
Economics Department

Crotty Hall

412 N. Pleasant St.,

Amherst, MA 01002

Mobile: 1-413 404 3060

Work: 1-413 545 2590


March 22, 1951


Ph.D. Economics. May, 1984, The Graduate Faculty, New School for Social

Research, New York.

M.A. Economics. May, 1979, The Graduate Faculty,New School for Social Research, New York.

M.S. Applied Mathematics and Statistics. May, 1976, StateUniversity of New York at Stony Brook, New York.

B.S. Mechanical Engineering. May, 1972, Technical University of Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey.


The Frieda Wunderlich Memorial Award, granted for outstanding dissertation by a foreign student, The Graduate Faculty, New School for Social Research, 1985.

The William McChesney Martin Fellowship, awarded to a Ph.D. candidate of outstanding merit in economics, The Graduate Faculty, New School for Social Research, 1982-1983.

Research Assistantship, The Graduate Faculty, New School for Social Research, 1981-1982.

The Frieda Wunderlich Scholarship, The Graduate Faculty, New School for Social Research, 1980-1981.

Doctoral Scholarship, Turkish Government, 1976-1980.

ResearchAssistantship, SUNY at Stony Brook, 1974-1976.


Visiting Professor. Economics Department, UMass-Amherst, January 2017 - present.

Professor of Economics.Department of Economics, İstanbul Bilgi University,

December 2005 – December 2016.

Professor of Economics and Founding Director.MA Program in International Political Economy, İstanbul Bilgi University, 2007- 2010.

Visiting Professor of Economics. School of Management. Sabancı University. January 2006 – May 2008.

Visiting Professor of Economics. Department of Economics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, August 2004 - May2005.

Professor of Economics. Bard College at Simon's Rock, Division of Social Studies, August, 1983 – December 2005.

Professor of Economics. Bard High School Early College, New York, Spring 2002.

Visiting Professor of Economics. Department of Economics, Middle East Technical

University, Ankara, August 1997 - May 1998.

Visiting Associate Professor of Economics. Bosphorus University, Istanbul, Fall 1993.

Visiting Associate Professor of Economics. Department of Economics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Fall 1993.

Visiting Associate Professor of Economics. Department of Economics, Bosphorus University, Istanbul, August 1989 - May 1990.

Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics. Department of Management, Graduate Program in Economics, Technical University of Istanbul, Fall 1987.

Assistant Professor of Economics. Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania, August, 1982 - July, 1983.

Lecturer in Economics and Mathematics. New York University, September, 1981-August, 1982.

Instructor of Economics. New School for Social Research, The Graduate Faculty, June, 1981-July, 1981.

Adjunct Lecturer in Economics. William Paterson College of New Jersey, August, 1980- May, 1981.

Teaching Assistant in Political Economy. New School for Social Research, Graduate Faculty, September, 1980-May, 1981.


Numerous Faculty Research Funding Awards, 2006- 2016, İstanbul Bilgi University.

Numerous Faculty Development Fund Awards, 1984 - 2005, Bard College at Simon's Rock.

Co-researcher in the Project of "Coordinated International Research on the Patterns of Capitalist Accumulation and State Intervention:" (with Dr. Anwar Shaikh and Katherine Kazanas), 1983-86, funded by Hamburg Institute of Social Studies.


Political Economy, Marxian Economics, History of Economic Thought, Economic Development,International Political Economy, Political Economy of the State.


Managing Co-editor (1987-90) and Member of the Editorial Board (1990-2000) of

New Perspectives on Turkey.

Member of Editorial Board of 11. Tez(Thesis Eleven)(1985-1989).

Member of Editorial Board of Review of Radical-Political Economics. (1982-1984).

Member of American Economic Association.

Member of Union for Radical Political Economists.

Member of the Association of Mechanical Engineers (in Turkey).



Sonuna Doğru. 2015. Ankara: İmge Kitabevi (Towards the End of It; in Turkish).

Marksizm ve Sınıflar. 2014. İstanbul: Yordam Kitap ( Marxism and Classes; co-editor with Sungur Savran and Kurtar Tanyılmaz; in Turkish).

Kent Hakkı'ndan Isyan'a. 2013. İstanbul: Agora Kitaplığı (From Right to the City to the Uprising; in Turkish)

Kapital'in İzinde. 2012. İstanbul: Yordam Kitap (In the Footsteps of Capital; with Nail Satlıgan and Sungur Savran; in Turkish).

Critical Perspectives on IMF and World Bank. ed. 2011, İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.

Batan Piyasalar: 21. Yüzyılın İlk Buhranı. 2010. İstanbul: Kırmızı Yayınları. (Sinking Markets: The First Depression of the 21st Century; in Turkish).

Aman, Piyasalar! İktisat, Küreselleşme, Medya . 2007. İstanbul: Kalkedon Yayınları. (My Goodness, Markets! Economics, Globalisation, Media; in Turkish)

Küreselleşme: Emperyalizm, Yerelcilik, İşçi Sınıfı. ed. 1999. Ankara: İmge Yayınevi (2nd printing, 2004; Globalisation: Imperialism, Localism, Working Class; in Turkish).

Measuring the Wealth of Nations: The Political Economy of National Accounts, 1994. New York: Cambridge University Press, (with Anwar Shaikh; paperback edition in 1996, also published in Turkish, 2012).

Turkey in Transition: New Perspectives, New York: Oxford University Press, 1987 (co-editor with I.C. Schick); also published in Turkish 1990, 1992 and 1998, 2002.

Special RRPE Issues:

Empirical Work on Marxian Crisis Theory, (a special issue of Review of Radical Political Economics), Vol. 18, No. 1&2, Spring/Summer 1986 (a member of collective).

Modern Approaches to the Theory of Value (a special issue of Review of Radical Political Economics), Vol. 14, No. 2, Summer 1982, (a member of collective).


"Capital in Turkey", forthcoming, The Dissemination of Marx's Capital in the World (1867-2017). Musto, M. and Amini, B.eds. London: Routledge (with S. Savran).

“On the Law of Falling Rate of Profit”, 2017. Festschrift to Honor Fikret Şenses: To Review Turkey from the Perspective of Development Economics. Cömert, H. et al. eds. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları (in Turkish).

“MEGA 2 and Marx’s Crisis Theory” 2017. İktisat Dergisi.No: 543 (in Turkish).

“Watching the Crisis", 2014, Marx’s Crisis Theory, II,ed. Akalın, U. S. İstanbul: Kalkedon Yayınları; also published in Kızılcık. 2012. Winter.(in Turkish)

"Classes from the Communist Manifesto to Capital ", 2014. Mesele. January. (in Turkish)

"A Marxist Framework for Recasting National Input-Output Networks", 2013. Festschrift to Honor Ümit Şenesen: Turkish Economy in Numbers. Aşıcı, A. A. et al. eds. İstanbul: Literatür Yayıncılık (with Alper Duman; in Turkish).

"Infernal Machine: Capitalism; On Fredric Jameson's Representing Capital: A Reading of Volume One", 2013. Duvar. No: 8.(in Turkish)

"Visions of Gezi Uprising", 2013. Toplumsal Tarih. July.(in Turkish)

"The Classes of Uprising", 2013. Reflections on Gezi Uprising. Göztepe, Ö. ed. Ankara: Nota Bene Yayınları.(in Turkish)

"Value of David Harvey", 2012. Toplumsal Tarih. August (with Z. Kutlu; in Turkish).

"Aren’t Those Unproductive Workers in Turkey Exploited?", 2009. Toplum ve Hekim. March-April. (with Yiğit Karahanoğulları; in Turkish).

“Understanding Crisis", 2009. Kızılcık. Winter.(in Turkish)

"Turkey",2008. Karl Marx's Grundrisse: Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy 150 Years Later. Musso, M. ed. London: Routledge (translated also to Chinese, Italian and Farsi)

"Does Economic Growth Mean the Rise of the Wealth of Nations?", 2007. Neoliberal Globalization as New Imperialism: Case Studies on Reconstruction of the Periphery) Köse, A. H. et al. eds. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

"Questions and ‘Answers’ On the Current Conjuncture of the World", 2005. Kızılcık, January-February.(in Turkish).

"The Rise and Fall of the U.S. Welfare State", 2000. in Political Economy and Contemporary Capitalism: Radical Perspectives on Economic Theory and Policy, Ron Baiman; Heather Boushey; Dawn Saunders (eds.), Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, (with Anwar Shaikh; Choice Outstanding Academic Book in Economics for 2000; reprinted in 2015 by Routledge).

"Productive and Unproductive Labour: An Attempt at Clarification and Classification", 1999. Capital and Class, Summer (with S. Savran).

"The Multilateral Agreement on Investment and Globalization", 1999. in Globalization, Volume II, Turkish Chambers of Engineers and Architects, Ankara.(in Turkish)

"The Context of the MAI: 'Globalization' and Foreign Investment, 1998. Toplum ve Bilim, Summer.(in Turkish)

"'Globalization', Foreign Investment and the Multilateral Agreement on Investment ", 1998. in A Brief Analysis of the Multilateral Agreement on Investment, The Defense Workers Union, Ankara, May.(in Turkish)

"The Social Wage in the U.S.", 1995. Toplum ve Ekonomi, July (with A. Shaikh)

"A Note on Transformation Problem", 1992. Encyclopedia of Socialism and Social Struggles, Vol.1.(in Turkish)

"The Indicators of Economic Crisis in Advanced Countries", 1992. in Annual Report of Petrol-İş.(in Turkish)

"(Is It) a Restatement of Marxist Theory(?): The Case of Regulation School", 1991. 11. Tez, No: 11.(in Turkish)

"The Welfare State and the Myth of the Social Wage", 1987. in The Imperiled Economy: Macroeconomics from a Left Perspective, R. Cherry, et. al. (eds.) (with Anwar Shaikh).

"The U.S. Welfare State and Working Class, 1952-1980", 1987. Review of Radical Political Economics, Vol.19, No.1.

“Interview with Paul Sweezy”, 1987, Monthly Review. April (with S. Savran).

"Who Needs a Strong State?", 1986. Monthly Review, January 1986.

"A Note on Capital and the Capitalist State", 1986. 11. Tez, No. 2.(in Turkish)

"The Working Class vis-a-vis The Capitalist State: The U.S. Case, 1952-80", 1985. Yapıt, No.13, November-December.(in Turkish)

"Review Essay: Political Science Looks at Turkey", 1985. Race and Class, Autumn (with I.C. Schick); also in Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora, Vol. XII, No. 2.

"Through a Western Optic: Three New Books on Turkey", 1984. Yapıt, No. 2 (with I.C. Schick).

"The Political Economy of Quicksand - International Finance and Foreign Debt Dimension of Turkey's Economic Crisis", 1981. Insurgent Sociologist, Vol. X, No. 3, Winter (with I.C. Schick).

“The Rate of Surplus-value in the U. S. and Turkey", 1980. Toplum ve Bilim, Winter.

"Turkish Politics and Class Struggle: 1950-1975", 1980. Merip (Middle East Research and Information Project), January, (with I.C. Schick); also in Toplum veBilim, Winter 1980.

"A Bibliography on Imperialism", 1979. Toplum ve Bilim, Summer (with S. Nisanyan).

"A Note on Values and Crisis: Review of M. Desai's Marxian Economic Theory", 1978. Birikim, November (with M. Itoh; in Turkish).


Professor Anwar Shaikh, Department of Economics, The Graduate Faculty, New School for Social Research, New York, NY.

Professor Robert Pollin, Department of Economics, University of Massachussets-Amherst, Amherst, MA.

Professor Aijaz Ahmad, Department of Comparative Literature, University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA.