PVHS Science ProjectDeadlines–2017 - 2018

  • September 6–Review the ISEF Student Handbook ( ) and TYPE the title and a brief summary of your proposed project and get it approved.
  • Keep a Data Notebook from day 1. Enter and date anything you do that is project related.
  • October 6 – Research Plan

Submit science project Research Plancompleted according to the Research Plan Guidelines form and completed ISEF paperwork.

  • In addition, you must type a research paper (minimum 2 pages, single-spaced, 1 inch margins, font 12) that summarizes what is currently known about your topic. This paper must be properly referenced in MLA format, and a separate bibliography should be attached. . (Refer to rubric on reverse side of page for additional requirements.)
  • Download, complete, print, and sign all ISEF required forms ( ).
  • All projects require the Research Plan and the following three forms:
  • Checklist for Adult Sponsor (1)
  • Student Checklist 1A / Research Plan ***DO NOT put start dates on this yet.***
  • Approval Form (1B)
  • Use the ISEF Rules Wizard to help you determine any additional forms you must complete before you begin any research.
  • *** The detailed Research Plan is the most important thing that is due on this date. We need to know exactly what you plan to do I order to approve it. You cannot start your project until it is approved. If you have any questions or need any guidance about your experimental plan, please schedule an appointment with Mr. Lyons.
  • December 1 – Submit final research project. (Refer to rubric on reverse side of page for additional requirements.)
  • This will include
  • Final Materials and Methods (revised version of original proposal)
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions
  • Display
  • All forms
  • December 8- PVHS School Science Fair.
  • – county Science Fair set-up
  • – County Science Fair at St. Johns tech Center
  • – Awards Ceremony

Science Project Grade Rubric

Topic / Points
Research Plan– Question / Question could not be answered by a student using the scientific method, and turned in late (1 point). / Question could not be answered by a student using the scientific method, but turned in on time (4 points). / Valid question that could be answered by a student using the scientific method, but turned in late
(7 points). / Valid question that could be answered by a student using the scientific method, and turned in on time. (5 points).
Research Plan - Hypothesis / Student developed a hypothesis that did not relate to the question and turned it in late (1 point). / Student developed a hypothesis that did not relate to the question but turned it in on time (5 points). / Student developed a relevant hypothesis, but turned it in late (10 points). / Student developed a relevant hypothesis that pertains directly to the question and turned it in on time (10 points).
Research Plan - Background research paper / Paper lacked three or more of the listed requirements listed (0-9 points). / Paper lacked two of the requirements listed, but was in the student’s own words (10-29). / Paper lacked one of the requirements listed, but was written in the student’s own words (30-44 points). / Paper was relevant to the proposed topic, typed in font 12, single-spaced, minimum of 2 pages, in student’s own words, turned in on time (25-30 points)
Research Plan–References
Research Plan - Procedures / Inappropriate references listed and not cited properly (MLA format) and not turned in on time (1 point).
Student still did not develop a logical procedure, or the procedure lacked details, and/or did not identify all necessary materials
(0-19 points) / Appropriate references listed but not cited properly (MLA format) and not turned in on time (4 points).
Student developed a procedure that is sensible and easy to follow, but left out some steps or doesn’t identify all necessary materials
(20-34 points) / Appropriate references listed but either not cited properly (MLA format) or not turned in on time (7 points).
Lacks some detail or not turned in on time. (35-44 points) / At least 5 appropriate references listed, and cited properly (MLA format), and turned in on time
(5 points).
Complete and detailed procedure including risk and safety analysis and method of data analysis. (45 - 50 points)
ISEF Forms 1, 1A, 1B / Not entirely completed and turned in late (5 points) / Either not entirely completed or turn-in late (10 points) / Completed and submitted on time (15 points)
Project –Final Procedure / Student still did not develop a logical procedure, or the procedure lacked details, and/or did not identify all necessary materials (0-4 points). / Student developed a procedure that is sensible and easy to follow, but left out some steps or doesn’t identify all necessary materials (5-9 points). / Student developed a procedure that clearly outlined each step needed to complete the activity and identified all necessary materials but didn’t complete it on time (10-14 points). / Student developed a procedure that clearly outlined each step needed to complete the activity and identified all necessary materials and completed it on time (15 points).
Project - Results / Three of the following flaws were present: Data was incomplete, Graphs and tables were unlabeled or difficult to read, or scale was inconsistent with data (0-9 points). / Two of the following flaws were present: Data was incomplete, Graphs and tables were unlabeled or difficult to read, or scale was inconsistent with data (10-14 points). / One of the requirements for full credit was not met (15-19 points). / Data was complete, logically organized, and well presented. Graphs and tables were accurately labeled. Appropriate statistical tests were conducted. On time.(20 points).
Project - Discussion / Two of the major requirements were not met (0-20). / One of the three major requirements for full credit was not met. (20-34) / 1. Compares results with theoretical values, published data, commonly held beliefs, and/or expected results. 2.Includes a discussion of possible errors,discusses variability among replicates, and how results were affected by uncontrolled events.3.Addresses what would you do differently if you repeated this project, and what other experiments should be conducted? On time. (35 points)
Project - Conclusions / A superficial conclusion was reached. The conclusion did not include reference to the original question or hypothesis, and it was not based on the data (0-4 points). / A superficial conclusion was reached, or the conclusion did not include reference to the original question or hypothesis, or was not based on the data, or was late (5-9 points). / A detailed conclusion was reached that was consistent with the data but didn’t pertain to the original question and hypothesis or was turned in late (10-14 points). / Results summarized briefly. Findings stated in relationships of one variable with the other. Statements supported with data. Practical applications mentioned. (15 points)
Project - Display / Display was not neat, and lacked one of the parts required for full credit, and was not completed on time (0-4 points). / Display was not neat, and lacked one of the parts required for full credit, or was not completed on time (5-9 points). / Display was not neat, or lacked one of the parts required for full credit, or was not completed on time (10-14 points). / Display was neat, and included a title, introduction, hypothesis, procedure, results, discussion, and conclusion (15 points).
  • Introduction and ISEF Forms counts as extra credit for a maximum of 5% of quarter 1 grade (90-115, 5 points; 80-89, 4 points; 70-79, 3 points; 60-69, 2 points; 50-59, 1 point).
  • Project counts as extra credit for a maximum of 5% of quarter 2 grade (90-115, 5 points; 80-89, 4 points; 70-79, 3 points; 60-69, 2 points; 50-59, 1 point).
  • Your extra credit points can be assigned to ONLY ONE science class, your choice, if you are taking two science classes.