Dear Mr Fleetham
Your request for information has now been considered and the information is outlined below.
1. What is the overall size (in hectares or square metres) of the site?(approximate figures are acceptable)
Please find attached a self-created table of allotment site plots measurement in acres and hectares. Please note that the rods measurement are converted from total rods per site. The size information supplied relates to the allotment plot sizes and not to the total area of the site which is the detail being asked for. We do not have this information.
2. How many allotment plots are on the site? (approximate figures are acceptable)
Please see attached sheet.
3. What is the annual rent for each site payable by the allotment tenants collectively to the council?
The current total income received to date is £49,247.03.
We cannot provide an accurate income figure by individual site. Our target income for the main sites are however:
Brooklands Avenue £650
Cannon Hill Common £500
Cottenham Park £12,380
Cannizaro Park £1,840
Durnsford Road £2,160
Eastfields Road £2,550
Effra Road £420
Eveline Road £800
George Hill £4,250
Haslemere Avenue £180
Havelock Road £4,270
New Barnes Avenue £1,980
Phipps Bridge £2,140
Tamworth Farm £4,310
Thurleston Avenue £1,680
Western Road £3,670
Martin Way £10,470
4. How long is the council's lease to each allotment site?
Each tenant pays yearly for a lease of an allotment site. Every October they are advised of the price increases for the following year. The tenant then either agrees to the increase and pays for a further year, if the tenant does not agree to the price increase the next person on the allotment waiting list is contacted.
If you have any queries or concerns then please contact me.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request please contact the
Information Governance Manager
The London Borough of Merton, Civic Centre, London Road, Morden, SM4 5DX
or e-mail .
You can also complain to the Information Commissioner at:
Information Commissioner's Office,
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
Telephone:0303 123 1113
The Constitution Unit, a research body at University College London, is carrying out a study of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and its effect on local government. An important part of the evaluation process is gathering the experiences and opinions of FOI requesters like you. Any information you provide will be handled in accordance with the privacy policy explained in the survey.
If you would like to take part in this study, please click the link below to be taken directly to the survey. Contact Ben Worthy at or on 020 7679 4974 to find out more about the study or to speak further about your experiences.
Link to the survey:
Yours sincerely
Samantha Footman
Samantha Footman
Business Performance Team
S:\Freedom of Information\Outgoing FOI Correspondence\27500647 Fleetham - FOI Reply.doc