Minutes for BC Meeting 9/11

In Attendance:

Hao Liu (Treasurer)

Katarina Cruz

Karen Blake

Marie Lambert

Richard Park

RJ Kermes

Tierney Werner

Vivian Yee (minutetaker)

1. BSU

·  MRC and BSU – cosponsor national liberation poetry experience for Anika Nailah on 9/25

·  $6000 for her, MRC cover other expenses (not sure), open to all

·  Should be exclusively for honorarium

·  $50 for intro food (not in club budget)

·  RJ – don’t know what its going towards

o  MRC should be covering everything except honorarium

·  RJ – should ½ and seek cosponsorship

o  MRC has already sought cosponsorship from other dept (not sure who)

·  Richard – should ½ and see who the MRC has spoken w, ask presidents office, make sure it’s all for honorarium

·  Motion to fund $3000 – 5,0,0

2. Project Salud

·  Didn’t get in request for this semester

·  Raised over $3000 w $800 given from last year

·  Want to match same amount as last semester

·  $50 intro meeting

·  publicity for meeting

·  Karen – need specifics, can come back weekly

·  Motion to fund intro meeting – 5,0,0

3. Culinary Club / Baking Bad (rep by Eddie)

·  Going by discretionary this sem

·  First event – ramen burgers (9/27?)

·  Money going towards food, cleaning materials, utensils, frying spider

·  Table tents for publicity

·  RJ - $200 food rule

·  Kat – no because that’s their club

·  Motion to fund – 5,0,0

4. Women of Amherst (rep by Jaz)

·  Never submitted before

·  Publicity and refreshments for 1st meeting

·  Motion to fund – 5,0,0

5. WAMH (rep by Tony and Lindon)

·  Mixer requested from last sem has increased in price by $300

·  Wondering about insurance plan for it

·  Honorarium for 2 artists for 1 event on 10/24 (combo talk and performance)

·  Hoping for powerhouse (just need $500 for sound)

·  Lodging and student security and publicity

·  Parents weekend, so Lord Jeff doesn’t seem to be open - $150 for lodging

·  RJ – before was that 1 concert per month, so how does this work?

o  Didn’t have one for sept, so will fill in for oct 4 (sept’s concert)

o  Will have another in oct, nov, and dec

·  Funded 2 events already for honorarium

·  Want to redistribute money for MK since it seems to be falling through

·  Richard – allocated money for MK, but can’t just redistribute, need to come back and request for money

·  Tierney – already has been allocated, so cannot use that money until it rolls over next sem

·  Is it possible for Hip-Hop Club to cosponsor events?

·  Karen – are these things in the work?

o  Yes, in club budget, but just need funding for non-honorarium items

·  Want to get St. Pepsi’s honorarium - $2500

·  RJ – have insurance plans been funded in the past? Is this a new piece of equip? How long should it last?

o  Should last 5 years, but last time the mixer was broken at a party so concerned (was also purchased used)

o  This will be new and spill-proof

o  RJ – against insurance since never done before

·  Already allocated 7k for MK, so that has disappeared, so do we go against the one month rule

·  Hao – is it possible to fill out the reallocation form to reallocated the 7k?

·  Will zero heems for this event as well as St. Pepsi

·  Will reallocate MK honorarium to the honorarium for the zeroed artists, will fund sound, lodging and ½ of open mike eagle (should seek cosponsorship)

·  Motion to fund – 5,0,0

6. Cricket (rep by Elson)

·  Came for funding last sem, but didn’t purchase anything c diff to reimburse but now can more easily do so

·  Cant play high quality cricket on freshman qua plus dangerous so can play on field but need equip for that

·  Can also host games now too

·  Tierney – will have inventory?

·  Can get $100 for price changes or fluctuations?

o  Karen – can’t actually fund unless there is a fluc

·  RJ – storage?

o  Spoke w Bily McBride – said should be fine w storage

·  RJ – how many people playing?

o  9 currently and may have ppl from 5 colleges

·  Hao – how do you practice now?

o  On freshman quad and have bare minimum events

o  Don’t have proper ball for game, which would need other equip

·  Motion to fund in full – 5,0,0

7. Custom Games Club (rep by Elson)

·  Printing costs should be less now ($130)

·  Printing for cards to play a new game (printing from library)

·  RJ – advertising

o  Want $30 for 2 different club meetings (1 for Pokemon/Digimon game and 1 for Risk game created)

o  Dates will be 9/18 and 9/25

·  Also need tables and chairs ($100) to rent

·  Will host in O’connors commons so would need facilities

·  Hao – can you host in another space w/o need for facilities?

o  Boards get v big (5ft by 7ft at least) so hard to find space for all of this

·  Hao – where will this all be stored?

o  Boards can just be folded up and put in room

o  Hao – continuity?

o  Can ask for other members to keep

·  Motion to fund – 5,0,0

8. Rhythm and Shoes

·  Starting 4th sem, don’t have club budget, so this will be funding for sem

·  Payment for accompanist – last sem wasn’t an issue because members could play, but they have graduated, so now need accompanist for practices (want to hire a student)

·  RJ – don’t pay for students

o  Have also spoken w professors in the music department

o  Karen and Kat – cant be a student

o  Will zero for now

·  Rest is sheet music, costumes, publicity (have requested before)

·  Want portable sound system, also want to perform in powerhouse possibly

o  Powerhouse has sound system

·  May lend out sound systems from IT for less/no charge

·  Motion to fund – 5,0,0

9. Men’s Club Soccer (Griff)

·  Didn’t have club budget done before, so this is for the year/sem

·  ACEMS to cover all personnel on field (required)

·  Outdoor league for this season (many more members) so want to have 2 teams for the season

·  Also need new balls bc of all the new members

·  Indoor league (during the winter) last year there were 2 teams registered, a few from womens, and 1 from varisty – so 3 mens team in league

o  This year, want 4 teams in the indoor league (enough interest)

·  Ordered many jerseys last sem so it was overweight, already paid for jerseys and shipping – have a $700 customs fee for jerseys for weight

·  New policy that they need 3 qualified jerseys for games – already have set fees and prices

o  Want to try to get around this since prices seems high, but for now want to approve first few (4?) games – would be $170 per game

o  Would be $680 for 4 games, have a period of 4 games to see what he can do

·  Overnight tournament in Oct, bringing 20 players

o  Don’t fund food or gas unless AAS van

o  Want hotel funded ($750)

o  Karen – how are the 20 ppl picked

§  Will be rotating, but for 2 games, 20 people will be going

§  Havent picked yet, but will give everyone a chance

·  RJ – is it reasonable/realistic to fund 3 indoor teams and rotate those around?

o  Can cut to 3 teams (start w 3 teams for now)

·  Training bibs – for playing (right now shirts and skins, etc)

o  RJ – cant do lights and darks?

o  Sometimes need more teams than 2

o  Have funded bibs for women’s club soccer in the past

o  Lower to $180

·  Motion to fund – 5,0,0

10. Women’s Club Soccer (rep by Angie)

·  Transportation? Must be weekly?

o  If there are away games, can take Amherst vans and get gas from Sunoco

o  Zero transportation

·  Add scrimmage vest – have gotten funded in the past

·  Need to change home jerseys style because past style was going out (cycled out)

o  $4300 for jerseys plus printing front and back (shorts and jerseys)

o  RJ – what type of jerseys? Niek

o  Karen – kept in a system? Yes will have inventory

o  Tierney - how many home jerseys? 30

§  36 rostered members

·  RJ – only fund things required by the league, are all these printings needed?

o  Needed for id for refs

·  Have a game on sat so may need to emergency fund some equipment

o  Want goalie gloves, equipment bag (current one is broken) for carrying balls

·  Motion to emergency fund league reg, gloves, bag and regular fund others – 5,0,0

11. Amherst College Republicans

·  Will have event on 10/9

·  Patrick Moore – a founder of Green Peace, now a proponent of environmental issues

·  Have an outside non-profit (Young America’s Foundation) covering $2000 for honorarium and hotel and transport

·  Honorarium is a total of 5k, so requesting $3000

·  RJ – sought cosponsorship from sources on campus?

o  Has ½ price from outside price, so should we still ask him to seek other cosponsorship

o  In the past, other clubs have come w cosponsorship from other sources and have been funded in full

·  Motion to fund – 5,0,0

12. Hip Hop Club (HHC)

·  Party pizza

o  Can only fund $50 for intro meeting food

o  Last time got 2 pizzas for a total of $60

·  Cosponsoring w Christian Fellowship to have concert with Dream Junkies 10/30

o  Full honorarium would be $1500

o  Want to split it $500 and $1000

o  $500 for HHC

·  Motion to fund – 5,0,0

13. Christian Fellowship

·  Cosponsoring w HHC to have concert with Dream Junkies 10/30

o  Will ½ honorarium to $500 and ask to seek cosponsorship

·  Transportation and lodging for artist (5 rappers and DJs)

o  Hao – are they willing to share rooms?

§  May be some restrictions, so check in again

·  From California, so can reimburse airflight (must request first, then purchase, then send docs)

·  About $350 - 400 for 2 way flight, so want a total of $2000

·  Motion to fund and ½ honorarium – 5,0,0

14. TEDx (rep by Terry)

·  Want to request $12,500, already have cosponsorship from Dean of Faculty, Dean of Students, CCE, Alumi Programs, President’s House, Dept Black Studies, Dept History, other academic dept, etc

·  Tech, sound have gone up a little from $7000 last year

·  RJ – as soon as $10,000 is passed, need a school wide vote

·  RJ – why ask for 12.5k instead of 9.9k

·  Hao – can tech, sound, and stage be separated?

o  Video recording 9k, sound & av management 900, stage management 200, event set up 500, stage lettering (?)

o  Hao – last year only funded video recording?

§  Funded entire tech component

·  Kat – can go to school wide voting, won’t likely be a problem but may take awhile

·  Karen – what is stage lettering?

o  Last year was 2.5K, this year can be 1.5K

o  Not sure where this is stored, AAS storage?

·  Motion to recommend – 5,0,0

·  Will table tickets at val, try to allow for community members as well

15. APU (rep by Terry)

·  Paul Smith travel and accomodations (500 travel, 160 accomodations)

·  Tom David travel and accommodation (500, 160)

·  Publicity for both

·  $50 each for food

·  RJ – what is food for?

o  General refreshment

o  Kat – needs to foster discussion

o  Talk fosters discussion…

·  Mona Eltahawy

o  Want $15000 honorarium, have 2 academic dept cosponsorship but seeking part of honorarium

o  $6500 honorarium, $200 travel

o  Want 2 nights of lodging, but normally fund 1 night (160)

o  Hao - should we ½ honorarium? Already got cosponsorship, but still not sure how much

o  If already got word, should be ok

·  Motion to fund – 5,0,0

16. Spikeball (rep by RJ)

·  Publicity for $10

·  Will have storage w outing club stuff

·  Need equipment – spikeball and shipping ($70)

·  Hao – where will this be played? On the quad

·  Motion to fund – 4,1,0

17. Yoga Club (rep by Marie)

·  Kirtan – musical yoga – an artist comes in to play and people instruct yoga at the same time

o  Need honorarium ($70 each time), want this 3x for the semester

·  Publicity for the 3 times

·  Speakers for playing ambient music during regular meetings

·  Kat – borrow from IT?

·  Tierney – so many weekly classes, that might be hard to borrow each

·  Motion to fund – 5,0,0

18. Alphorn Club (rep by Marie)

·  Need alphorn parts and mouthpieces

·  Motion to fund – 5,0,0