Q.1 Many Software development problems are huge and sometimes tricky to handle, especially if they represent something new that has never been solved before. How software engineers solve those problems, as well as maintain the quality?

•  Development requires analysis and synthesis

–  Analysis: decompose a large problem into smaller, understandable pieces

–  Synthesis: build (compose) a software from smaller building blocks

•  Software engineers use tools, techniques , procedures, and paradigms to enhance the quality of software products.

Q.2 Explain the three ways of considering the quality of the software.

•  Three ways of considering quality

–  The quality of the product

–  The quality of the process

–  The quality of the product in the context of the business environment

Q.3 Write the key points of Wasserman's Discipline of Software Engineering.

•  Abstractions

•  Analysis and design methods and notations

•  User interface prototyping

•  Software architecture

•  Software process

•  Reuse

•  Measurement

•  Tools and integrated environments

Q.4 What are the benefits and drawbacks of using following models?

a.  Water fall

b.  V Models

c.  Prototyping

d.  Spiral

e.  Incremental & Iterative development

Q.5 Write the manifesto of Agile Software Development. Also name the major Agile Processes being used in the existing software industry.

•  Agile manifesto

–  Value individuals and interactions over process and tools

–  Prefer to invest time in producing working software rather than in producing comprehensive documentation

–  Focus on customer collaboration rather than contract negotiation

–  Concentrate on responding to change rather than on creating a plan and then following it

•  Extreme programming (XP)

•  Crystal: a collection of approaches based on the notion that every project needs a unique set of policies and conventions

•  Scrum: 30-day iterations; multiple self-organizing teams; daily “scrum” coordination

Adaptive software development (ASD)

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