Your hostess is like a business partner! You want to treat him/her like gold, be gracious and be sure you “coach” them to ensure the best party/get together possible. The better the party, the better the rewards for them! Remember that this is YOUR business, YOUR income, so it is okay to take charge of the party/presentation and coach your hostess. It makes it easier on everyone and is a win/win! When you implement the items below into your hostess coaching, you will have very few cancellations and your party sales will go up!

  1. Invitations- It’s important for you to control the invitation process so ensure it gets done andin a timely manner. Remember it’s your business and probably more important to you than to her.
  1. Who to invite- After you have a date scheduled, you can send your hostess a hostess planner so she can think of people to invite or hand this to her if she booked via the envelope game. You can include this in the upgraded envelopes if you choose. Once the date is set, draft an invite and email it to her for approval immediately. Even if the party is a ways out, it’s best to do this right when it is scheduled. Then, encourage her to invite 15-30 people to get 4-5 to attend. Let her know that not everyone will come, but even with a few it will be a good time and that you are excited to pamper her and her friends. Ask for the guest list within 48 hours of booking the party. Even if the party is months out, best to get this list as soon as possible. If the hostess drags her feet, offer a little gift if she gets it to you by XX date.
  2. Actual invites- Best to do paper. Printing on bordered paper and mailing in colored envelopes is the cutest most economical way. People these days are inundated with Evites and FB invites, so this will stand out. Often receiving an invitation in the real mail makes it seem more important! If the hostess insists on email, send her a draft of the invite and ask her to email it out by XX date and copy you (if you email it for her it may go to their spam). Best to mail 10-15 days before the party.
  3. Impromptu/Last minute parties—Obviously you would not send out paper for these if they are within the same week. Just make sure that the hostess sends and email and is enthusiastically calling her guests to get them there.
  4. *Optional*-- If you want to give a hostess packet to help guide you and them, feel free. This is best for when someone books out of a party. Otherwise, you can guide them per the above.
  1. Get products in your hostess’ hands- Your hostess will end up “selling” at the party if she loves Arbonne! The best volume parties I have had are when the hostess raves about the Re9! Also be sure your hostess has a catalog.
  1. Hostess baskets are best- drop this off at the hostess’ house the week of the party or before if the party is a ways out and leave with her to try for 3-4 days max. You can include a full sized Re9 set, some fizz sticks, a few protein packets, a primer, shampoo/conditioner, sea salt scrub and an Re9 men’s set for her husband. Ask her to sample the products for a few days and let her know that hostess testimonials are always helpful.
  2. Due to location/distance it doesn’t work to drop off a hostess basket, simply put together some samples (Re9, primer, shampoo/conditioner, cellular renewal mask) and tie a bow around it. Include some additional copies of the invite and a hand written note that says, “Sally, I am very excited for your party on the 19th. I will be there at 6pm to set up. I've included extra invitations for you to hand out in case you think of anyone else to invite and I've included some samples of my favorites for you to enjoy before your party. Hostess testimonials are always helpful. Thanks again and I will see you soon"
  1. Outside bookings and orders- Make sure the hostess knows she can collect outside orders to increase her party sales and therefore her rewards for her party. Ask the hostess to collect this info or offer to collect it before the party. You want to close out your party 48 hours after it happens, so be prepared to collect orders. Use the hostess rewards to encourage your hostess to get outside orders if she doesn’t have them….”Sally, you had a $400 party, with just $100 more in sales you’d get another $125 for $25…do you know anyone who’d be interested in some protein powder or some Re9 products” If she knows she’s that close, she’ll find more orders for you…give her a deadline so you’re not tracking it all down at the end of the month. “I have to close your party in 48 hours, so just let me know if you find some more orders.” Also, you will want to work on booking parties out of your hostess’s party, even before the party happens. I recommend that you offer your hostess a special gift (i.e. shampoo and conditioner) for 2 bookings. Let her know she can even get her 2 bookings BEFORE or OUTSIDE her party!
  1. Follow up before the party
  1. Ask the hostess to email a reminder out about 5-7 days before the party.
  2. Let the hostess know that you are happy to get samples to the “YES” guests 3-4 days before the party and you can also get samples to those who aren’t able to attend.
  3. Ask the hostess to call everyone 2-3 days before the party or offer to do this for her. Let her know that an excited voice will get them there! She can offer that her guests also bring a friend to come along! (i.e. you might want to give a free gift to the guest who brings a guest.)
  4. Ask the hostess for a headcount for planning purposes 2-3 days before the party. Remind her about outside orders.
  1. Weave the business into it and show your hostess how simple it is! Often people who are willing to host are also willing to check out this business. If their party goes well, be sure you show them what that could be for them and give them a chance (effective Sept. 1) to be a consultant so they can get paid on their party. “Wow Charlotte, your party had over $500 in sales. Samantha and Carrie are both going to host and Miranda seemed in interested in this business. You certainly have a business if you want one! You are so (insert genuine compliments here, I really think you’d do well in Arbonne!” You can also leave her a curiosity packet or some EOAs to review.
  1. *Optional* cancellation policy. It’s okay to be a bit firm (in a polite way) about your schedule. If you are re-scheduling with someone or find a hostess to be a bit flakey it is okay to let her know about your cancellation policy. “As we both know, sometimes life gets in the way. If you have to reschedule for some reason I only ask that you notify me right away so I can replace my schedule. I take this business seriously as this is my income.”