smoking in SCOE vehicles. Smoking in private vehicles in the presence of children is prohibited.

14.  Any fines resulting from violations will be paid by the employee or volunteer. Program administrators must be notified within 24 hours when any violation has been incurred.

15.  When an employee is involved in an accident in a SCOE vehicle they must report it to the DMV within 10 days no matter where the fault for the accident lies if there is:

a.  More than $750 in property damages (vehicles or personal property)

b.  Any injury, slight or major

16.  Prior to driving a SCOE vehicle the driver needs to ensure the accident packet is complete with all forms listed on the outside of the packet. If missing, call Transportation (225-0304) for a replacement.

17.  Drivers must adhere to maintenance schedules and work with the Transportation Department to insure that SCOE vehicles are serviced on schedule.

Driving Record Criteria for Driver Eligibility

Not meeting County requirements and/or failure to demonstrate the ability to drive safely will constitute an unsafe and unacceptable driving record. Motor Vehicle Reports (H6 for example), are evaluated on the number of:

1.  Minor Violations within the last 3 years. Any moving violation that is not a Serious Violation. Examples include, but are not limited to:

a.  speeding,

b.  failure to yield,

c.  illegal passing,

d.  stop sign/light violation,

e.  improper turn,

f.  following too close,

g.  other violations where points are assessed

2.  Preventable Accidents

3.  License Suspension/Revocation within the last 3 years

4.  Serious Violations within the last 5 years. Examples include, but are not limited to:

a.  Failure to stop in the event of an accident

b.  Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs

c.  Open container

d.  Refusing to take a substance/chemical test

e.  More than one dismissal of a conviction relating to controlled substances

f.  Reckless/Careless Driving

g.  Homicide or Manslaughter or using vehicle in connection with a felony

h.  Evading a Peace Officer or resisting arrest

i.  Driving the wrong way or in the incorrect lane on a divided highway

j.  Driving in excess of 100 mph

k.  Racing/Speed contests

l.  Passing a stopped school bus

A progressive disciplinary approach will be taken with any employee who receives a moving violation while operating a County vehicle, or County rented vehicle. If more than one active disciplinary action relating to the traffic citations is present in the employee’s file, disciplinary action may be warranted. If disciplinary action is issued and the citation is later voided in traffic court, the discipline will be voided as well. The Superintendent or designee has the authority to evaluate individual violations and use discretion in deciding what disciplinary action is appropriate under circumstances. In some circumstances, suspension of driving privileges may be lifted by attendance and completion of a local remedial driving program.

If an accident occurs and it is determined by law enforcement that the accident was the fault of the employee and it resulted in serious injuries or major property damage, further action may be taken. This may include suspension of driving privileges, disciplinary measures or mandated driver’s training courses. Single vehicle accidents involving minimal damage or especially mitigating circumstances may not warrant further action by administration.

NON-Sponsored Transportation

If transportation is NOT provided or sponsored by the County, it is the responsibility of the Superintendent or his/her designee to be certain that the participants and the parents and guardians are advised in writing that the County is NOT providing transportation, that the parents and guardians must assume all responsibility to make appropriate transportation arrangements, and that the County will assume no legal liability for transportation.

If the County is not providing and/or sponsoring the transportation, then the County shall NOT:

1.  Mandate the route of travel

2.  Mandate the time of travel

3.  Mandate caravanning

4.  Mandate car pooling

5.  Assign riders

6.  Use private passenger vehicles to transport County owned equipment or material

7.  Review driving records of the drivers

8.  Require proof of liability insurance

9.  Check the condition of the vehicle

10.  Approve Drivers

Accident Procedures

1.  County owned and insured vehicles

a.  If you are involved in an accident in a County vehicle:

i.  Stop your vehicle at the scene or as close as is safe

ii. Always ensure your safety first.

b.  The police must be contacted if:

i.  there are any type of injuries,

ii. there is a disagreement over the accident,

iii.  you damage property other than your own personal property,

iv.  you feel unsafe

c.  If the police are not called to the accident, it is your responsibility to get: