United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA), Chair
Applicants pack
November, 2017
This applicant pack can be provided in other formats upon request. Please email
The Organisation:
The UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) is one of the world’s leading research organisations supporting the development of fusion energy. Its primary mission is to lead the commercial development of fusion power and related technology and position the UK as a leader in sustainable nuclear energy. Fusion research is managed at the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE).
The Board have recently agreed 5 goals in support of this mission:
Goal 1: Maintain the UK position as a world leader in fusion research
Goal 2: Realise jobs and upskilling through growth in UK industry
Goal 3: Grow the UK’s nuclear materials and technology capability
Goal 4: Design the first fusion power plant
Goal 5: Develop Harwell and Culham sites as Science and Innovation Centres
See UKAEA Mission & Goals booklet (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-future-is-bright
UKAEA has 1180 staff and agency supplied workers, including world-leading scientists and engineers, fostering close links with international partners, industry and academic institutions; it also supports the development of the Culham Science Centre and Harwell science, innovation, technology and business campus. It is a Non-Departmental Public Body sponsored by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).
The ongoing activities of UKAEA include:
· Operating the Joint European Torus (JET), Europe’s premier fusion facility, under a contract with the European Commission;
· Managing the UK fusion research programme, including a major upgrade to the Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak (MAST) device, due to start operations in late 2017. This programme is funded by a new 5-year grant from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC);
· Development of new facilities on the Culham site, including the recently completed RACE (Remote Handling in Challenging Environments, MRF (Materials Research Facility) and OAS (Oxfordshire Advanced Skills apprentice training centre) and other facilities. These new facilities are crucial to supporting the breadth of research areas necessary to design fusion reactors, including plasma physics, fusion technology, materials science, tritium capability and robotic maintenance
· Ownership and management of the Culham Science Centre, freehold ownership of most of the Harwell campus and a share in the joint venture (with STFC and a private sector partner) to continue the development of the Harwell campus as a vibrant science, innovation, technology and business campus;
· A business development programme, in both fusion and beyond including areas such as materials, neutronics, tritium handling, advanced computing and modelling, as well as work for International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) (see below); and
· Management of historic liabilities, and of UKAEA’s pension schemes
ITER is a global scientific collaboration to prove the feasibility of energy from fusion on an industrial scale. Construction of the ITER facility is underway in the south of France. Europe’s domestic agency for ITER procurement, Fusion for Energy, allocates grants and contracts to fusion laboratories and industry to complete the research and design for specialist ITER systems and construction of major components and UKAEA, together with UK industry, has been successful in winning several of these grants or contracts.
UKAEA currently manages an overall budget of around £100m, with income primarily received through Euratom UKAEA currently manages and EPSRC programme funding, with additional capital funding from Government.
Position Title: United Kingdom Atomic Energy Chair
The Role:
The Chair, with the Chief Executive and the Non-executive Directors, is responsible for:
· contributing to and overseeing UKAEA’s strategy for discharging its objectives, within the overall framework of Government policy;
· monitoring the forward work programme and effective execution of the Board’s decisions through the Chief Executive;
· ensuring the effective overall operation and governance of UKAEA, encouraging high standards of propriety, and developing and maintaining the staff capabilities and resources to deliver UKAEA’s mission.
· supporting the Executive Team in securing sustainable funding, from UK, European and potentially other overseas sources, to support UKAEA’s work; and
· being a strong advocate for the UKAEA to key stakeholders, the public and representing it at various events.
· Supporting the CEO in dealings with ministers, senior officials, European and UK funders and other stakeholders.
The Chair position also carries specific responsibility to chair the board meetings, strategic planning meetings and other ad hoc preparatory meetings relating to board matters. Specifically, to:
· Ensure that future strategies for the UKAEA are in place, moving towards development of nuclear fusion and associated technologies;
· Ensure that the Executive establishes the programmes and projects to deliver against these strategies;
· Ensure that the Board takes appropriate action in supporting the Executive in its activities;
· Ensure that the UKAEA’s governance and assurance regimes are fit for purpose, are consistent with ‘Managing Public Money’ and associated government guidance, and continue to provide the Board with the assurance it requires;
· Represent the UKAEA in the UK and occasionally abroad, ensuring that stakeholders in governments, industry and academia etc. are aware of the UKAEA and its strategies; and
· Annually review the performance of individual board members and work with BEIS to plan for board vacancies.
The Person Specification
We are seeking candidates with the ability to lead a substantial and complex organisation with experience of one or more of the following national and/ or international areas:
· Technology-based commercial business
· Universities and other leading scientific research establishments
· Scientific/technology research funding organisation
· Science/ energy policy role in government
· Technology commercialisation/ transfer role
Additional essential criteria:
· Demonstrate the ability to operate at senior management or non-executive director level in a scientific/technology-based organisation.
· Ability to work at a senior level with the public-sector, including the ability to broker public-private partnerships in Research and Development.
· Ability to exercise judgement across a range of policy areas and strategic management issues.
· Good existing networks of contacts within the technology/research sector and credibility with funding providers/ or the ability to establish this credibility.
· Strong interest in the UKAEA’s areas of research and technology. Detailed knowledge of these is not essential
· Strong commitment to promoting diversity
Desirable criteria:
· Physical sciences /engineering background
· Understanding of financial planning and risk management, particularly relating to programme assurance
Awareness of the public-sector funding environment for science and technology
Terms of Appointment:
· The appointment is for a three- year fixed term with the possibility of an extension.
· There is a degree of flexibility in the role, but at least 25 days a year will be required. The Board normally meets five to six times a year. The Chair also attends the Remuneration Committee and Audit Committee, which meet four times a year, with three of the four meetings being held on the same day as, or the day before, Board meetings.
· Most Board and Committee meetings are held at the UKAEA’s headquarters at Culham, Abingdon, Oxon.
· This is a part time non-executive appointment for which an honorarium is paid through PAYE. The rate for the Chair is £25,000 a year. Travel and other reasonable expenses will be paid in accordance with the UKAEA’s Conditions of Employment. There is no entitlement to pension, holiday pay, sick pay etc.
· SC security clearance will be required.
The closing date for applications is 4 January 2018 at 11pm.
Information on the timetable for this campaign, requisite security clearance, and the Advisory Assessment Panel can be found on the Centre for Public Appointments webpage for this vacancy - https://publicappointments.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/appointment/united-kingdom-atomic-energy-authority-non-executive-chair/.
Late applications will not be accepted.
Please submit the following documents by email to
· A Covering Letter
· A CV
· Candidates Application form
· Diversity Monitoring form
Please ensure that you include “United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) Chair” in the subject box. Alternatively, you can send your application in hard copy to:
Public Appointments Team, 7th Floor, Spur 2, 1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ET
Applications will be acknowledged upon receipt.
Applicant packs can be provided in other formats upon request.
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The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy is committed to the principle of public appointments on merit with independent assessment, openness and fairness of process and to providing equal opportunities for all.
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In 1995, the Committee on Standards in Public Life defined seven principles which should underpin the actions of all who serve the public in any way.
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