Minutes of the Meeting of Tuxford Town Council held on Tuesday 21 February 2012 at 7.30pm in the Tuxford Methodist Church Hall
Present: CouncillorsAnderson (Chairman),Moulds, Holland, Taylor, Bett, Willatt, Richards, Kettle, Griffiths, Smith and Blount.
Also present: Mrs Lisa A Hill(Clerk) and Mrs Nicola Grewcock (Assistant Clerk).
Before the meeting was formally convened, PC Bill Bailey presented the latest information on crime in Tuxford and answered questions.
C127/1112Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence had been received from CouncillorsHempsall, Fox and Silcock and these were accepted.
C128/1112 Declarations of Interest
There were no new declarations of interest.
C129/1112 Minutes of the previous meeting
Resolved: that the Minutes of the Town Council Meeting, held on 17 January 2012,be accepted as a true record. The Minutes were signed by the Chairman.
C130/1112 Matters arising from the Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on 17 January 2012
C130.1 Minute C119.1 –Councillor Richards reported that he was now in a position to provide details of the Green Burial Ground website. Action – Cllr Richards.
C130.2 Minute C119.5 – the Clerk reported that she had received a response from Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) regarding the request for a bus shelter at thebus stop on the corner of Linden Avenue and Ashvale Road. NCC advised that, due to lack of funding, this had been given low priority and no time scale had been provided. Action – Clerk.
C130.3 Minute C119.7 – the Clerk reported that another objection letter had been received from a resident regarding the two proposed additional bus stops on Lincoln Road. The Clerk had replied to advise him to raise his concerns directly with NCC.
C130.4 – The Clerk reported that a letter had been sent to Mr Peter Downing regarding the reclassification of the A6075. A letter had also been sent to Mr Andrew Warrington (NCC) requesting a response to the Council’s request to provide further information on the possible reclassification of the A6075. Action – Clerk.
C130.5 Minute C126.1 – The Clerk reported that the safety barrier at the junction of Ashvale Road/Lincoln Road had now been repaired.
C130.6 Minute C126.2 – The Clerk reported that cars parking on the roundabout on Marnham Road outside Tuxford Academy had been discussed with Mr Lloyd, the Head Teacher. Mr Lloyd reported that NCC had recently reviewed travel arrangements at the school, which they do on a termly basis, andwere more than satisfied with the school’s present procedures. The Clerk had also raised this issue with PC Bill Bailey but the police could not take any action unless the cars were causing an obstruction.
C130.7 Minute C126.3 – The Clerk reported that enquiries had been made with Bassetlaw District Council (BDC) with regard to dog fouling. BDC advised that there was only one dog warden for the whole of the Bassetlaw area. However, if names and addresses of people responsible for allowing their dogs to foul without cleaning up after them were reported to BDC, BDC could write to them.
C131/1112 Financial monitoring and invoices for approval
C131.1The Clerk circulated copies of the monthly financial monitoring sheetthat monitored actual versus budgeted expenditure for each budget head. The sheet covered the first tenmonths of the 2011/12 financial year and showed that total expenditure was under-budget. The Clerk gave reasons for the variances between budget and actual expenditure and answered questions on the financial information (see Agenda Item 5.1 attached).
C131.2 The Clerk circulated copies of the income and expenditure sheet to 31 January 2012 (see Agenda Item 5.2 attached).
C131.3 The Clerk reported on invoices approved for payment previously at the Finance and Services Committee meeting held on 14 February 2012 (see Agenda Item 5.3 attached). The Clerk reported that all invoices had been approved.
C132/1112 Planning Applications
Councillor Holland, Chairman of the Planning Committee,explained decisions on planning applications made by the Planning Committeeunder delegated powers at its meeting on 7 February 2012.
There was no objection made to planning application 50/11/00065, Mr Kevin Petley, 34 Eldon Street, Tuxford for a single storey side extension.
There was no objection made to planning application 50/11/00067, Mr G Sutherland, Kenilworth, Ollerton Road, for the erection of a single storey side and rear extension, rear of dormer and balcony to first floor. However, as the house was situated on a gradient/hill there were concerns regarding the balcony causing loss of amenity to neighbouring properties.
Objection was made to planning application 50/12/00002/R, Mr N J Andrew, wind turbine at Cherry Holt, Great North Road, Tuxford, as there is no perceived benefit to the Tuxford community. The quality of the information contained within the documents did not allow for an informed positive decision to be given.
No objections were made to planning applications 50/12/00005/T, Mr M Campbell, 76 Newcastle Street, Tuxford, to remove two holly trees and prune two holly trees, 50/12/00006/L, Tuxford Town Council, Jubilee Lamp Post, Market Place, Tuxford for refurbishment and restoration of existing lamp post and 50/12/00007, Mrs J Britton, 41 Eldon Street, Tuxford to retain 13 solar panels to south facing roofs.
C133/1112 Planning Decisions
No planning decisions had been received from BDC.
C134/1112 Recommendations of the Finance & Services Committee – Revision of Cemetery Rules
Following a recent complaint regarding the removal of a Christmas wreath and a query regarding the scattering of ashes, the Clerk presented a revised copy of the Cemetery Rules for approval. The suggested amendments clarifying these points were explained and agreed on. It was Resolved: that these revised Cemetery Rules should be adopted. Action - Clerk.
C135/1112 Request from Tuxford Memorial Hall Trustees for amendment to Land Registry document
C135.1 – The Clerk reported that a request had been received from the Tuxford Memorial Hall Trustees to amend the entry on the Land Registry document for the land held in trust by the Council for the building of the Memorial Hall. These amendments wererequired by the funders approached by the Tuxford Memorial Hall Trustees to fund the new village hall. The amendments included changing ‘Peter Hills’ to ‘Town Clerk’and the addition of the word ‘charity’ to Tuxford Memorial Hall, making it ‘Tuxford Memorial Hall Charity’. It was Resolved: to amend ‘Peter Hills’ to ‘Town Clerk’ and add the word ‘charity’ to Tuxford Memorial Hall, making it ‘Tuxford Memorial Hall Charity’. The Clerk would advise the Memorial Hall Trustees of the Council’s decision. Action – Clerk.
C136/1112 Requests for funding under Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972
C136.1 – The Clerk reported that a funding request had been received from Ms Lis Harris, organiser of Tuxfest, for the sum of £310.00 to cover the cost of closing the Memorial Hall field footpath for the duration of the Tuxfest event. It was Resolved: that the Council contribute £310.00. However, as all Section 137 had been allocated for this year, a cheque would not be issued until the start of the Council’s next financial year. Action – Clerk.
C136.2– The Clerk presented a quotation to supply Diamond Jubilee commemorative coins to the children at Tuxford Primary School. It was Resolved: that these commemorative coins should be purchased. Action – Clerk.
C137 Best Kept Village Competition 2012
The Clerk reported that an application form had been received from the Campaign to Protect Rural England for the Best Kept Village Competition 2012. After discussion, it was Resolved: that Tuxford should be entered in the Best Kept Village Competition again this year. Action – Clerk.
C138 Bassetlaw Spring Clean/Big Tidy Up – 8 April to 22 April 2012
The Clerk reported that BDC’s Spring Clean/Big Tidy Up was being held between 8 April and 22 April 2012. Anybody willing to volunteer to organise an event in Tuxford was invited to contact the Clerk for details.
C139 Invitation to Tuxford Town Crier to open Fete at East Markham
The Clerk reported that an invitation had been received by Mr Tony Smith, Tuxford Town Crier, to officially open the Fete at East Markham. It was Resolved: that approval would be given to allow the Town Crier to open the Fete at East Markham. Action – Clerk.
C140/1112 Projects
C140.1 Minute C124.1New Depot– the Clerk reported thatall costings had been received and a borrowing approval reportwas being prepared to present to Council. A response was expected from HM Revenue & Customs regarding reclaiming VAT shortly. It was queried whether the Council was able to reclaim VAT if the Council purchased the materials directly. Action – Clerk.
C140.2 Minute C124.2Regeneration and highway matters–the Clerkreported that no further information had been received.
C140.3Minute C124.3Restoration of the Victorian finger post in the Market Place- Cllr Holland reported that the paint sampling report was expected soon. Mr Simon Britt BDC Conservation Officer, had confirmed that this project should qualify for 100% funding under this scheme, but it had been suggested that a community ‘buy in’ of £200-£300 would be appropriate. This item would be discussed at the next Town Council meeting. Action – Clerk.
C140.4 Minute C124.4Nottinghamshire County Council’s Local Improvement Scheme- the Clerk reported that County Councillor John Hempsall has submitted a NCC Local Improvement Scheme (LIS) bid for two benches. The outcome of this bid would be known by the end of May 2012. The Clerk reported that she had made enquiries with BDC regarding the procurement of used benches. However, none were available at this time. BDC would keep a record of the Council’s request for future reference. Action – Clerk.
C140.5Minute C124.5Gilbert Avenue playing field –the Clerk reported that correspondence had been sent to Chevin Homes, developers of the Landa Grove development, requesting funds to provide changing facilities at Gilbert Avenue playing fields. Councillor Moulds requested details of who played at Gilbert Avenue and how frequently. Action – Clerk.
C140.6 Queen’s Diamond Jubilee –the Clerk reported that the Memorial Hall Committee were planning to hold a picnic in the park, to be held on the Memorial Hall grounds, and requested the Council’s permission to use the whole field. Entertainment and facilities would be provided by the Memorial Hall Committee Trustees. The event would take place on Sunday 3 June 2012 between the hours of 11.00 and 20.00. It was Resolved: to grant permission for the Memorial Hall Committee to hold this event on the Memorial Hall grounds. Action - Clerk
C140.7 Olympic Torch – the Clerk reported that there were no further updates to report.
C141/1112 Correspondence for action
C141.1 The Clerk reported that correspondence had been received from NCC regarding flood management in Tuxford. Concerns regarding flooding issues within Tuxford should be sent to the Clerk to forward to NCC. Action – Clerk.
C142/1112 Tuxford Matters
C142.1– Councillor Richards suggested that, following the withdrawal of police at Town Council meetings, a letter should be sent to Superintendent Fretwell objecting to this decision.
C142.2 – Councillor Holland volunteered to explore future surfacing options for the car park. Action – Councillor Holland
The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.00pm