Nomination forApprentice of the Year 2017
Please refer to the guidance in thePD Awards 2017 Nomination Guide
AND the notes on page 3 of this application form.
Section A: Nominee’s detailsFull name (inc. rank and nick/known name)
/ Contact phone numbers (military or civilian inc. code)
/ Length of service in years
Current roles and any secondary duties
Non-military PD qualifications completed during the period 01 Aug 2016 – 31 Jul 2017
(Please note: Only state the award title with date of completion. Do not list the component elements e.g. DGV Level 2 Apprenticeship, Telecoms Level 2 Apprenticeship).
If successful, your/your nominee’s likely availability for awards ceremony inearly December2017 YES / NO
Please note: By signing this nomination you agree thatyou/your nominee wish to be considered
for the award; that you/your nominee will take part in all publicityincluding interviews; and that
all photographs may be used on awards materials.(Please note that the Panel reserves the right
to move a nomination to a different category, or reject it should it not be complete).
Section C: Evidence for the Nomination
Important: Guidance on the information required can be found on page 3.
Why do you think you/your nominee deserve Apprentice of the Year?
Total number of words = / 500
Endorsement: Please provide an explanation of why you feel the nominee deserves this award.
(This must be completed by either your Line Manager or a key personality within the regiment in no more than 250 words).
Total number of words = / 250
Endorsing signature: / Print:
Position: / Contact no.
Separately, RACPD and your regiment are always looking for ways to improve their PD provision. Please would you take a moment to answer the following question:
What additional qualifications/provision would you like to see RACPD introduce?
Guidance Notes forApprentice of the Year 2017
RACPD offers four different Apprenticeship awards at Level 2: Driving Goods Vehicles, IT & Telecoms Professional, Horse Care and Unmanned Air Vehicles. However, it is not enough for you/your nominee to have completed the apprenticeship only, you/your nominee must have proved that you/they have gone above and beyond the initial award. Self-nominations are allowed, but must be endorsed by either the individual’s Line Manager, or a key member from the regiment who knows the individual. Please include as much detail as possible to make the nomination stand out from the others in this category.
Section A – Nominee’s details
Please enter details about you/your nominee as requested. This information will not influence the decision of the judging panel but gives a context to the nomination. Availability to attend the award ceremony will not be a factor considered by the judging panel. A photograph is required, and needs to be submitted in jpeg format, electronically by e-mail. The photograph must be in working dress/smart dress with no headdress, against a plain background and smiling.
Current roles and any secondary duties – Please identify your/ your nominee’s current job role, and include any other commitments whether voluntary or paid i.e. Sports or activity responsibilities, membership of clubs, school governor, and church warden.
Non-military PD qualifications completed during theperiod - The qualification period for the RA awards is 01 Aug 2016 to 31 Jul 2017. The nomination should only list non-military qualifications COMPLETED in this period. Please note: all qualifications listed will be checked against the RACPD database. (Please note: Only state the award title with completion date. Do not list the component elements e.g. DGV Level 2 Apprenticeship, Telecoms Level 2 Apprenticeship.)
Section B – Evidence for the Nomination
Why doyou think you/your nominee deserve Apprentice of the Year?
Here is a chance for you to provide a summary of why you/your nominee should be considered for this award, in no more than 500 words. The following are questions you should consider covering in your answer:
- Why are you/your nominee so deserving of this award?
- What makes you/your nominee stand out from other members of the Unit?
- How do you think you/your nominee have benefitted from an apprenticeship?
- How has completing the apprenticeship contributed towards your/your nominee’s ambitions or goals?
- What have been your/your nominee’s personal achievements so far?
- How will gaining the apprenticeship help you/your nominee in the future?
- How easy was it to complete the apprenticeship?
- In this section, please identify any noticeable skills development that has impacted on your/your nominee’s capabilities within your/their job role. Have you/your nominee, for example, introduced new practices or procedures, have these been successful and what feedback has been received? Have you/your nominee saved the Army time or money, how has this been achieved?
- What (if any) other personal development have you/your nominee conducted during the qualification period, and how has this further enhanced your skills?Give examples of above average coursework and describe how you/your nominee have improved knowledge and competence as a result of undertaking any additionalskills development.
Please mail, fax or e-mail the nomination no later than 2359 on Monday 02 October to:
Communications Officer, RACPD, Royal Artillery Barracks, Larkhill, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP4 8QT
Tel: Mil 94322 5454 Civ 01980 845454 Fax: 01980 634019