Grade 1 ELA/Literacy Unit Planner
for Common Core Alignment
Enter course or class title here. / Enter teacher name. /
Unit Length / Estimate total days / Start date / Click here to enter a date. / Finish date / Click here to enter a date.
Text Titles / Enter anchor text title. / Enter paired text title. / Enter paired text title. /
Complexity / Select Complexity Level / Select Complexity Level / Select Complexity Level /
Unit Goals & Rationale
Enter goals /rationale here; what you expect students to learn and experience.
Unit Overview
Enter a narrative overview of the unit or multi-day lesson, how the unit will start and progress.
Assessment Evidence
Performance Task w/Method of Measurement
Describe performance task and attach rubric. What will students be able to do after this unit? How will students show evidence of learning in ways other than conventional assessment?
Other Evidence (Diagnostics, Formative, Conventional Summative)
List additional assessments.
Common Core Standards:Focus
Reading Literature Standards
Choose first reading standard. / If appropriate, choose second reading standard. / If appropriate, choose third reading standard. /
Reading Information Standards
Choose first reading standard. / If appropriate, choose second reading standard. / If appropriate, choose third reading standard. /
Speaking & Listening Standards
Choose first speaking & listening standard. / If appropriate, choose second speaking & listening standard. / If appropriate, choose third speaking & listening standard. /
Foundational Skills
Choose reading foundations standard. / Choose second reading foundations standard. / Choose third reading foundations standard. /
Writing Standards
Choose Text Type & Purpose writing standard. / Choose Production & Distribution writing standard. / Choose Research to Build & Present Knowledge writing standard. /
Language Standards: Conventions
Choose language conventions standard. / Choose second language conventions standard. / Choose thirdlanguage conventions standard. /
Language Standards: Vocabulary Acquisition & Use
Choose vocabulary acquisition standard / Choose vocabulary acquisition standard / Choose vocabulary acquisition standard /
Content Standards this Lesson Study Addresses
Click here to enter content standards appropriate to disciplines.
Desired Outcomes for Teaching & Learning
Transfer Skills
List or describe two to four significant, practical skills that students will take from this unit into future learning and/or life experiences.
Key Understandings / Essential Questions
Students will understand that…
Describe or list what deeper understandings students will gain through this unit study. / Students will discuss, argue, and/or wonder about…
List questions that will provide opportunities for differing views, explanations, insights.
Supporting Vocabulary
Tier 2
List mature words (grade-level) students should learn throughout the lesson/unit. / Tier 3
List the content or discipline vocabulary students need to learn to be successful in this lesson/unit.
Factual Knowledge Gained
Students will know that…
List importantfacts students should come to learn. / Skills Practiced/Mastered/Reinforced
Students will be able to…
List essential skills students will learn and practice.
Learning Plan
Activities / Timeline
Describe and list the kinds of activities students will participate with in order to support learning. / How long will the activities take? In the course of the teaching timeline, when will each activity take place? /
Materials & Additional Resources
In addition to the focus/instructional texts referenced earlier, enter additional texts and materials needed for successful teaching and learning in this unit: video, websites, production materials, etc.

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