Umac Core Phytoplankton Information

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Umac Core Marine Phytoplankton - containing the greatest diversity and concentration of marine algae concentrate (phytoplankton) available

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UMAC-CORE - Marine microalgae, also known as phyto-plankton, comprise over 200 species of photosynthetic, unicellular organisms belonging to the Kingdom Protista. Temperate coastal waters, such as those along British Columbia (BC), are highly productive and support a diverse array of microalgal species from numerous Classes, including the primary producers called diatoms (Class Bacillariophyceae). Phytoplankton are microscopic plants that live in the ocean. There are many species of phytoplankton, each of which has a characteristicshape. Collectively, phytoplankton grow abundantly in oceans around the world and are the foundation of the marine food chain. Small fish, and some species of whales, eat them as food. Larger fish then eat the smaller fish. Humans catch and eat many of these larger fish.
Every spring, when conditions of light, nutrients, and mixing are optimal for growth, diatoms grow rapidly in the euphotic zone (upper 20 m). This event is known as the “spring bloom”. During this period, many species take advantage of the enhanced conditions but generally three diatom genera are the most successful – Skeletonema, Thalassiosira, and Chaetoceros. Spring bloom conditions are reproduced by Unique Sea Farms of Nanaimo, Vancouver Island in a controlled environment, and this diversity of species is represented in the product UMAC-CORE.


UMAC-CORE is powerful because the extraction process combines the benefits of phytonutrients with a natural and balanced composition of sea minerals. Phytonutrients are natural plant-based chemicals that promote proper metabolic functions. Many of them exhibit potentially promising effects in human physiology:

* immune system enhancement
* antioxidant protection from cancers and degenerative diseases
* cholesterol modulation
* anti-inflammatory effects on membranes
* blood pressure control
* cell wall improvement through increased permeability and flexibility
* detoxification through metal chelation.

The second component of UMAC-CORE’s unique profile is a suite of elements and electrolytes almost tailor-made for the human body. It’s no coincidence that the composition of human plasma is similar to that of seawater. We arose from the sea and our internal bodies reflects this. Over-reliance on land-based food sources often leads to deficiencies in micronutrients and trace elements. Our bodies need these elements to perform as nature intended. Left to its own devices, the human body has a marvelous system called homeostasis which keeps all systems in balance. Take away some critical component and the body experiences malfunctions that cause suboptimal performance. Too many malfunctions cause disease.

Stop to think for a moment about the power of combining phytonutrients and a balanced set of elements, all from the photosynthetic base of the ocean’s food web. Think of the diversity of life on Earth that owes its existence to these incredible microalgae. Take away some critical component and the body experiences malfunctions that cause suboptimal performance. Too many malfunctions cause disease.

Almost every person taking UMAC-CORE phytoplankton notices a beneficial change in their bodies. People living for years with chronic and sometimes debilitating conditions have found relief after exhausting all avenues of medical advice. This may not be surprising given the rich, non-genetically modified source of our product, but it’s exciting and it’s marvelous.

Unique Sea Farms is the first company in the world to develop the technology that taps into this life-force, and UMAC (Unique Marine Algae Concentrate) CORE is the result. This revolutionary product is comprised of salt-water algae undetectable to the naked eye. Cultivating these wild microalgae in commercial quantities was once thought to be impossible, without depleting the oceans supply. This truly unique and organic process cultivates the algae, then extracts the nutrients in a form available to the human body. This concentrated, pure form extract gives you the possibility to access the various elements your body requires.
Tom Harper, who developed this product to feed the shellfish for his farm, was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. He started taking the algae concentrate to see if it could help, and within 3 months he felt a lot better. After another check-up with his doctor, they found all 11 spots on his lungs had regenerated new tissue and he was free of the cancer. The doctors could not explain it. Tom Harper also found that he no longer needed his daily insulin injections! This is how Tom realised the potential health benefits of this amazing product.

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Information taken from Umac-Core Marine Phytoplankton website. Umac Core is manufactured in Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, Canada.