Q1. How do I know if a Sailor is eligible for automatic approval?

A1. There are two areas within the applications that will indicate automatic approval eligibility. The first is on the Reenlistment (AC/FTS) Qualified Jobs screen in the top right under “Auto In-Rate Approval if Eligible”. The second is under the “Reenlistment (AC/FTS) Application Options” on the actual application under the “Auto Approve Eligibility”. EXAMPLE:

Q2. The application initially said “Eligible”; I added an evaluation and now it says “Not Eligible”. Why?

A2. Changing, updating or adding missing information to the Reenlistment (AC/FTS) Application Details block (i.e. security clearance, IA, NJP, PFA info, evaluations, etc.) will remove eligibility for automatic approval. Once the application is submitted, it will go through normal Rack & Stack.

Q3. The C-WAY-REEN came back immediately after submitting with a status of “Approved”. Why can’t I find the approval letter?

A3. The approval letters will be available the next day in C-WAY under “Reports”, “Command Reenlistment (AC/FTS) Summary Report”. For details, refer to the Career Waypoints User Guide located at

Q4. Are there specific criteria for E3 Sailors to be eligible for Automatic Approval?

A4. The E3 Sailor must be eligible for reenlistment:

·  not currently high year tenure

·  passed, but not advanced a Navy-Wide Advancement Examination

·  formerly been a petty officer in current enlistment

·  currently recommended for advancement.

·  in an “Open” Skill Set or undermanned year group

·  additional criteria as discussed in MPM 1160-030

Q5. Where can I look for more information?

A5: The Career Waypoints website located at

Q6. My application came back as “Approved Pending”, what does this mean?

A6. If any data was changed on your application (including evaluations), it will result in your application changing from Auto Approved to “Approved Pending” status for ECM review. If you require an immediate answer, ask your CCC to contact the ECM for status of your application.