Child’s Name: ______Date of Birth: ______
Address: ______Phone Number: ______
Form Completed By: ______Relationship to Child:______
Parent’s Names: ______
Please list all family members or other persons who live in the home and/or contribute to the child’s care (use reverse if necessary).
Name:______Relationship to Child:______
Name:______Relationship to Child:______
Name:______Relationship to Child:______
Name:______Relationship to Child:______
Name:______Relationship to Child:______
Name:______Relationship to Child:______
Referred By: ______
Address: ______Phone Number: ______
Describe the concerns regarding this child’s speech, language, hearing, development or learning: ______
How long have you been concerned? ______
Has this child been diagnosed with any of the following:
ADHD Articulation/phonology
Autism Spectrum disorder (PDD, autism, Asperger) Behavior problems
Genetic disorders Hearing disorder
Expressive and or receptive language disorderLearning disorder
Oral motorfeeding Sensory integration difficulties
Fluency disorder (stuttering, cluttering)
When was this diagnosis made and by whom? ______
Please describe the nature of the diagnosis: ______
Has anyone else in the family been diagnosed with any of the following problems:
ADHD Articulation/phonology
Autism Spectrum disorder (PDD, autism, Asperger) Behavior problems
Genetic disorders Hearing disorder
Expressive and or receptive language disorderLearning disorder
Oral motor feeding Sensory integration difficulties
Fluency disorder (stuttering, cluttering)
Who was diagnosed with this problem (relationship to child)______
Describe the mother’s health during this pregnancy: Excellent Good Fair Poor
Were any of the following true during the pregnancy:
AccidentsIllnessesViruses Rashes
Medications X-rays Treatments Alcohol or drug use
Injuries Other
If yes, please describe: ______
What was the length of the pregnancy? ______
Describe the baby’s condition at birth: Excellent Good Fair Poor
Was the birth: Vaginal Breech Caesarean Instruments used
Birth Weight: ______Apgar scores (if known): ______
Conditions present during newborn period:
Breathing difficulties Seizures Cyanosis (blue)
Swallowing/feeding difficulties Paralysis Physical abnormalities
Cleft lip/palate Jaundice Meningitis
Intensive care nursery Infection Required Oxygen
Medications administered: ______
Please describe other concerns, conditions, or treatments at birth: ______
Please indicate if the child has had any of the following:
Allergies Frequent/chronic colds Measles Mumps
Chicken Pox Thyroid condition Meningitis Seizures
Head Injury Ear infections – How often? ______
Other: ______
Describe any other illnesses, conditions, injuries: ______
Are the child’s immunizations current? ______
Please list any medications the child is taking: ______
Describe any hospitalizations the child has had: ______
Child’s Racial/Ethnic Background:☐African-American / ☐Asian Pacific / ☐Caucasian / ☐Hispanic or Latino
☐Native American / ☐More than one race / ☐Other: ______
At what age did the child:
Sit alone? _____Crawl?_____Walk Alone? _____
Babble? _____Use first words? _____Use simple sentences? _____
Does your child eat a variety of foods? Yes No Comments: ______
Does your child feed him/herself? Yes No Comments: ______
Does your child drink from a cup? Yes No Comments: ______
Does your child eat with a spoon/fork? Yes No Comments: ______
Did the child ever start talking and then stop for any period of time? Yes No
Please explain: ______
Does the child prefer to gesture rather than use speech to communicate? Yes No
What languages are spoken in the home? ______
What languages are spoken by the child:______
Does your child talk: Frequently Occasionally Rarely Never
Is the child learning new words on a weekly basis? Yes No
Give some examples of words and sentences that your child might say:______
Is the child’s speech difficult to understand? Yes No
How much of the child’s speech is understood by:
Family members? _____%Unfamiliar listeners? _____%
Which speech sounds seem to be difficult for the child to say? ______
Do you believe your child’s communication difficulties are affecting progress in school? Yes No
Please describe any current or previous speech-language or developmental evaluations or therapy:
While keeping your child’s current age in mind, please rate the following:
Motor coordination and balance(e.g. walking, skipping, hopping, running) / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Hand/eye coordination
(e.g. stacking blocks, coloring, writing, feeding) / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Which hand does the child prefer to use? / Right / Left / Either
Vision / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Does the child use glasses? / Yes / No
General behavior at home / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
General behavior at school/pre-school / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Ability to play with other children / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Ability to play appropriately with toys/games / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Ability to remember familiar people/places / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Ability to solve problems/puzzles / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Ability to respond appropriately to discipline / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Ability to control frustration / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Ability to keep attention on an activity / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Ability to maintain an appropriate activity level / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Ability to not become distracted / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Ability to think before acting
(e.g. doesn’t behave impulsively) / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Ability to sit still
(e.g. is not “fidgety” or restless) / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Describe the child’s self-esteem / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Ability to follow single instructions / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Ability to follow multiple instructions / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Ability to find the right words when talking / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Ability to use correct grammar when talking / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Ability to understand questions / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Ability to understand space/time/quantity concepts / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Ability to recall spoken information / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Ability to recite familiar nursery rhymes / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Ability to tell or re-tell a story / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Ability to talk about events in proper order / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Ability to have a conversation with adults / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Ability to have a conversation with children / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Takes appropriate turns in conversations / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Ability to maintain the topic of conversation / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Ability to get the point across while talking / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Ability to maintain eye contact while talking / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Unknown
Please explain any areas above receiving ratings of fair or poor: ______
Describe any unusual, slow development or behaviors that have concerned you:______
Does the child respond to various sounds in the environment? / Yes / Sometimes / NoDoes the child startle to loud sounds? / Yes / Sometimes / No
Can the child correctly locate the source of sounds? / Yes / Sometimes / No
Does the child respond to face-to-face speech? / Yes / Sometimes / No
Does the child respond to speech from a distance? / Yes / Sometimes / No
Does the child respond to speech in noisy environments? / Yes / Sometimes / No
Does the child frequently ask for repetition? / Yes / Sometimes / No
Does the child appear to be a good listener? / Yes / Sometimes / No
Has the child ever been found to have a hearing loss? Yes No
Explain previous hearing tests and results: ______
Does the child wear hearing aids? Yes No
If yes, please explain:______
Has the child ever been seen by an ear specialist physician (ENT/Otolaryngologist)? Yes No
For what reason? ______
Do any blood relatives (siblings, parents, grandparents, cousins, aunts/uncles) have hearing loss?
If yes, please describe______ Yes No
Please describe any concerns regarding the child’s listening/hearing abilities: ______
Name of school/pre-school:______Phone:______
Address:______City: ______ZIP: ______
Grade enrolled: ______Placement: Regular Resource Special education
Please describe any academic support services, tutoring, special classes, or therapy that your child receives in school: ______
Has an IFSP, IEP, or 504 Plan been completed? (If yes, when? ______) Yes No
Primary teacher:______Resource/Special Ed. Teacher:______
School performance is: Excellent Good Fair Poor
Has the child ever failed or repeated a grade? Yes No
If yes, please explain:______
Has the child had any academic or other problems in school? / Yes / NoIf yes, please explain:______
In what school subjects does the child have particular difficulty?______
In what school subjects does the child do well?______
Does the child have difficulty sounding out words when reading? / Yes / No
Does the child have difficulty understanding what he/she reads? / Yes / No
Does the child have difficulty recalling what he/she has read? / Yes / No
Does the child have difficulty spelling after adequate practice? / Yes / No
Does the child have difficulty writing complete sentences or paragraphs? / Yes / No
Does the child become distracted easily in the classroom? / Yes / No
Does the child have difficulty paying attention during teacher instruction? / Yes / No
Does the child readily follow the teacher’s directions? / Yes / No
Does the child have difficulty completing in-class assignments? / Yes / No
Does the child know and understand homework assignments? / Yes / No
Please provide any other information or describe any other concerns you may have at this time.
Please list the names and contact information for physicians, clinics, schools, teachers, therapists, or other professionals who are involved with or are providing services to this child. Check the box if you would like that person to receive a report of this evaluation
NAME/AGENCY / ADDRESS (include city & zip code) / PHONE / REPORT?Please provide the ASU Speech and Hearing Clinic with any previous reports from other agencies about your child’s pertinent medical, educational, psychological, hearing and speech-language status. If you do not have copies of these reports, please add those agencies to the above table, and sign below to indicate we have permission to contact them to gather necessary information.
I give my permission for the ASU Speech and Hearing Clinic to contact teachers, physicians, and professionals/agencies listed above to obtain information about my child’s communication and learning abilities.
Signature of Parent/Guardian:______Date: ______