Portland Medical Practice

Dr T Mehta Dr S Hindocha Dr R Chalmers Dr A Thurkettle

2015 Patient Survey Report

Patient Participation Group (PPG) development

The Portland Medical Practice developed a PPG in 2008. It was made up of 12 volunteer patients that wished to represent the registered patients and work with the Practice to improve the patient experience. In order to maintain continuity and maximise opportunities to affect change within the Practice the group agreed and continue to meet on a monthly basis. The meetings are attended by the Practice Administrator, a GP Partner and a Practice Nurse.

The PPG have produced a pamphlet giving information relating to the group members and how to contact them. This is displayed in the waiting room and also forms part of the new patient registration pack.

In 2011 the group expanded to include a wider Patient Representative Group (PRG) that are contacted via e-mail, telephone or letter (depending on their individual choice) and invited to contribute towards joint patient and Practice decisions on the development of Practice services. It was initially recommended that the PRG should be 2% of the Practice population. We have continued to maintain and improve this level of membership and each year we work to update representation.

In order to recruit group members that are representative of the Practice population, the PPG members have spent a great deal of time in the waiting room personally trying to encourage people to become involved. They are aware of the diverse patient population registered at Portland Medical Practice and every attempt has been made to include representation from different ethnic groups, age groups, gender, disabilities, working patterns and carers.

Further methods used to promote membership are:

·  Advertise membership in the PPG newsletter

·  Information on the waiting room LED display

·  Waiting room TV information

·  Patient information posters in the waiting room

·  Patient information on both the Practice and PPG website

·  Staff to ask patients personally

·  Advertise the PRG in the local Community newsletter which is distributed to 2.5 thousand homes in the surrounding area

A form has been developed to gather the information required for each PRG member. The completion of this form allows for analysis of patient representation.

Patient Survey

In an effort to ensure the opinion of the wider patient population is taken into account when discussions take place between the Practice and the PPG, the group developed a patient survey in 2008. This has been built upon and refined every year since. The surveys have allowed the Practice to compare developments and analyse the effectiveness of recommended changes year on year.

The original survey contained questions around areas the PPG felt were important to them as patients and would produce comments about the Practice and the services provided, such as the telephone and appointment system. They included also issues that had arisen in patient complaints. Ideas have since been incorporated from the ‘Handbook of Patient Participation’ produced by the National Association for Patient Participation (NAPP). In 2011 the survey was further updated to include fields required by the Primary Care Trust (PCT). Each year the survey questions are discussed by the PPG and agreement reached on both the survey content and desired outcome of the survey in order to improve the services provided by the Practice.

All PRG members are given the opportunity of requesting their preferred method of contact. They can choose between telephone, letter or e-mail. In reality we have found that the best way of ensuring members engage and complete the survey is for them to be approached personally and the survey completed at the time they agree to become members or by contacting them by telephone. The survey is accompanied by a letter explaining what is required, a date for completion and how to obtain the results of the survey and Action Plan.

The survey data is collated by volunteer members of the PPG. The forms are anonymised and spreadsheets produced detailing the demographics of the PRG, the response to each question and the number of completed surveys. This information is then discussed at a PPG meeting with particular attention being paid to the areas that patients felt the surgery was not performing to their desired standards. An action plan is then produced detailing the percentage response to each question and the resultant actions to be taken by the Practice.

The action plan is posted on both the Practice website and the PPG website. It is also displayed in the waiting room. Any patients requesting a copy of the action plan are welcome to ask at reception and a copy will be made available. Alternatively the surgery can be contacted on 01522 876800. This number will offer callers the option to choose the most direct route for the service they require. Contact can also be made through the Practice website ‘citymedicalpractice.co.uk’. This offers access to the on-line services available and all other Practice contact details.


Author C Allen

10 March 2016