Regina Public Schools
Unit Comparison for Grade 7/8 Math Makes Sense
Grade 7 – Unit 1: Patterning / Grade 8 – Unit 1: Square Roots and the Pythagorean TheoremLesson 1.1 Patterns in Division / Lesson 1.1 Square Numbers and Area Models
Lesson 1.2 More Patterns in Division / Lesson 1.2 Squares and Square Roots
Lesson 1.3 Algebraic Expressions / Lesson 1.3 Measuring Line Segments
Lesson 1.4 Relationships in Patterns / Lesson 1.4 Estimating Square Roots
Lesson 1.5 Patterns and Relationships in Tables / Lesson 1.5 The Pythagorean Theorem
Lesson 1.6 Graphing Relations / Lesson 1.6 Exploring the Pythagorean Theorem
Lesson 1.7 Reading and Writing Equations / Lesson 1.7 Applying the Pythagorean Theorem
Lesson 1.8 Solving Equations Using Algebra Tiles
Grade 7 – Unit 2: Integers / Grade 8 - Unit 2: Integers
Lesson 2.1 Representing Integers / Lesson 2.1 Using Models to Multiply Integers
Lesson 2.2 Adding Integers with Tiles / Lesson 2.2 Developing Rules to Multiply Integers
Lesson 2.3 Adding Integers on a Number Line / Lesson 2.3 Using Models to Divide Integers
Lesson 2.4 Subtracting Integers with Tiles / Lesson 2.4 Developing Rules to Divide Integers
Lesson 2.5 Subtracting Integers on a Number Line / Lesson 2.5 Order of Operations with Integers
Grade 7 – Unit 3: Fractions, Decimals, and Percents / Grade 8 – Unit 3: Operations with Fractions
Lesson 3.1 Fractions to Decimals / Lesson 3.1 Using Models to Multiply Fractions and Whole Numbers
Lesson 3.2 Comparing and Ordering Fractions and Decimals / Lesson 3.2 Using Models to Multiply Fractions
Lesson 3.3 Adding and Subtracting Decimals / Lesson 3.3 Multiplying Fractions
Lesson 3.4 Multiplying Decimals / Lesson 3.4 Multiplying Mixed Numbers
Lesson 3.5 Dividing Decimals / Lesson 3.5 Dividing Whole Numbers and Fractions
Lesson 3.6 Order of Operations with Decimals / Lesson 3.6 Dividing Fractions
Lesson 3.7 Relating Fractions, Decimals and Percents / Lesson 3.7 Dividing Mixed Numbers
Lesson 3.8 Solving Percent Problems / Lesson 3.8 Solving Problems with Fractions
Lesson 3.9 Order of Operations with Fractions
Grade 7 – Unit 4: Circles and Area / Grade 8 – Unit 4: Measuring Prisms and Cylinders
Lesson 4.1 Investigating Circles / Lesson 4.1 Exploring Nets
Lesson 4.2 Circumference of a Circle / Lesson 4.2 Creating Objects from Nets
Lesson 4.3 Area of a Parallelogram / Lesson 4.3 Surface Area of a Right Rectangular Prism
Lesson 4.4 Area of a Triangle / Lesson 4.4 Surface Area of a Right Triangular Prism
Lesson 4.5 Area of a Circle / Lesson 4.5 Volume of a Right Rectangular Prism
Lesson 4.6 Interpreting Circle Graphs / Lesson 4.6 Volume of a Right Triangular Prism
Lesson 4.7 Drawing Circle Graphs / Lesson 4.7 Surface Area of a Right Cylinder
Lesson 4.8 Volume of a Right Cylinder
Grade 7 – Unit 5: Operations with Fractions / Grade 8 – Unit 5: Percent, Ratio, and Rate
Lesson 5.1 Using Models to Add Fractions / Lesson 5.1 Relating Fractions, Decimals, and Percents
Lesson 5.2 Using Other Models to Add Fractions / Lesson 5.2 Calculating Percents
Lesson 5.3 Using Symbols to Add Fractions / Lesson 5.3 Solving Percent Problems
Lesson 5.4 Using Models to Subtract Fractions / Lesson 5.4 Sales Tax and Discount
Lesson 5.5 Using Symbols to Subtract Fractions / Lesson 5.5 Exploring Ratios
Lesson 5.6 Adding with Mixed Numbers / Lesson 5.6 Equivalent Ratios
Lesson 5.7 Subtracting with Mixed Numbers / Lesson 5.7 Comparing Ratios
Lesson 5.8 Solving Ratio Problems
Lesson 5.9 Exploring Rates
Lesson 5.10 Comparing Rates
Grade 7 – Unit 6: Equations / Grade 8 – Unit 6: Linear Equations and Graphing
Lesson 6.1 Solving Equations / Lesson 6.1 Solving Equations Using Models
Lesson 6.2 Using a Model to Solve Equations / Lesson 6.2 Solving Equations Using Algebra
Lesson 6.3 Solving Equations involving Integers / Lesson 6.3 Solving Equations Involving Fractions
Lesson 6.4 Solving Equations Using Algebra / Lesson 6.4 The Distributive Property
Lesson 6.5 Using Different Methods to Solve Equations / Lesson 6.5 Solving Equations Involving the Distributive Property
Lesson 6.6 Creating a Table of Values
Lesson 6.7 Graphing Linear Relations
Grade 7 – Unit 7: Data Analysis / Grade 8 – Unit 7: Data Analysis and Probability
Lesson 7.1 Mean and Mode / Lesson 7.1 Choosing an Appropriate Graph
Lesson 7.2 Median and Range / Lesson 7.2 Misrepresenting Data
Lesson 7.3 The Effects of Outliers on Averages / Lesson 7.3 Probability of Independent Events
Lesson 7.4 Applications of Averages / Lesson 7.4 Solving Problems Involving Independent Events
Lesson 7.5 Different Ways to Express Probability
Lesson 7.6 Tree Diagrams
Grade 7 – Unit 8: Geometry / Grade 8 – Unit 8: Geometry
Lesson 8.1 Parallel Lines / Lesson 8.1 Sketching Views of Objects
Lesson 8.2 Perpendicular Lines / Lesson 8.2 Drawing Views of Rotated Objects
Lesson 8.3 Constructing Perpendicular Bisectors / Lesson 8.3 Building Objects from their Views
Lesson 8.4 Constructing Angle Bisectors / Lesson 8.4 Identifying Transformations
Lesson 8.5 Graphing on a Coordinate Grid / Lesson 8.5 Constructing Tessellations
Lesson 8.6 Graphing Translations and Reflections / Lesson 8.6 Identifying Transformations in Tessellations
Lesson 8.7 Graphing Rotations
(Christie Drever/2008)
Other Notes and Suggestions:
1. Often the Grade 7 concepts can serve as a brief review for the Grade eight studentsbefore focusing on Grade 8 content.
2. As a result of our new curriculum reducing content for us, we no longer have a spiraling curriculum with overlap of content from grade to grade. This will require teachers looking at their instructional practices for mathematics and considering different approaches when they have a split grade. An option for teaching a split grade when the content for each grade is different is to consider looking at scheduling. One grade works independently in another subject area (social project, art) while the teacher works in mathematics with the other grade. Or have one grade work on the “Practice” while the teacher leads the “Explore” or “Investigate” and the “Connect” with the other grade.