New to Rodgers Forge?
FAQ information
What are the school colors?
- The school colors are red and white. Every Friday is Spirit Day when students and staff are encouraged to wear red and white.
Does Rodgers Forge have a school mascot?
- Yes! Our school mascot is Rodger, the colt.
What are the school’s hours?
- Students enter the building between 8:45 and 9:00 am. At 9:00 a.m., instruction begins. The kindergarten classes are dismissed at 3:25 p.m. and the remaining students are dismissed at 3:30 p.m.
What if my child is late for school?
- Parents are responsible for accompanying their child to the front office to obtain a late pass when a child arrives at school after 9:00.
What do I do if my child has an early dismissal?
- Please send a note to school if your child needs to leave early. Parents/guardians must come directly to the school office to sign out their child. The child will be called to the office when the parent/guardian arrives.
What if something comes up and there is a change in my child’s dismissal routine?
- If there is to be a change in the way your child travels home from school, please send in a note that morning to inform the school of the change. E-mails are not acceptable notifications of a change. If a change of dismissal is needed during the middle of the day, please call the office.
If my child is absent, what do I do?
- Please send in a written note to your child’s homeroom teacher on the day that your child returns to school. If you would like to request missing work, you can contact your child’s teacher via e-mail at the beginning of the day and they will send the work to the front office at the end of the day. Teachers are not required to give missing work to a student prior to his/her being absent.
How do I know how much money is in my child’s lunch account? How can I add money to my child’s lunch account?
- Notices are sent bi-weekly with your child’s account balance. If you wish to add money to your child’s account, send a check made out to Rodgers Forge Cafeteria in an envelope marked with your child’s name.
How do I know what is being served for lunch every day?
- Menus are sent home with students prior to the beginning of each month. Additionally, the monthly menu is at the following link:
How do I reach the nurse?
- Our school nurse, Mrs. Shapira, can be reached at 410-296-2437 or by email at
How do I register my child for Towson Rec Council activities?
- You can reach the Towson Rec Council office at 410-887-5883. The link to the Towson Rec Council website is
How do I contact or get information about the PTA?
- Our school’s PTA has their own website! It can be found at
How do I join the PTA?
- You can join the PTA at anytime during the year. Click on the “Join the PTA” section of the PTA website at It provides the necessary membership form to complete.
Can I volunteer in my child’s classroom?
- We have numerous volunteer opportunities here at Rodgers Forge. In order to volunteer or chaperone a field trip, you must attend a volunteer training. There are several volunteer training sessions that are scheduled on the school calendar. In addition, you may contact the front office to schedule a time to be trained. The Volunteer PTA Coordinator can be contacted through the PTA website at
Will my child get a school picture and how do I pay for it?
- Individual school portraits are typically taken in the fall and the spring. A notice and order forms are sent home prior to each Picture Day. There are instructions on the order form as to how to pay for the pictures and the amount for each “picture package”.
Do the winter and spring concerts include all grades?
- Our concerts involveallfifth grade students and the Chorus Club. The concerts are presented to the entire student body during the day. In the evening, families and guests of those students performing in the concert are invited to attend.
How does the Book Fair work?
- On the first day of the Book Fair, each class is given an opportunity to browse the materials to see what is available. Students will have a second opportunity later that week to purchase their selections. In addition, one day that week is set aside after school for parents to bring their children and purchase books.
What will my child learn this year?
- You can access the BCPS curriculum for your child’s grade level by accessing the following link:
What is Tech Trek?
- Tech Trek is a school fundraiser for Rodgers Forge that raises money for technology. Typically, there is a kickoff pep rally in the spring where the kids get the information and the pledge forms. The actual Tech Trek event occurs during a weekend in the early spring.
What are MSA’s?
- The MSA‘s are the Maryland State Assessment. At the elementary school level, they are administered to every student in grades 3, 4 and 5 in the state of Maryland. A link to our school’s MSA scores is
How will I know what is going on at school?
- We have several ways that we communicate with our families at Rodgers Forge. Each month, a school newsletter, the PTA newsletter and a classroom newsletter is sent to all families via e-mail. A paper copy of these newsletters can be sent home at your request.
What is the Buzz Book and how can I get one?
- The Buzz Book is a voluntary school directory that families can purchase through the PTA. It gives great information that is helpful when trying to arrange a playdate or a birthday party! If you would like to purchase a Buzz Book, click on the “Buzz Book” section of the PTA’s website at
I am thinking of moving to the area or have just moved to the area. How can I arrange for a tour of the school?
- Please contact the front office at 410-887-3582 to arrange a tour.
What are clubs? How can I sign my child up for a club?
- Extracurricular clubs occur both before and after school. The PTA sends a flyer out a few weeks prior to the club’s first meeting. Oftentimes, clubs are so popular that the participants are selected through a lottery. Those students who are in a club are notified of the date, time and location of the club.
Does Rodgers Forge Elementary School provide before or after school care?
- Although Rodgers Forge does not provide before or after school care, Playcenters utilizes space in our building to provide support to working parents both before and after school. Playcenters can be contacted at:
Where can I get answers to questions regarding the BCPS school system?
- Baltimore County Public Schools has an informative website at Additionally, there is a FAQ page that can be found at