Ulcombe Weekly news

16/10/17 – 20/10/17


16/10/17 / 9:00 – 11:30
12:40 – 3:00
12:15 – 12:40 / Bach to the Future Music Roadshow
Swimming – Tawny Owls please remember swimming kit and money
Choir (Y3-6)
Tues 17/10/17 / 12:15 – 12:40
12:15 – 12:40
3:15 – 4:15
3:15 – 4:45 / Nurture Club (by invitation only)
Gardening Club (Y5-6 boys)
Cross Stitch Club (Y3-6)
Film Club (YR-6)
Wed 18/10/17 / 12:15 – 12:40
1:30 – 3:15 / Gardening Club (Y5-6 boys)
Barn Owls’ Stone Age Day
19/10/17 / 9:15 – 11:30
12:15 – 12:40
12:15 – 12:40 / Tawny Owls’ Space Morning
Science Club (Y3-6)
Cross Stitch Club (Y3-6)
20/10/17 / 8:55 – 10:00
12:15 – 12:40
3:15 / Harvest Festival @ All Saints Church, Ulcombe
Gardening Club (Y5-6 boys)
End of Term 1

Harvest Festival – All Saints Church, Ulcombe

Harvest Festival will be held on Friday 20 October at 8:55am in All Saints Church, Ulcombe. Please take your children directly to the church. Parents and carers are very welcome to stay for the Service and we would be grateful for any help with walking the children back down the Hill to the school.

Please take any donations directly to the church on Friday. Dried or tinned goods are preferable, but please make sure that any donations are sealed and within date. The church will distribute them to needy people in the village.

NHS Vaccination Programme

As part of the NHS Vaccination Programme, all children in Reception and Years 1, 2, 3 and 4 are being offered the flu inoculation. On Wednesday 1 November in the afternoon, we will be visited by the School Nursing Team who will be administering the flu inoculations via a nasal spray. If you haven’t already returned your child’s form giving or with-holding your consent, please hand it to the Office as soon as possible and if you have any queries please ring the Immunisation Service on 0300 123 5205.

Open Morning – Wednesday 1 November

We are holding an Open Morning between 9:15am and 11:45am on Wednesday 1 November 2017. Please feel free to come along and see our school working. If you have any friends or neighbours with children approaching school age, please let them know so they can come and join us as well.

Parent Consultation Evening

Parent Consultation Evening will take place on Monday 6 November from 3:30pm – 5:30pm. Sign-up sheets will be available in the Reception Area during the week before.

Toni Arnold - Family Liaison Officer

If you need to contact Toni, her working hours are 8:30am to 1:00pm Monday and Wednesday, 10:00am to 3:30pm Tuesday and Thursday. Toni can be contacted on the school number or her work mobile 07772 676728 during those hours.

Toni has many years of experience dealing with benefits/debt/housing etc from her previous career so if you have any issues, please contact her. If she doesn’t know the answer, she will know someone who does!

Lost Property

Two rings have been found. If you have lost one, please come to the school office with a description to claim it.

Polite Reminders

Please do not allow your children to play on the adventure apparatus or enter the pond area after school as KCC Insurance Services have advised that this is not permitted unless a member of staff is in attendance.

The school gate will be unlocked from 8:45am until 9:00am and from 3:00pm to 3:30pm. If you need to access the school outside these times, please go to the main door and ring the buzzer.

This week we have been discussing the feeling of joy - the spontaneity, effusiveness and depth of true joy. We have used the story of the lost coin to demonstrate Joy.
The Parable of the Lost Coin
“Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Doesn’t she light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it? And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbours together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.’ In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”
Although the value of a coin is somewhat different today, and I am not sure we would be telling our neighbours if we found twenty pence, the sentiment of the story remains the same. God feels joy when we repent our sins, this we can do by praying.
Emma Hickling
FUS News
Our fundraising enables us to provide new equipment for the school, such as the adventure trail, benefiting all the children.
Friday Afternoon Tuck Shop
FUS will be selling sweets at 50p per bag after Celebration Assembly every Friday as the weather is now a bit too cold for lollies! The money raised will go towards projects within the school.


As you are aware, good attendance is crucial to your child making progress in school. There have been several court cases in the press recently relating to attendance and, in particular, the issuing of penalty notices. KCC have revised their policy following these cases.

Our policy remains the same in that every session of absence needs to be accounted for. You must contact school. School will decide whether the absence is authorised. We expect pupils to attend school every day when the school is open and where there are 10 or more sessions or 5 or more days of unauthorised absences in a period of 50 school days a penalty notice will be requested.

Please come in and chat to Mrs Hargrave or Toni, our FLO, if you need support in ensuring your child attends every day.

Celebration Certificates

Star of the Week / Writer of the Week / Mathematician of the Week
Rory Roe
Tom Stevens
Ben Leat
Chase Harkett / Isobelle Poole
Sandra-Marie Hanrahan
Jack Hammick
Johnny Cash / Jacob Meflah
Margaret Murphy
Mary-Lou Matthews
Mikey Cash

Christian Value Cross

Our Christian Values are forgiveness, thankfulness, trust, friendship, endurance and compassion. Each week children have the chance to earn the ‘Christian Value Cross’ for their class. This week it has been awarded to: Marissa Purcell

20,000 Reads Under The Sea

Last year’s ‘Our Reading Tree’ was a huge success, encouraging children to read at home to gain leaves and owls for the challenge. This year, we have a similar challenge called ’20,000 Reads under the Sea.

For every 10 reads, children will receive a herring to put in our Ocean; 50 reads will get them an Angel Fish, 100 will get a Sea Horse, 150 will get a Crab, 200 reads will get them a Stingray, 250 reads will get them an Octopus and 300 reads will get them a Deep-sea Diver with their face in the helmet!.

Herring for 10 reads: Lily Lee, Bailey Simmons, Savannah Doyle, Shay Harkett, Terry Allen, Danny Jenkins, Hrisi Gyuretsova, Harriet Matthews, Jack Hammick, Mary-Lou Matthews, Esther Matthews, Harry Bonduel, Ben Leat, Bridie-Marie Gilhm


Emerald 81, Sapphire 70, Topaz 91

Attendance Ted and Punctuality Pup

Last week our Attendance Ted winners were Tawny Owls with 93.8% attendance. Barn Owls came second with 90.0%. Little Owls had 77.1% attendance and Owlets had 76.0%. Whole school attendance was only 85.3%, which is still way below the national requirement of 97%. Punctuality Pup was awarded to Tawny Owls who had 98.75% punctuality. Well done!

Dates for your diary

Monday 16 October / 9:00am / Bach to the Future – music workshop in the Hall
Wednesday 18 October / 1:30pm / Barn Owls’ Stone Age Day
Thursday 19 October / 9:15am / Tawny Owls’ Space Morning
Friday 20 October / 8:55am / Harvest Service @ All Saints Church, Ulcombe
Friday 20 October / 3:15pm / End of Term 1
Monday 30 October / 8:55am / Start of Term 2
Wednesday 1 November / 9:00am / Open Morning
Wednesday 1 November / 1:30pm / Flu immunisations for Years R - 4
Monday 6 November / 3:15pm / Parent Consultation Evening
Wednesday 15 November / 1:30pm / Year 6 Height & Weight Checks with the school nurse
Friday 15 December / Christmas Jumper Day
Tuesday 19 December / 3:15pm / End of Term 2
Wednesday 20 December / Inset Day – NO CHILDREN IN SCHOOL
Thursday 4 January / 8:55am / Start of Term 3
Friday 2 February / NSPCC Numbers Day
Friday 9 February / 3:15pm / End of Term 3
Monday 19 February / Inset Day – NO CHILDREN IN SCHOOL
Tuesday 20 February / 8:55am / Start of Term 4
Thursday 29 March / 3:15pm / End of Term 4
Monday 16 April / 8:55am / Start of Term 5
Friday 25 May / 3:15pm / End of Term 5
Monday 4 June / 8:55am / Start of Term 6
Friday 29 June / Inset Day – NO CHILDREN IN SCHOOL
Tuesday 24 July / 3:15pm / End of Term 6