
Swindon and Wiltshire LPC Meeting

Thursday 20th November 2014, Marlborough Golf Club, Marlborough Common, Marlborough

Item / Action
1.  / Present: Fiona Castle, Lis Jardine (notes), Nick Jephson, Niamh Sands, Charlie Wu (morning only), Rhys Martin, Paul Hedge, Marilyn Stapleton, Robert Townsend, Niamh Sands
Apologies: Sam Ghafar, Chris Shields, Will Pearce, Andrew Hobson, Kaushik Patel
2.  / Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes were accepted as a true record.
Items for redaction from publically published minutes
Matters arising
·  Antibiotics quiz feedback - may have been too wordy.
·  Swindon safe and warm – materials have not arrived yet. FC to chase up.
·  Epipen rep to meet FC at 4pm to discuss. Has indicated she is happy to go to each pharmacy.
·  Palliative care scheme: FC chasing Henrik. MS to send examples of Wiltshire patients suffering without PC. To discuss with Julie McCann later in meeting?
·  First health trainer visit to take place on 1st Dec Rowlands Devizes. MS to provide article for newsletter. / FC
3.  / Finance Report
Half yearly report shows small surplus against budget.
Wiltshire Health checks – £14,398 in account: FC looking for project proposals in target areas. Aim is to raise awareness - GP referral remains a barrier.
Committee agreed that cholesterol meters will be bought for pharmacies who come to an agreement re referrals with GPs. Will offer service to walk-ins if no cooperation from GPs, gather evidence on how many we managed without them.
Diabetic: Monies remaining in the account have been spent on admin support. This will be reflected via balance transfer to main LPC account.
Treasurer reimbursement: this will take the form of an existing annual honorarium (with letter from Chair for file) plus member expenses (timesheet based). / FC
4.  / Constitution Change
The committee voted unanimously that proposed changes from PSNC would be presented to contractor vote at an EGM, to be held at 11am on 8th January 2015 during the scheduled LPC meeting. / FC
5.  / EPS
KP had expressed concern about direction and printing volume (by email). Major complaints about efficiency.
CCA research indicates that it takes 2.5 minutes per item longer to process, plus printing costs and other resilience based extra costs. CCA letter has gone out to HSCIC, NHSE etc etc. RM will circulate to LPC members.
CCA also sent report to PSNC/Sue Sharpe for ACTION.
EPS tracker – CW to send guidance for newsletter. / RM
6.  / Guests: Jo Clarke, Lyn Hanning, Julie McCann, Paul Clarke
Practice Based Learning – Bath School of Pharmacy
In development, 5 year course – graduation and registration simultaneous.
Issue around placements (likely to be several each longer/more advanced). How will this work with pharmacies who are investing in individuals? LH to supply version of slides for circulation. Article in newsletter with contact details.
CPPE Update
New web site live, more user friendly. Also available are quiz apps, bitesize learning. Highlight in newsletter, with upcoming dates?
No longer producing paper learning packs (just downloads). There will be national mail outs focusing on key things.
PH gave feedback that events need to be on a mix of weekdays rather than always Thursday.
Leadership academy/workshops are being developed. One will be held in Swindon 2015. / LH
7.  / Workshop – Discharge Communications with GWH
(Discussed by subgroup: Mike Lewis, Paul Clarke, Nick Jephson, Robert Townsend, Maz Stapleton, Julie McCann)
EPS is in process at GWH.
A busy clinician might not have time to fill the proposed PO form in for everyone. Routine not really an option at the moment but could be useful eventually? Suggestion - automatically sent to nominated pharmacy if criteria met, or populated on selection of tick box. ML to gather info from colleagues re numbers/criteria.
Is it enough for pharmacy to know they’ve come out of hospital?
Trial – start using for adhoc info? ML to talk with GWH team. FC to accredit pharmacies in case anyone does want to try it.
Wales – still have problems even though they have been using a system for some time. / ML
8.  / PNA Review
Wiltshire – subgroup (remaining LPC members) went through FC’s prepared comments and added a few. FC will write up and submit.
Swindon – FC to go through and invite comments by email before Christmas. / FC
9.  / Paul Clarke and Julie McCann
Palliative care
LPC believed that Wiltshire CCG were working on re-commissioning but wanted evidence of the problem; JM has evidence that the service was never actually decommissioned, and will follow up to find out what happened. Funding may already be there.
Other news
Area Team will merge with Thames Valley from 1st April 2015. Primary care teams will not be changing however.
Out of hours commissioning has been taken back by CCG from AT.
Work is underway re contracts.
ML: Rheumatology registrar survey to be distributed to all pharmacies? The LPC was invited to give comments on appropriate questions. Final survey will be highlighted in newsletter.
PC – COPD still high on CCG agenda. RM later suggested submitting bid based on Pharmacy Futures pilot work. / JM
10.  / Domiciliary Medication Review Project – Trowbridge
Guest: Zoe Pearce
Pharmacies are interested in having a Trowbridge Forum to explain context and engage colleagues – ZP is willing to help set this up. It may be that one to one meetings are best however, and big changes need to be discussed with AMs to get them embedded.
Issues around waste - patient understanding and GP systems are the big culprits. Those using the DMUR service are the minority, often confused patients, where waste will occur. Letter to GP to explain context of issues?
Following Zoe’s departure LPC members discussed whether the role she is fulfilling could be more effectively commissioned long term using the London model / FC
11.  / Chief Officer’s Report
Work over past month
See CO report distributed with meeting papers.
Third annual Wiltshire Diabetes summit - reported back and very pleased with outcome of Diabetes MUR project. Asked for a further business case. Wiltshire would like pharmacies to start talking to 18-25 year olds who don’t engage with healthcare services at all. Suggestions were to focus on e.g. alcohol or fizzy drinks with signposting to a ‘cool’ web site.
Possible cost - £14000 (£200 per pharmacy) to do an audit of PMR to discover how many in this age group who collect own prescriptions; then ask all relevant patients three questions, as a one-off.
Note on PMR to prompt intervention, note that you’ve spoken to them on PO. Do over 3 month period, payment at end. JC and LH to support any training needs - LH has contact with consultant pharmacist with specialism in Diabetes.
LPC discussed best way to encourage engagement, embedding confidence in pharmacists. RM: Area Managers are key to driving engagement. Training is a barrier and adds complexity.
An event must have a clear structure to get basic points across. / FC
12.  / Workplan 2015
Contractor Roadshows
Feb/March/April, May/June/July, Sept/Oct/Nov. (Three topics, each repeated three times to cover county.)
Suggested topics:
·  Diabetes with
·  Dementia
·  Psychology around time management/breaking bad habits.
·  How to reconfigure working practice around EPS with Charlie – practical. EPS tracker. Invite GPs too.
·  Commissioner changes – what does it mean to me, what’s my job going to look like in 10 years, and how do I get a slice of the pie? (‘don’t panic’).
Think Pharmacy!
Reorganise for April – FC will put it together; LJ and FC to advertise heavily.